open sea

Chapter 1349 Manpower

Chapter 1349 Manpower
The charm of a country is related to whether foreigners can feel a sense of superiority in their hearts after they come in.

If the Gentiles could, the country would have no charm at all.

All its endeavors will be the charms of the Gentiles themselves.

The real fascination is precisely the frustration, the immense, incomparable frustration, and the unspeakable envy of the Gentiles for the subjects of this country.

Humans are social animals with complex emotions, strict hierarchical division of labor, a strong sense of comparison, a need for a sense of belonging that must be possessed like air, and strangely strong self-abuse tendencies.

Lack of a sense of belonging leads to a lack of sense of security, and mutual comparison and hierarchical division of labor bring self-motivation, which makes people involuntarily want to blend in.

The self-abuse tendency common in human beings is that once you make up your mind to a certain goal, all costs in the process will become self-motivation to persevere. The higher the cost, the harder it is to give up the goal.

Objectively speaking, Zhu Xiaoen's treatment in Daming was not good, let alone how polite he was. What he talked about to the white tiger was actually just what he saw during the less than a ten-year stay in Beijing before and after accepting the canonization. everything.

At a glance, I'm afraid it will be longer than this.

For several years, he stayed in Beiyang. Even though the emperor named him the county king, people wanted to give him the honorable title of prince, and they could receive Lumi that belonged to him every month.

But he has been in Beiyang, and the person he is most familiar with is the teacher who teaches Chinese in the Military Academy. The dish he has eaten the most is patting cucumbers, and the farthest place he goes to on weekdays is Tianjin Wei.

Even if he had money, he couldn't spend it, so it ended up in Chen Mu's pocket, in exchange for a batch of military equipment for the Ming Dynasty to open up the territory.

Is Daming really as good as he imagined?
Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't, maybe it was much better than he imagined, but no matter what the result was, the Daming in Zhu Xiaoen's imagination must be different from the real Daming.

What the real Daming brought to Zhu Xiaoen was only a possibility.

Some people say that a bird in the hand is worse than a thousand birds in the forest, but this is not the same for 'possible'.

People think highly of themselves. When they see a bird in the woods, they believe that they can catch it in their hands. As for whether they can really do it, who cares?
The price spent in the process of catching birds will become a secret that will never be told to others. The lucky ones will be mentioned repeatedly in the limited years to come.

It's as if those prices are not losses, but glittering medals of merit, giving the ignorant an illusion that as long as they are willing to pay the price, they can always catch the bird.

There are always very few people who are proficient in bird hunting. The vast majority of people don't know how to catch birds. It is no longer ordinary people who can know where there are many birds to seize the opportunity.

This is exactly what Zhu Xiaoen saw in Daming. This great country has infinite possibilities. At the same time, he has no sense of belonging to this country. Say a few words about Liu Tang, but he dare not refute.

Even if it was a blatant slander, he still didn't dare to refute it directly, and at the same time he still agreed with Daming's approach in his heart - Daming is indeed the most powerful empire, and the people of Li should be restrained by officials, and they should also be restrained.

Regardless of whether Liu Tang or Duan Jingzhu, people will clearly recognize a reality: they are outsiders.

Since they are outsiders, they have to integrate. The more expensive it is to integrate, the better their perception of Daming will be.

People from Daming are highly respected because he is from Ming, while King Ailan is looked down upon because he is from from Alan. Only in this way will people want to blend in and be a Ming.

If, on the other hand, he is treated kindly, respected, and made to feel at home because he is from Alan, then all these charms come from the Kingdom of Alan, so what does it have to do with Daming?
The generals who came from all kingdoms in the Tang Dynasty were especially brave. Li Guangbi’s name was hidden in the Taimiao Temple, and his portrait was like Lingyan Pavilion. Does it have anything to do with his being a Khitan?Just because he is the number one in ZTE's military exploits, he has talent, and Datang can use it.

That's it.

The unfair treatment Zhu Xiaoen received in Daming, not only did not make him feel bad for Daming, but he was thinking every day when he returned to Alan Kingdom, whether he should ask the emperor to ask for death in Tianjin after the Alan Unification War is completed.

This kind of thing is not unheard of. Manaragananai, king of Luni, Batu Gebahaci, king of Sulu Kingdom, Walaidunben, king of Mala, and Shilibajiaolaja, king of Ceylon, were all buried in Daming. .

Zhu Xiaoen didn't think he would be the last one to make such a choice.

At this point, maybe Zhu Xiaoen and the White Tiger have reached the same goal by different routes. Whether they are fighting a unification war or doing business to get rich, their ultimate goal is to allow themselves to live as a Ming people in the land of the Ming Dynasty for the rest of their lives.

It's just that before that, he followed the white tiger to look around the swamp field, but he still didn't see any magic weapon that would help him take Dublin with his troops.

He could only see piles of peat mounds piled up in the wilderness like grave mounds, and the few sparse granaries seemed to only supply the natives of the White Horse tribe in Asia who worked for the White Tiger.

It seemed that the white tiger had no intention of preparing supplies for King Alan's army.

Then what did you bring me here for entertainment?

The white tiger pointed to the endless piles of peat and said: "Those are the luggage I want to hand over to the king. All the peat that has been dried can be taken away by the king. His subordinates have made carts. As long as the king's army pushes them away to the front line."

"The people in the villages around Dublin need peat to fertilize their potatoes, and they also need to prepare peat for heating this winter. No one on the entire island has the ability to produce peat on a large scale like me. Each of them can sell food to the king. .”

"No no no no no!"

I don't know where it touched Zhu Xiaoen's heartstrings, but the ordinary words of the white tiger made him suddenly shake his head one after another in fright, and said avoiding: "No, no, these things don't belong to me, I can't take them."

"And I don't have any land to give you. At the mouth of the river, I will give you a share of [-] shares of the entire island. Your company has not even reclaimed [-]% of the land."

"I can't give you any more land until you have cleared the land."

The white tiger shook his head and said, "I don't want to trade these peats for land. As the king said, the land of the White Horse Company is already abundant. What I need is not land, but people who can reclaim the land."

"I want all the captives that the king will fight in the next battle. As long as the king hands over the prisoners to me, every war in Ailan will be exchanged with the local people for the peat needed for supplies, and I, the white tiger, will supply them all."

(End of this chapter)

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