open sea

Chapter 1371 Coming

Chapter 1371 Coming
Qi Jiguang's hope that the Kazakh Khanate would present itself to the emperor and send envoys to pay tribute fell through.

It wasn't that he angered Tavukal Khan, because the messenger couldn't deliver the letter to Tavukal Khan of Salechuk at all.

After the expedition killed Babai Khan, Tavukal Khan was busy collecting the Cossacks on the Ural River in Salechuk, but he was only curious about the land to the east, and he had no time to take care of it. Everything was left to Dayuzi Khan management.

Cossacks are not a nation in this era, but refer to free people. They escaped from Slavic, Tatar, Turkic and other ethnic groups, and formed groups freely. , is an outlaw who is good at surviving in the wild.

They are familiar with the small boats that can go on the rivers, and whoever they are, if they leave the tribe, the city, and join the bandits in the wild, they will be called Cossacks.

The living habits are basically the same as those written in the Water Margin.

Dayuzi Khan also ignored going to the east. In recent years, the expedition to the Nogai Khanate and Babai Khan caused the death of many tribal nobles. In order to inherit the tribes on the Ukrainian grasslands, there was another big fight in various places. The nobles plundered and killed each other. Greatly interfered with the normal communication network of the Khanate.

Before Zhu Yu's envoys recruited from the local area entered the Khanate, the entire team was wiped out by bandits rampaging on the grassland.

The instigator of the war, the leader of the Tuqishi tribe retreated westward after the raid on Zhu Yu failed to achieve results, and entered the land of the Alban tribe on the way. When entertaining the disabled, some tribesmen said bad things , Immediately, two firefights were triggered, and only a few people escaped back to the ministry after being killed.

Who cares about a failed robbery on the East Side?
After all, to be reasonable, I am a robber, and the client doesn't respect my professionalism at all, so they beat me away, what else do I want?

It seemed to them that the matter was closed.

But for the Ming army, this matter is far from being settled.

The people in the Yili River Valley didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement. They were always looking forward to the Ming army's continued westward march, because the arrival of the heavenly army was a good day for them.

Under the order, the Burke nobles had to spend money to buy food from them. The price was not negotiable, and the price was unified according to the price set by the Heavenly Army. Various news were circling over the Ili River Valley. Replaced with the emperor's Wanli Tongbao.

The common people earned enough money from this purchase of grain to allow them to live comfortably for a year, and the merchants were even happier, earning a lot of money.

The only one who suffers is Lord Burke. When the Heavenly Army comes here, they not only need to spend money to buy food, but also have to send troops—or send troops first and then collect food. The able-bodied men, asking them to pay, wouldn't this cause trouble for the rebellion.

He was directly drawn from the bottom of the pot.

Just in time for the news from the imperial court to be sent to the Commander of Ili, the letter showed Qi Jiguang that Emperor Wanli was slapping his chest loudly, and told him to continue the Western Expedition, saying that he knew that he would go to the West. In the military mansion, troops in the west will receive food supplies and support.

At the same time, he also told him not to forget to open up to the north. The news sent back to the court from the Dongyang Military Mansion said that the high-quality fur is sold at a very high price in Europe. Li Chengliang in the northeast has organized the Jurchens to go north along the river. The establishment of Nurgan Dusi is mainly to establish an official city.

All furs are purchased at official prices, and the Yili capital on his side can also set up an official market to purchase furs from the north.

The first batch of hunters in Ili were the guardians of Mr. Burke. Hundreds of hunting teams were registered at one time. They reluctantly bid farewell to Mr. Burke. The riders tied with seals led their subordinates to drive to the north with the old and the young.

Give the mountains land, designate hunting grounds, take no meat, furs are all priced officially, and if you work hard, you can earn 30 taels of silver a year, and caravans will go north to sell wine and food, why not go?
Of course, the most important thing is that the north they went to was not too far away. It would be dangerous to cross the Gobi with the caravan, but it was not a narrow escape, as long as they could go to the foot of the Altai Mountains. As for the land in the north, Qi Jiguang never thought about it.

Always wait until the hunting grounds over there are occupied before extending northward.

Now Mr. Burke, who is sitting on the head of the people and domineering, has really become the three elders of the village. He is forced to this position, and it is impossible not to consider the people wholeheartedly. If it doesn't work well in the compound, I will clean it up for him.

Uncle farmers exchange shotguns for cannons, and wooden hoes for iron heads.

Merchants are the ones who are most happy to wait for the Celestial Army to march westward. As long as the Celestial Army marches westward, the logistics supply line will definitely have to buy food, and then they will make a lot of money.

Needless to say on the army side, the main reason for the attack was that Zhu Yu underestimated the enemy. He never expected to be targeted as soon as he crossed the Jinghe River. too far.

This was a great shame and humiliation, which made him eager to fight back, only waiting for Qi Jiguang's order.

At this moment, although the follow-up luggage is still on the way to be transported, and the Yili Dusi has not ordered to fight, the small-scale battle has not stopped.

At the frontier of the border, from Aibi Lake to Jinghai along the Jinghe River, thousands of light cavalry scouts from 54 Qianhu tribes who are best at long-distance marches went deep into the west bank of the Jinghe River, and even went all the way out of the Ili River Valley to communicate with the surrounding Oala tribe, contacts on the lands of the Alban tribes.

Sometimes there are conflicts, and sometimes a lot of information can be detected.

It is intended to find out the geography, environment, water source, weather, villages and tribes along the way.

It's just that the Oirat tribes who are struggling to survive in the cracks are suffering.

It is too difficult for them here. In the past few decades, the Oirat army roared from the east from time to time, and they followed suit.

When the offensive was blocked and the army roared back, they became the first enemy to be destroyed on the eastward advance of the Kazakh Khanate, and they could only wait and surrender.

When the Kazakh army retreated, they were thrown to the Oirats.

In the course of every war, a group of tribes will disappear in the long river of history.

And this time the Ming army's westward expedition once again pushed them to the point where they had to make a choice. Some people chose to inform Dayuzi Khan and lead the tribe to move westward; , The whole family followed the Ming army.

More tribes don't know what to do and can only resign themselves to fate.

In fact, no matter how one chooses, the small forces that are not eligible to obtain the overall information are resigned to their fate. This is the fate of the chess pieces.

Soon, everyone on the Mogulstan steppe knew, as they had experienced every year in the past, that war was coming.

 good evening!

(End of this chapter)

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