open sea

Chapter 1271

Chapter 1271

Zhou Sijing is not compassionate.

It's just that the status quo of the steam office is not booming.

Civilian iron oxen are bought for a small number of large manor owners for fun. In most of the less developed state capitals, it is more cost-effective to hire people than to buy machines. The government also supports and even forces them to hire people.

In a small county with only ten thousand households under the rule of one, most industries are saturated with only a few dozen practitioners under extremely small demand. For example, there are only a few beggars in the county, so many restaurants, and so many markets. Big, each of a dozen or so practitioners can eat so much food every day, if there are more, it will be embarrassing, and I can only let you go to the countryside to fend for yourself.

A theater troupe and a band for weddings and ceremonies only need a dozen people. A couple of people who understand Feng Shui and can read cemeteries can eat up the entire market, and no matter how many people there are, they can only change their careers.

If it weren't for the fact that there were too many people who knew how to read cemeteries in Fengcheng, Jiangxi back then, how could Deng Zilong, who was born in a family of geologists, be reduced to the point where he almost starved to death?

I am a member of Fengcheng, how can the enemy of thousands of people compare with me?
The most people in the county are farmers, but there are land mergers inside and outside industry mergers, and the drought is rampant. Half of the self-cultivating farmers are not bad. You rich landlords should use machines to replace manpower at once, and let the people of this official go up Where can I beg for work?

The examination method of the imperial court is to test how much tax you collect under your rule, how many old people and how many filial sons and virtuous grandchildren there are in your place, the completion of the apportionment duties of the six ministries, the implementation of public expenditures by the local government, and whether rich landlords hide their land registrations. But it does not examine whether the people have arable land, because at the court level this question has no solution.

There are always all kinds of people in the world. Even if the imperial court equalizes the rich and the poor, some people will lose their land in the next year, but the local officials can't ignore it.

It is an extremely mean and irresponsible statement to say that the people are a mob, but even in a state of absolute equality, there are indeed some who are fast and some who are slow in the pursuit of wealth, and the government cannot be the same Discount all the fast legs.

They are just suggestions, and they can only suggest that those who run fast will help those behind, those who are judges themselves will grab those who are spread on the ground, encourage those who walk slowly, and the most important thing is to give encouragement to those who cannot run. He continued to run, and was about to collapse for a glass of water if he couldn't move.

Those who don’t have enough to eat wait first, let those who have not eaten hang their lives first, and then turn around and refill the handful of rice that has been interrupted.

Once the big landlords use the steam engine, it is equivalent to smashing the jobs of those who are not full.

Therefore, a considerable number of officials are extremely opposed to the use of steam engines by big landlords.

It doesn't even matter whether they are Confucian scholars or not, just because they are human beings. When a new force appears, not a fire under the stove but only a small number of people, are they officials of the Ming Dynasty? It doesn't matter if it's a steam engine or an artificial intelligence, it just matters that they are people.

As a human being, there will be both supporters and opponents of new things.

Local magistrates, prefectures, and even magistrates around the world have issued an endless stream of local laws for this purpose. Some directly prohibit landlords from using steam engines; Some require the landlord to use one steam engine for the number of acres of wasteland reclaimed by the government; or use one steam engine to hire as many tenants as possible, and stipulate the minimum labor cost.

In addition, the county magistrate set up a small iron ox to release the county government for the benefit of the people, and installed a big stone mill at the junction of each township. Efficiency solves the problem of grinding noodles for people who can't afford donkeys at one time, and while doing some practical things, it also wins some political achievements and official reputation for itself.

All this is not a good sign in Zhou Sijing's eyes.

"There are more and more railways to be repaired by the imperial court. As Shan Zhou knows now, the rails of Mr. Xu of the iron factory have been transported to the outside of the customs by Qinglong Army train. It is estimated that the road will be repaired in Guihua City, from Changping in Guannei to Yanqingwei, and Shuntian Mansion has imposed corvée."

Zhou Sijing put down his pen and pressed his palm heavily on the table, hoping to make the other government officials realize the seriousness of the problem, and said: "Changping goes south via Zhenbao Town to Wu'an, Jingying joins in road construction; Datong goes north Going out of customs to Jining, and going south to Taiyuan and Changzhi, they are all under construction. Changzhi and Wu'an are important places for iron production and wrought iron, and Shanxi is an important place for coal."

"What does this mean? It means that these roads are not the emperor's purpose. These roads are just for His Majesty to send food and grass before the army moves, and the prince of Shu in Chengdu also joins in the fun. The size of the railway tracks is going to be gone. Please ask the emperor to dial Experienced craftsmen will repair the railway in Sichuan at their own expense and lead it to Xi'an Prefecture."

"Like post roads, railways will one day spread all over the world."

When Zhou Sijing said this, his tone was filled with deep sadness and anxiety, but some of his subordinates and colleagues were always reluctant to open their eyes and applauded in surprise: "Good thing, what are you dissatisfied with, boss?"

The most irritating thing for Zhou Sijing is that there are still people who agree: "Yes, sir, so the orders will keep coming! The steam office will also be more important in the court."

"Of course it's a good thing, but there are two problems. One is that it's too fast. His Majesty wants to customize the current Qinglong. All the round-trip tracks, stops at land coal stations, and trucks are all customized with the current Qinglong. But you Do you think the current Azure Dragon is customized?"

"When he runs, you can't even make him stop steadily within a hundred steps. In the past two years, someone in Guangzhou has known to run off the track more than [-] times. He is a green dragon in the track, and an evil dragon when he is off the track. It’s not that the car overturned and the goods were smashed, there was even a Qinglong going back and forth between two parallel roads derailed and crashed into one at the same time, is it the fourth factory?”

"I remember the suggestion given to me by the head of the fourth factory last year was to change the cab to the back, so as to prevent Yushou from being injured or even killed after being derailed. Is it only Yushou that I want to protect?"

In the current situation, it is quite common for the Qinglong to run off the track, because those land coal stations are the parking stations, and the military column has to slow down before approaching the land coal station, and finally hit a section of Qinglong military column shovel at a very slow taxiing speed The wooden stakes made by inverted molding are made of century-old Japanese cedar wood, and there are track dents on the bottom. As long as the car starts to slow down, it will push it forward and stop on the track.

The garrison of the Land Coal Institute then used a large lever to hoist the wooden pile and drag it to one side, while the winch suspension lever on the other side hooked baskets of pre-loaded coal and placed them in the coal box without a roof behind the front of the car. .

After finishing all this, two four-horse trailers on both sides of the track will pull the military column forward and run forward to give the military column a speed to save time. After running for more than ten miles, the vehicle will heat up, and the turner will untie the hook cable hooked on the front of the vehicle. , The hands of the four-horse trailer returned separately to both sides of the track.

This is already improved. Each carriage, including the cargo compartment, has a dedicated person responsible for the brakes. The brake tools are two huge iron rods in the front of the carriage, pointing diagonally backward. There is a shaft at the bottom of the carriage, and the other end of the shaft is parallel to the ground. A long rod at the rear of the car that connects the cast iron tiles on the outside of each wheel.

Once the brake command is sent from the front of the car, the red glass cover lights in the car will light up, and the two brake workers in each car will push and pull the brake lever vertically with all their strength.

Wanli specially enacted a law, soldiers and civilians along the way who steal railroad tracks and wooden rails, normal compensation for losses, loss of life and confiscation of property, especially those who use physical dismantling and transportation, which is a unique modus operandi, will be punished as brakes. , with wages, not hereditary, one job is a lifetime.

A serious iron rice bowl.

(End of this chapter)

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