open sea

Chapter 1272 Visit

Chapter 1272 Visit
Chen Mu is like a traveling frog to Wanli.

Every once in a while, there will be letters across the ocean, sending a few letters to Wanli, with some souvenirs attached.

The souvenirs from the 11th year of Wanli came later than before. It took a long time for the Oriental military government to confirm that there was no plague in Asia, and then sent the fleet back.

This time, Chen Mu had two main purposes in the letter. One was to remind the court that it was time to select a minister to succeed him in charge of the East; the other was to ask the emperor how the domestic education reform was going.

Educational reform is absolutely what Wanli is most proud of.

The Ming Empire has a lot of things to offer, no matter the invincible sailing warships on the world's oceans, the tiger-walking Europa's Beiyang Army Division, the airship Flying Fish raised in the north of the Great Wall, or the Azure Dragon Army Columns in the Great Wall, they are all unparalleled in the world, but these It is not Wanli's own merit.

His achievements are the integration of government and private schools, registering, repairing, reorganizing, and building more than [-] primary schools in the two capitals and thirteen provinces.

These primary schools have not yet produced any graduates, but it can enroll 10,000+ school-age children and teenagers across the country every year. This is an absolute achievement in Wanli's view, even if the internal library is nearly emptied for this.

When Chen Mu asked about education reform, it really scratched his itchy spot across the Pacific Ocean. He wrote a long letter that day, telling Chen Mu about his reform experience in a self-proclaimed way—in fact, he has no experience, only spending money. , The imperial court spent money, the East Factory supervised the officials, the Jinyiwei supervised the East Factory, the West Factory supervised the Jinyiwei, and the supervisory censor supervised the West Factory, forming a closed loop around the circle.

Use a lot of manpower to ensure that financial resources are not consumed additionally.

Excited Wanli stopped writing letters in Tsinghua Garden, standing up from time to time and taking square steps to sing praises to himself.

He is indeed worthy of pride. There is no way to share the great joy that is suppressed in his heart. He even couldn't help but tell Chen Mu before he returned to the country that the Ming Empire will build wood-iron composite tracks on every inch of land that can be repaired. With a big wave of his hand, he told Chen Mu in the letter that the Northeast Railway was left for him to come back to repair, and it would be repaired all the way to Wangxia Prefecture in the future.

Although all of this is just a beautiful blueprint in Daming, in fact, apart from the Wulianghai Railway and the two sections of the Yanqingwei-Datong Railway that can be put into use within a year or two, they are mainly concentrated in the relatively flat North China Plain.

It is not easy to repair Henan after passing Kaifeng Mansion and going west. It is easy to build roads. It is even easier to use the existing railways to build down the road than to build post roads and official roads. It's useless to come out, Qinglong can't go up.

It's not that the current Qinglong doesn't have the ability to climb slopes. It has the ability to climb slopes that are indistinguishable to the naked eye.

But the gentle slopes that people can feel are generally impossible to climb.

The only Qinglong locomotive that can climb gentle slopes is an early model that pursued speed and capacity. The locomotive has a small self-weight, light load, and high speed. It can carry three car workers, including Yuzhe, and eight passengers on a daily journey of [-] Ninety miles, this speed can be called Hurricane, right?But this is the maximum number of people it can carry, because the original intention of its design is not to add a carriage. The passenger compartment is integrated with the cab and the front of the car. The original intention of the design is to replace one or two horses with a steam engine carriage.

After mounting five carriages, its speed is even slower than that of the latest Qinglong Army train with fifteen carriages.

But Wanli doesn't care about these, he has no problems in his eyes, and the meaning of all problems is to be overcome.

In the middle of writing the letter with Chen Mu, Master Wanli had a big brain hole and wanted to go to Zhang Juzheng to talk about education reform with Zhang Ge who was half-retired at home. He planned to change the imperial examinations before the first batch of primary school students completed the school system. .

Sometimes for this person, life is just a matter of heart.

In the past, Zhang Juzheng had always been reluctant to delegate power. Firstly, the external conditions did not allow it, and secondly, he also had this kind of ambition in his heart.

As for the consequences and end, Zhang Juzheng never thought about it.

It's not that I don't know what to think, or I don't know what I know but I don't want to on purpose, but that there is no need to think about it.

What was said but not said, what was done but not done, and what was not done, what else is there to think about when it comes to him?

As the saying goes, life is like a tripod, and death is a marquis, and death is not a marquis——Zhang Juzheng really doesn't want to be a marquis.

It's like giving Chen Mu an overseas king. He has always been the one who gave others the title, and the price of himself has dropped.

But this time, Chen Shigong was allowed to treat and recuperate, and Zhang Juzheng's anger was also paused when he was suddenly idle, as if he finally saw the results of the reform: he seemed to be able to do it when he was idle.

Although the chosen successor is immature, he seems to have a positive mind.

Don't get me wrong, Zhang Juzheng has surpassed the status of chief assistant and college student. The successor he has chosen is neither Zhang Siwei from the Shanxi Gang, nor Shen Shixing, who is not strong enough. If they are the successors, then Zhang Juzheng will start preparing to change some rules , so that the rules of officialdom are more suitable for the successor to take power.

But he didn't. What he represented was never the interests of the civil official group, and he was not planning to create a powerful minister from the civil official group after himself. The successor he chose was Emperor Wanli.

Although he watched Wanli gossip in the past two years, Zhang Juzheng saw something new in the actions of Daxing Railway and Da Iron Works.

Of course, Wanli's unannounced entry into Zhang Juzheng's house this time also allowed Wanli to see something new.

This afternoon Zhang Ju was compiling books in his study, when You Qi came to report in a panic: "Master, Eunuch Wu has sealed off the street in front of the door, and the police have been dispatched."

Zhang Juzheng put down his pen and said in a daze: "Your Majesty is coming?"

As soon as the words fell, an eunuch reported to the door in front of the mansion with a high-pitched voice.

Shocked, Zhang Juzheng hurriedly asked You Qi to call the whole family to meet the emperor in the front yard.

In the courtyard of Zhangge’s hometown, eunuchs Wu and the Imperial Army had already stood in groups of three in various pavilions, ten steps, one post, five steps and one sentry. By the pool, lightly armored imperial forest warriors in scarlet python robes, short-sleeved chain mail, chain mail skirts, and high-topped bowls with copper patterns stood on the left and right with sheathed imperial swords on their shoulders. The bird gunner in the middle suit wearing a composite breastplate stepped onto the pavilion, staring at the left and right.

Right in front of him, the big sleeves of the bright yellow sun and moon robe were tied up like a military uniform, and Wanli, who was covered with a dragon-pattern composite breastplate, raised his hand to untie his bowl and his neck, and held the red-tasseled helmet and spear hanging from the bowl. He took off the helmet and handed it to the eunuch who was holding the dust whisk behind him, and walked around the courtyard with his hands behind his back, looking at the yard of Zhang Juzheng's house.

He raised his hand to caress the glass-covered square lamp in front of the rockery, tapped it twice, looked at the strange stones in the yard and the servants who came and went kneeling three rows to the left and three rows to the right, and shook his head with a complex expression .

 Good afternoon, I slept too much yesterday, I didn't plan to sleep for so long, but I even asked for leave in advance, I'm really sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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