open sea

Chapter 1345 Retro

Chapter 1345 Retro
At least it seemed that Philip of Spain would be in favor of another Roman priest.

And maybe they will raise objections with a smile on their faces, that Mexico City is too far away, the new Holy See should be moved to Cuba, and it is a wise choice to directly reorganize the Indian Affairs Committee on the spot.

Everyone will focus on the immediate interests, and ignore the fundamental question of whether Daming can control the new Holy See.

Even the old thirteen, who was covered in cold sweat, was only worried that the unbreakable foundation of the Holy See would be loosened due to Daming crossing the sea. This made him get out of the emotion of scaring himself. I am listening.

Although everyone knew that Chen Mu was a shameless king who made trouble for no reason, but he still had to give face, and he had to listen to it without saying a word.

Different ideas and different cultures leave a winner-take-all world.

I give you face in my way, but you can't feel it; you respect me in your way, but I can't understand it; everyone tries each other until the situation gets out of control, misunderstandings and deliberations are always there. All armed forces, everything will be resolved.

The greatest respect between countries is that I accumulate strength all the time, just to be able to fight with you on an equal footing.

As a collective of human beings, the country lives in the world, and it is not like Chen Ju fighting crickets around his waist. During the long time of preparing for the struggle, God has already allocated all the resources needed for the struggle.

"There is also the second one, which is to be more cautious before getting to know the other party fully. Delineate the Chu River and Han boundaries, religious freedom, the freedom of belief for you and others in the Ming Dynasty, and the freedom of non-belief for the people of the Ming Dynasty. There must be laws to follow in everything, unfortunately. My ancestors abolished corporal punishment."

When it came to the last sentence, the Roman priest Lao Thirteen and the Grand Duke Medici clearly felt that Chen Ju's words had a feeling of "it's cheaper for you", and they immediately heard him say: "Chen Shuai has an order to ask your Excellency to This is written into the church law, and there are some small items in the "Daming Wanli Wanguo Tongfa."

"Anyone who preaches to the people of Ming Dynasty or violates it will be excommunicated by the Roman priests, and the Ming Dynasty will be responsible for expelling him."

The chief priest and the Grand Duke of the Medici were confused by the interpreter, who said earlier that the ancestors of Ming Dynasty had abolished corporal punishment, and later said that they would be expelled from citizenship, and fearing that they would not understand, they added a sentence of musket killing: "Isn't corporal punishment abolished? "

"It's abolished. The death penalty is not a corporal punishment. It's not insulting or painful. It's over in one go, and the whole body can be left... Hey, let's not talk about that." After finishing the obligation, Chen Ju was obviously a little happy, and even his tone became cheerful , waved his hand and said: "It's more difficult for people to accept the obligation part, and that's the end of it. Based on this, which one would you like to choose?"

To be honest, neither choice was good for Roman Priest Thirteen.

Needless to say, the first one completely lost himself. If the old thirteen did this, he thought that he would be nailed to the pillar of shame in the history of the church in the future.

The second one is not good, mainly because of Europa's understanding of Chen Mu, this is definitely the beginning of his next military and political actions, and it seems that signing a treaty for him is just the beginning of signing the next treaty.

If Chen Mu had been an independent king, he would have been assassinated hundreds of times, but it was useless for him to rely on Da Ming to kill him.

"You say it's good for us, what's good for us?"

Chen Ju's black teeth were exposed when he squinted his eyes and smiled, raised his hand and nodded twice and said: "If the priest wants to benefit from himself, I suggest you choose the first one. If you choose this, you will be the number one priest in the world." Chief Priest, Daming is much better than this messy place, and you don’t have to worry about the oppression of the princes anymore.”

"And your sect will also leap from this humble place that no one knows to become a big sect comparable to Luo Jiao, and make a lot of money."

Luojiao, the sect of water transport workers, one of them later developed into the Green Gang.

Although he didn't say why he was the first one, the old thirteen couldn't understand the meaning of these words very well, and everything would be different.

"If you choose the second one, it's actually pretty good..."

Finally, the old thirteen was listening to him intently, when the Grand Duke Medici who was sitting on the side asked, "Why is Daming willing to give us the benefits? Instead of keeping it for himself?"

"Good question! Isn't it because your church is incompetent and unable to restrain believers? Spain and Portugal wantonly slaughtered indigenous people in Asia. I have read your scriptures, and what they are doing is human affairs?"

It was fine if Medici didn’t ask, but when Chen Ju asked, he got angry: “Your gods don’t teach you how in the books, you high priest, if you have any face, you would have hanged yourself in the city to thank the world. Is it your turn to see me?"

"You say they are barbarians, not human, because you are better than them, are you beasts?"

"There are also messy new sects, low-born Europeans and low-status merchants relying on atrocities to earn some money, so they want to use Protestantism to gain power; people abandon the old etiquette, and do not need priests' pardon after confession, and religious etiquette is lost. clean."

"The princes of all walks of life are busy seizing land to make huge profits, making the people of England and France miserable, and the world is in chaos, which seriously affects my Ming business route. If it weren't for this, would you think we would take care of you?"

Chen Ju said it was extremely angry, but in fact he was happier than eating candy with a smile in his heart. He felt a little bit of Chen Mu's fun, and said: "Chen Shuai sent me to see you for one purpose, and there are no rules. Fangyuan, if the church can't change the believers, Chen Shuai will come up with a sect himself."

"There is never a shortage of miracles in our place. The book in the belly of a fish, the cry of a fox, and the stone man in the Yellow River are all very suitable."

Old Thirteen's eyes lit up. It sounded like Chen Mu supported the church's property ownership and revival of ancient rituals. This was also a way to strengthen his authority. He quickly asked, "How?"

"The selection, rank, and promotion of monks must be strictly regulated, and no one can become a monk casually; the church property confiscated by the princes on the continent of Europa must be recovered as soon as possible. Why is no land strong and inferior."

"People have to fast, pilgrimage, have saints, and mass as they did in the past, especially restrict the power of merchants, so that they cannot conspire with the princes to seize religious property again. People must be devout to stabilize people's hearts in troubled times. Daming needs to stabilize people's hearts."

"Da Ming will set up a treaty port in the port of Rome. Every year, merchant ships will carry goods from Rome and Florence to Italy. The Eastern Military Government will allow you to collect [-]% of the profits as a tax to support you."

"In addition, Spain has military assistance. If necessary, you can also pay for the Eastern Army to hire soldiers who are not in service to form troops to intervene in the war for a short time. Of course, you also need to use your influence to let the princes from all walks of life submit to the war as soon as possible. The Vatican has sent envoys, and I will send them to Mexico when passing through Gibraltar again to attend Chen Shuai's meeting."

(End of this chapter)

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