open sea

Chapter 1344 Toughness

Chapter 1344 Toughness
"The emperor of Ming Dynasty, does he support Catholicism?"

Facing the temptation of the old thirteen, Chen Ju, with a high demeanor, slowly smoothed the folds of the silk robe bound by the iron arm, and shook his head inscrutablely.

He said: "Your Majesty is still waiting and watching. It is Chen Shuai, the Minister of the East, who ordered us men to come and tell you the news."

The interpreter frowned with difficulty, racking his brains and wondering how to translate "our man". The translator pondered for a few seconds, and the old thirteen's heart was lifted to the sky.

Finally, the translator decided to skip this complicated vocabulary and make the Roman priest's heart sink back into his stomach, and he couldn't stop nodding: "It's General Chen, General Chen."

There is no doubt that in Europa, Chen Mu's name is as impressive as the emperor he always remembers, and even in a sense, this name is more terrifying than the emperor.

The emperor may also make people have some strange assumptions.

It's like the beautiful fantasy of an emperor in a distant country in the East living in a palace where porcelain flows in the river and sheep grows in the trees covered in silk.

When it comes to Chen Mu, everyone will only think of war, the Chinese warships sailing across the seven seas, the invincible Eastern Banner Army and their inexhaustible gunpowder.

Which is more respectable is unknown, but which is more awesome is obvious.

The emperor of Ming Dynasty hadn't slapped Europa yet, even if he gave dates, they weren't that sweet. Chen Mu was different.

It was a huge, incomparably huge sense of happiness, like a hammer thrown by the strongest blacksmith, and fell on the head of the Roman priest Thirteenth.

It almost makes people cry with joy, this jujube is so fucking sweet!

Think about it, this is not an olive branch dipped in poison suddenly thrown by an evenly matched enemy, but an elephant looking down at the sloth in front of it carefully, and shaking its nose approvingly: 'I think you are good! '

This is even enough to give the sloth the illusion that it will soon be climbing on the back of an elephant.

Few people are content, and it is normal to look at Shu from Long. At this time, I heard Chen Ju personally say that it is Chen Mu who supports Catholicism. Even the Medici, who was buried in the plate, raised his head and listened carefully. conversation.

I saw the priest, Old Thirteen, bowing his head and raising his eyes, wrinkling several forehead lines on his forehead, and asked, "Since General Chen supports Catholicism, maybe he can convert his followers to my lord?"

This is probably the greatest wish of every bishop, especially the old thirteen.

Since the eldest son went west, for 300 years, news from the far east has spread to Europe intermittently. If a bishop of Rome thinks otherwise, he is undoubtedly dereliction of duty and unworthy of this position.

And whoever can achieve this wish will undoubtedly become the greatest Patriarch.

Especially the old thirteen, during his ten years in power, he went to sea with the Ming army, and almost wiped out the dioceses set up by his predecessor outside Europe... The interior of Europe has nothing to do with the Ming army, and it is almost lost.

The Protestant family in England is dominant, the Netherlands is Protestant because of deliberate indulgence, the Calvinist Reformation blossomed from the center of Geneva to France and set off religious wars, and Germany is the stronghold of Lutheranism.

The old thirteen has always been worried that he will be written into history because of his mediocrity. The approval from Daming Chen Mu is undoubtedly a shot in the arm, almost blowing the old man's weak heart.

Chen Ju blinked, the circle of rubies on the black gauze hat was very conspicuous, and a very bright smile appeared under the brim of the hat.

He said in his heart: Hey!The white-bearded old thief looked ugly, but he thought it was pretty.

Chen Ju's smile is very special, ordinary men can't smile like this like a woman, and the moment he lowered his head and eyes, he was a little shy, and said: "You have the final say."

However, the interpreter had just begun to speak, and the inadvertent obsequiousness of the Buddha here has been completely subdued. He put his hands around the cricket cage around his waist and raised his chin lightly. A servant from the eunuch offered Makino cigarettes, and he was in a trance in the Medici. In his eyes, he lit up the lighter.

In the smoke, Master Buddha coughed lightly, held a cigarette between his two fingers and said to the Pope: "So that the priest will know, Chen Shuai has explained this matter to me a long time ago, and he knows that Your Excellency will definitely ask this question, saying that the relationship between people is based on mutual respect." , but there are different customs and customs in the world, sometimes a kind of respect is not only not enough, but also leads to misunderstandings and enemies."

"For example, I, Chen Shuai, fought against the Western Army in Changsheng in the early years. The Second Ming-Xi War was a misunderstanding. This time, in order to avoid misunderstandings, Chen Shuai has two plans for your Excellency's desire for my Ming people to convert."

Speaking of this, Chen Ju deliberately smiled, and added: "The commander-in-chief's order is a bit long, don't interrupt after I finish speaking, if there are any omissions, it's not good if you sign the agreement at that time and it doesn't count."

"First, the Roman priests are the messengers of the gods walking in the world, and they must come from among the believers of the gods. If the Ming Dynasty converts, the Roman priests also need to make all the believers join the Ming Dynasty as an equal condition. In addition, the Roman priests should be performed by us. The emperor of the Ming Dynasty chooses and appoints, and the teachings are also changed by the imperial court. This is called adapting measures to local conditions, and the world can be unified."

"However, Your Excellency Chen Shuai has done a lot of hard work, and the next Roman priest will be appointed by the emperor. On the day the treaty is concluded, the Holy See will move eastward to Mexico City, and the construction of the teaching city will also be undertaken by the imperial court."

"As for the reason, my generation is strong and the other generation is weak, my generation is more than the other generation, and the emperor is the emperor of the people in the world. Even though the Roman priests are honorable, they are still human beings. As human beings, they belong to the emperor's management."

Following Chen Ju's pauses and the interpreter's cadenced announcement, the old thirteen swallowed slowly, raised his wine glass anxiously and took two sips, but was almost choked, and coughed lightly a little bit in embarrassment.

It was only then that he realized that Daming's jujube was as sweet as it was sweet, but it was a bit too big, so big that it looked like a stick that could knock people unconscious and kill them.

This sounds very in line with Chen Mu's disposition, but it is not Daming who converts to God, it is God who converts to Daming.

This proposal that sounded like wishful thinking was obviously not accepted. The Grand Duke Medici laughed and felt that he was about to leave the meeting angrily. However, the Roman priest Thirteen was so nervous that his forehead was sweating. Come.

People who have reached the highest level of religion often pretend to be ignorant, even many people in the midst of it.

Pope Urban II set off the Crusades, saying that what is here is nothing but sorrow and poverty, but what is there is joy and abundance. Those who join the Crusades will go directly to heaven after death and do not have to suffer in purgatory. Refinement—why didn’t he go by himself?
Most of those who went there also knew very well that what drove them to go on an expedition was not the exemption from purgatory, but that peasants and urban poor who could not pay their debts could be exempted from paying interest on their debts and exempted from paying taxes if they went out for more than one year.

Just like Zheng Shuo of the Han pirates, how much natural respect do they have for the emperor?It just represents the supply and natural legality of most of the world, so that they realize that it is much better to respect Zhengshuo and the emperor than not to respect them.

Human beings can have tenacious beliefs or not, and the benefits of facts can indeed make people's beliefs out of thin air and more tenacious.

The Roman priest just thought carefully about the dioceses. For a proposal like this, as long as one place is willing to agree, the situation will be very unfavorable to him.

The bad thing is that after some thinking, it seems that there really is.

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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