open sea

Chapter 1369 Chaos

Chapter 1369 Chaos

Civilization is training, it is against nature.

Sometimes civilization does not change with the times. In fact, as long as you give up training, civilization can quickly return to barbarism, and if you grasp the training, barbarism can quickly enter civilization.

Training can enable people to obtain all superhuman abilities.

It is natural to be afraid of creatures larger than oneself, and it is also the nature of infantry to be afraid of cavalry charges.

Similarly, the nature of not being afraid of cavalry charging is against nature, and a war horse that can ignore spear formations charging is also against nature, all of which can be obtained through training.

But the difference is that among the Ming army on the west bank of the Jinghe River, there are a small number of infantry who have received such training, while the yellow-headed Wusun cavalry who attacked them have not received such training.

Facing a row of urgently gathered infantrymen of the Long Live Army showing their sharp thorns, the most valiant horses were deterred, and stepped forward under the urging of the rider's whip tied to their wrists, and turned a corner when they approached the thorns.

This is almost just a momentary change, even the rider on horseback did not have time to take back his saber in exchange for a bow and arrow, but life and death only need a moment is enough, the rider on the horse was brought down by the bird gunners assembled behind, more long live When the army infantry assembled, they formed a circular array.

They bought precious time for the whole army, and inspired more people to bravely fight against the enemy.

The riders from the Mongolian grasslands rode on their horses, and the Wala infantry drew their bows and arrows to protect the heavy cavalry from the Mongolian grasslands wearing armor.

Any assassin should know the way to escape immediately if they miss a hit, but the leader of this yellow-headed Wusun cavalry is not willing to just retreat like this.

He admired these warriors who didn't know where they came from and dared to form a line formation in front of the galloping horses, but he couldn't understand how these people could stop his cavalry by relying on the thin line formation and the small dagger on the musket.

Not reconciled, he wanted to try again, but his subordinates couldn't do anything about it.

After one party broke common sense during the battle, the psychological blow to the other party was indescribable.

The nomadic tribes are real rabble, they are brave and tough, and they are braver than anyone else. The Khan said that if he went to rob today, he might be able to recruit [-] soldiers from [-] households.

But if Da Khan said that the most difficult moment has come now and everyone needs to work hard-then he probably is not Da Khan.

It's like a group of little brothers who are very loyal and gather together to drink and eat meat all day long. One day, after drinking a lot of wine, the eldest brother said that I didn't like this for a long time, so we went to beat him up.

One counts as one and all go.

But if the eldest brother says that I have been displeased with this person for a long time, I will kill him today.

One counts as one, whoever gets to be an idiot.

They have no restraint, they are not joining the army, and they don't know what is waiting for them when they set off with the leader on horseback, so if they win, they will advance rashly, and if they lose, they will be wiped out.

Their leader wanted them to enter the army, but the troops were unwilling, even if they also couldn't understand that the charging cavalry failed to break through the thin human wall, but the result was very clear in their eyes.

Many people died in the charging cavalry.

Despite the leader's repeated urging, only a few dozen cavalry rushed over in the end, not even as many as the Ming army's infantry line.

At this time, more and more infantrymen of the Ming army gathered in the firing formation, surrounded by Mongolian soldiers with bows and arrows, and riders mounted their horses one after another. The panic from the surprise attack had calmed down, and the most difficult moment was over.

The yellow-headed Wusun soldiers wielding sabers launched a second ferocious charge, and they were shot all over the ground without even touching anyone. The war horse launched a countercharge more than ten steps away.

Instead, the yellow-headed Wusun soldiers wandering on both sides of the camp opened the corrals to draw cattle and sheep, while attacking the flanking Mongolian soldiers.

The benefits of launching an attack are not good. If riding and shooting is not a high-speed maneuver, but in terms of projection ability, it is not comparable to the infantry behind the bunker, but the idea of ​​​​opening the corral is very effective.

I don't know who has a lack of heart and shoots an arrow into the pigsty, startling the pigs, leading a group of pig monsters screaming and charging towards the corral, much more ferocious than the yellow-headed Wusun's cavalry.

In an instant, white and fat sows were everywhere around the Qianhu camp of the former army. For a while, the big pigs knocked over the horses, and the horses kicked the pigs to death, mixed with Ming infantrymen holding guns and stabbing the cavalry nearby. To launch a counter-charge, the Mongolian infantry and light cavalry and the yellow-headed Wusun cavalry fight together, and you will kill me and I will kill you.

At this juncture, the leader who was moving his troops to attack again did not dare to make a sound, and those cavalrymen under him who did not want to charge up did not dare to jump themselves into the fire pit where people were kept, and they all Riding the horse back away.

The matter has come to this point, the leader did not dare to wait any longer, shouted to the camp a few times, regardless of whether his subordinates came back or not, he led his troops to withdraw immediately.

Those cavalry trapped in the battalion wanted to leave, but they couldn't even go if they wanted to. On the one hand, they were entangled to death by the Mongolian cavalry, and on the other hand, they were surrounded by pigs, cows, and sheep and couldn't find their way to the north.

What's more, the horses were frightened and kicked down, trampled to death by the livestock.

The entire battlefield is in chaos, and this meeting is no longer something you can leave if you want to.

Except for the cavalrymen of the Chinese army who charged straight ahead, more than a dozen lucky ones withdrew with the large troops that did not participate in the battle. More than 300 people had to fight and run again. Chasing more than ten miles is considered a big defeat.

The yellow-headed Wusun people who opened the corral on the left side finally survived 47 people, all of whom were injured. Either their arms and legs were broken by being trampled by horses, or their hearts, livers and lungs were pierced by cattle. Anyway, none of them survived.

Strictly speaking, if this battle had happened before Qi Jiguang reorganized his troops, the battle report would have been 100 to 420, killing 69 enemies, taking [-] prisoners, and wounding one person.

But now after the adaptation, even if people do not receive military pay, they are still registered soldiers, and the casualties have become 87 killed in battle and [-] injured.

The infantryman was the only one who was injured. He was kicked to the chest by an unowned horse when he launched a counter-charge with a blunderbuss. Fortunately, he was wearing armor, otherwise he would have been lying on the bed for at least a month.

Lying at this juncture, it is very likely that his future son will be commanded and envoys in Ili... Who knows where Qi Jiguang will lead the troops a few months later, and whether there will be any Kazakh Khanate in the world by then Said otherwise.

This battle brought a lot to the infantry of the Ming army who participated in the battle. The tactic of bludgeoning and charging is very familiar to the Beiyang Banner Army. The implementation of counter charge adds a rare experience.

But the one who gained the most was the yellow-headed Wusun cavalry that had changed history. Through collective efforts, they successfully pushed a khanate that had been established for more than a hundred years and had reached its peak in military and political influence to the abyss of destruction.

 Good morning!

  Chapter 2 will be posted in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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