open sea

Chapter 1350 Captive

Chapter 1350 Captive
Soon, a secretary of Governor Gray, who was stationed in Dublin, Ireland, became aware of the military operations of the Kingdom of Alan.

The secretary was Edmund Spencer, the son of a wealthy draper who had been educated at Cambridge and liked to write poetry.

It is precisely because of this hobby that he was appreciated by Sir Philip Sidney and became a doorman, and recommended him to the Irish governor of England, Earl Greville, and followed the governor to Ireland.

Before he came, it was a rare and good job to be a secretary next to the governor of the Irish colony, living and working in the castle bestowed by the queen.

In addition to observing the people's sentiments, resettling immigrants, and collecting taxes from nobles in Ireland for the queen every year, he can spend a lot of time writing poems in the castle.

More money, less work, close to home.

However, since Edmund Spencer arrived here, the troubles have not stopped. First, the Earl of Tyrone County returned, and launched a massive annexation war from the north to the surrounding hereditary nobles.

Due to their lack of psychological preparation at that time, they did not think that the appearance of Sean O'Neill in Tyrone County would make the situation in England worse here, and they did not stop it.

As a result, in just half a year, the earls around Xiao En surrendered, those who were annexed were annexed, and there was not a single one left.

Then Sean announced to the whole of Ireland that he was Zhu Xiaoen, the king of the Kingdom of Alan, who was canonized by the Ming Emperor. He passed on Chinese characters in his collar, respected the Ming Emperor, trained elite soldiers, and raised his banner to expel the barbarians of England.

The Governor's Mansion finally realized that Xiao En had declared war on them.

In the ensuing war, weird phenomena kept happening in this land.

The Irish aristocrats who were still serving the Queen of England a while ago were beaten back and forth by the Alan Restoration Army on the battlefield.

The same group of people, after surrendering, lined up under the flag of the former Ming Dynasty and the later Ailan, and they will be able to turn around and defeat the nobles' enlisted troops in the next battle.

People are the same, but these Irish tribal fighters are unwilling to fight under the English flag, and the situation is better under Zhu Xiaoen.

They are all veterans who have experienced bloody battles. Sha eliminated the old and the weak, updated their equipment, and was even briefly trained in tactics by generals from the Eastern guerrilla army such as Han Jinhuan according to local conditions, teaching them military formation tactics suitable for small-scale combat by stragglers.

They may still be weak against the English army, but when fighting against the same Irish tribe, they are full of momentum.

War will change people's lives to the greatest extent. For Edmund Spencer, it is difficult for him to find time to compose poems, but it is not all bad.

Fortunately, there are more opportunities for him to go out, which also helps to think.

Dublin almost fell last year, with Zhu Xiaoen's besieging army outside and the bubonic plague raging inside. Fortunately, Zhu Xiaoen insisted on besieging the city, and finally the besieged camp was plagued by sickness, which allowed Dublin to remain strong under the Queen's rule until this year.

Secretary Edmund was on his way out of the city looking for creative materials, passing by villages and found that villagers all over the place were storing food. He thought it was likely that the Irish tribes were preparing rations for the Alan army to besiege the city.

When he reported this abnormal situation to Governor Gray, the latter insisted that Zhu Xiaoen was greatly affected by the plague last year. According to the poverty in northern Ireland, there will be no large-scale siege this year, and he thought his poet secretary was too nervous , advised him to relax a little.

In Edmund's view, this is not a matter of tension and relaxation. Veterans who have been in battle for a long time have their own experience and judgment, but the experience of others can never appease his fear-he is really afraid.

At the end of last year, the plague raged in the besieged city camp. While Zhu Xiaoen's main force of the Restoration Army was not in the camp, Earl Gray led the elite soldiers in the city to defeat the enemy with surprise attacks. can retreat as soon as possible.

In the camp where the Restoration Army was briefly stationed, they found a damaged artillery, collected 140 shells, and a large crater in the ground blasted by a large amount of gunpowder.

Earl Gray paid more attention to the artillery they found. Due to the Puli war, the Earl Governor was still unable to send the cannon bore fragments to the artillery factory in London for verification, but he had a bold guess. The batch of artillery is likely to be cast in one piece.

The inner layer is iron and the outer layer is copper, which is a very high technical means.

Edmund didn't pay attention to how the cannon was made, because regardless of how the cannon was made, they couldn't manufacture it on a large scale. They couldn't make cast iron cannons, but it was not difficult to cast copper cannons, and there was no shortage of them in Dublin. copper.

What they lack is not the technology of cast-iron cannons and the materials of cast-bronze cannons, nor is it the wealth to spend. What they lack is gunpowder.

These ten years were the most gunpowder-deficient decade in England. In the past, they could use wrought-iron swivel guns, that is, Franco cannons, to exchange nitrate with Morocco. Later, a man named Yang Ce came from the sea. Needless to say, he was buried at sea. A generation of navigators.

So he was more concerned about how much gunpowder the Alan rebels blew up at random, so that they could blow up the cannon, blow up the ship into a big hole, and allow a cannon to be equipped with 140 shells.

It’s okay not to ask, but once they found out, the rebels casually blew up the gunpowder reserves of all the musketeers in Dublin for half a month’s battle. In Edmund’s mind, they couldn’t fight this battle.

England's regained lost ground, I'm afraid it can't be recovered.

The fact that the English nobles used Irish soldiers to fight against the Elan rebels was a technical task in itself, and they could only form a large-scale infantry formation. Once they left the officer's eyeliner and supervision, their small units would become unreliable.

When the squads with the same equipment go to the rebels, they immediately become reliable. Not only do they have higher fighting morale, but they can also serve as flexible missions for the squad, and they don’t even need supervisory officers.

Even if those Irish tribal soldiers are ignorant mountain village wild men, they can recognize the most obvious problem:
The governor of Dublin, England, who once had the potential to rule the entire territory of Ireland, as long as he and the Alan rebels formed a confrontation, as long as they did not dare to take the initiative to attack Zhu Xiaoen, it meant that Zhu Xiaoen had won the war.

The world of the Irish is very small, so small that they realize that England is the most powerful country in the world. As for others saying that Spain is the most powerful country, it must be a lie. If Spain is really so powerful, how can it be impossible to prevent England from invading Ireland? Woolen cloth?

And this most powerful country wants to annex our Ireland, as long as our Alan Kingdom can stop him, it doesn't even need to win, as long as it can stop it, then Alan is undoubtedly very powerful.

Edmund could see this too.

The result of the war is to gather all the conditions that are beneficial to one's own side and destroy all the conditions that are beneficial to the enemy, making victory inevitable.

In Edmund's mind, it is necessary to collect the food hidden in the surrounding villages in the city in advance.

It was a lot of work, and hundreds of requisitioning parties were soon assembled from Dublin. They consisted of eight strong soldiers, led by an officer, and ran through the towns and tribes, taking everything they could see. food.

In this way, the peat field of the white tiger got the first batch of captive workers.

 Good morning! Chapter 2 will be released at noon.

(End of this chapter)

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