open sea

Chapter 1370 Forgive

Chapter 1370 Forgive
"Zhu Yu's Qianhu Department of the former army was attacked?"

Qi Jiguang did not receive news from the north until the evening of the third day after the battle on the banks of the Jing River.

He was stationed in the Yili River Valley, taking care of the common people repairing the gates of the commander of Yili, while taking care of the military situation in both the north and the south.

Mainly in the south, Tong Deng and the soldiers on the three sides of Gansu are still in a state of war with the Yarkand Khanate after they captured Tubo. The latest news is that they are planning to attack the Tiemen Pass to prevent the Yarkand Khanate from exiting the pass. path of.

It is very difficult for them to settle down in one fell swoop. Aksu, Kashgar and other places are the important towns of Yarkand, separated from Tubo by the desert. Not only do they not have the ability to make expeditions, but they will still lack this ability for a long time to come.

It doesn't matter if there are few soldiers, and too many soldiers can't supply supplies. If they want to completely pacify them, according to the troops they can use, they must prepare at least [-] camels. But two days ago, Tong Deng wrote to discuss with Qi Jiguang. There is a way to collect a thousand camels for him. Now they only have camels in the early [-]s, and they are exhausted after walking halfway.

For today's plan, we can only attack the natural danger of Tiemen Pass nearby, and Chen Bing garrison the pass, Tubo, and Hami, the southern foothills of the Tianshan Mountains, so that Qi Jiguang's westward expedition can be worry-free.

As for the eternal troubles, there are only three possibilities. The first two can only be considered after at least three years. One is to wait for the imperial court to repair the railway from Gansu to Tubo. This kind of thing is possible in ten or twenty years At that time, the materials will be transported by animal power from Tubo, which can withstand the consumption of the army.

Second, at least three years to manage Tubo Hami, travel extensively to farm, you can try to send troops to fight a dozen, but the production capacity at that time can only allow the troops to march to the Aksu area to control the water source, at least until the second year. There are more reinforcements to continue the attack. If all goes well, maybe seven years will be able to reap all the achievements.

As for the last one, it took the shortest time. After Tong Deng captured the Tiemen Pass, he set up defenses on the spot to restrain Yaerqiang. Regardless of the Gobi, attack its hinterland, and immediately attack from both sides.

The last method is less difficult, but no one knows whether there is such a road, let alone what setbacks Qi Jiguang will encounter when he continues to advance westward in the Kazakh Khanate.

No, the troops have already fought the Kazakh Khanate before they go out.

The scouts went all the way south along the east bank of the Jing River, passing through Sailimu Lake and led by the local people into the criss-crossing mountain roads at the northern foot of Tianshan Mountain, and then sent the news to Qi Jiguang. Qi Jiguang was full of disbelief when he saw the battle report.

This news is too weird.

Recently, Qi Jiguang has been busy sending people to collect information about the Kazakh Khanate. He also sent scouts and soldiers to the west to enter the opponent's land to learn about their social structure, military organization, and land forces. However, the professionals sent out have not yet returned. .

The information collected from the people is also foggy.

But there is one thing that is certain, this khanate, which is only a hundred years old and claims to be the successor of the White Horde Khanate, is very powerful.

100 years ago, they rose from Mughalstan, which means the territory of the Mongols, and they were a tribe with a population of less than 20.

And its second-generation monarch defeated the Nogai Khanate and set its capital in Salechuk, making the Khanate a big tribe with millions of people. stern.

The westernmost point of its territory reaches the Black Sea, and the easternmost point is the Crystal River, which spans the vast land in the middle.

Its domestic ruler is the Great Khan, under the Great Khan, there are three Yuzi, the big, the middle, and the small, which are equivalent to provinces, and the small Khan is in command.

Below the province is Uruz, which is similar to the administrative districts of prefectures and counties.

There are many tribes under the prefecture and county, and the leader of each tribe is Sutan, who is a member of the royal family and the golden family. Each Sutan has Burke nobles who are in charge of military affairs.

There are about fifteen Aymaks under the tribe, which are equivalent to towns. The leaders and officials are elected by the localities. At the same time, each town has a small feudal lord who is similar to a knight, called Battle, who is the backbone of the war. Battle of the battle will single out to defeat the enemy generals.

Further down is the village, but the village is an account unit, and each account is a household, which is managed by the elders.

Its domestic force is abundant, and each tent must be equipped with five weapons: saber, bow and arrow, bone, spear, and axe. To participate in the rally, it must be fully armed, in other words, one soldier per household or even multiple soldiers per household.

not to be trifled.

But their strength is not the root cause of Qi Jiguang's surprise, but the main reason for Marshal Qi's surprise: "Why are they?"

Without further ado, just come up and do it.

Qi Jiguang simply thought it was strange.

Who is he?
He is Qi Jiguang of Dengzhou. In the 34th year of Jiajing, he was transferred to the capital of Zhejiang Province as a minister and a general.

He has always been the only one to deal with others, when will it be someone else's turn to beat him?
But Qi Jiguang is not Chen Mu, he is not so narrow-minded and not so revengeful. He is very old and knows that young people are prone to make mistakes, and young people can be forgiven for making mistakes.

Qi Jiguang had no other intentions. He knew very well that as the center of the Zhengxi Army, he hadn’t collected enough information, the scouts hadn’t returned yet, and the gunpowder from Tubo hadn’t been delivered yet. Their weapons parts and gunpowder reserves could only support them. Two big fights.

As a general, you can't let soldiers rush into battle when they are not fully prepared.

So he sent someone to tell Zhu Yu that the troops who left the west bank of the Jinghe River should withdraw.

Let him find a leader in the local area to let the successor of the White Horde Khanate think about it again, and don't regret it.

As long as you think about it, send official documents to apologize, send envoys to pay tribute, prepare food and grass for the heavenly army, and prepare thick burial coffins for soldiers who died in battle. Qi Jiguang came from a long way, there is no need to speak with swords and guns as soon as they meet, you can forgive them once.

At the same time, Grandpa Qi, who is 55 years old this year, drew his hands on the map and divided his troops into four groups. It took half a day for the Ministry of Thousand Households to transmit the news, and half a day to withdraw troops for preparations, and then marched all the way to Tianshan Road, moving to Sailimu Lake, also known as Jinghai.

He left the choice to the other party, because his soldiers were already ready to join a new war, and even he, the general, was adapting to the large number of newly joined soldiers who did not need military pay but only rewards.

For them, recuperation is completely unnecessary, all the enemies they want are there.

As for Daming, even if the worst happens, it may not be a bad thing.

Their army is about to leave the circle of influence in Greater China. The customs of the West are unknown to the Central Plains; the heroes of the Central Plains have never been heard of in the West.

We need to get to know each other.

Take a ten thousand step back and say, what about 30 armored strings.

Which one is weaker, the southern Japanese and the northern barbarians sweat profusely, and why don't they all lie down on the ground?

 Tomorrow's chapter may be a little later. The medical staff who were supported by friends in Wuhan have just been quarantined and cleaned up.

(End of this chapter)

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