open sea

Chapter 1372 Silver Box

Chapter 1372 Silver Box
The news finally reached Tavukal Khan's ears through unofficial channels.

It all started with the banquet on the shore of Lake Balkhash. Hundreds of remnants of the Tuqishi tribe dragged their exhausted bodies here and entered the land of the Alban tribe. The leader of the Alban tribe entertained them as usual.

But after drinking a lot of wine at the banquet, everyone laughed at each other.

The Alban department laughed at the Yellow-headed Wusun for not being able to beat the Wala people, and half of them were killed in a sneak attack; the Yellow-headed Wusun retorted that those people were not Wala, there were Han people in them, and you couldn't beat the Han people either.

This hit the sore spot of the Alban people. To be honest, the tribes living in the Kazakh Khanate are all hard-working people.

It's not that the descendants of Wusun like Tuqishi have lived here since ancient times. After all, in the long history, North Africa and the Middle East can't help it. Other than that, no one specially goes to such unlucky places as the desert Gobi.

The Wusun people have always been the main body of Dayuzi, the Kangli tribe is the descendant of the Kangju State; the Tuqishi is the descendant of the Wusun State; followed by the Turkic people, the Dulat tribe and the Khazar tribe who are the descendants of the Tulu.

Outsiders are usually located in Zhongyuzi in the northwest of Lake Balkhash, which is the most populous and most powerful part. Kebu, and everything else is related to the Mongols.

After Wang Han was defeated by Genghis Khan, the Kelei tribe moved westward; after Taiyang Khan was killed by Genghis Khan, the Naiman tribe fled westward; there was also the Merkid tribe who was defeated by the Mongols; Hongji Lati Department.

There is only Alban, a tribe related to the east, in Dayuzi. They are descendants of the Northern Huns. From the north to the northwest and then to the Western Regions.

Those who can run continue to run westward, and the old, weak and sick who cannot run remain here to establish the Yueban Kingdom, and the Alban tribe is the descendant of the Yueban Kingdom.

It's okay for the Wusun people to be superior at ordinary times, but at this juncture, they still speak so arrogantly in the Alban tribe, and they were beaten again in the end.

After the Alban department beat them up, they were also afraid, thinking that if the yellow-headed Wusun went to Dayuzi Khan to file a complaint, they would not be able to eat them, so he thought of a countermeasure and decided to file a complaint with Dayuzi Khan first, saying that the accident The Ministry of Cavalry provoked the Ming army in the east.

The ghosts believe that there are Ming troops in the east. They are thousands of miles away from Daming, separated by Yarkand and the endless Mongols. How did the Ming people come here?

But it’s right to file a complaint first, and after the Khan finishes investigating the situation in the east, he will definitely feel relieved. As long as the Khan doesn’t make a judgment, the retaliation of the Tuqi Shibu, which has suffered heavy losses, is not terrible at all.

Their entire tribe only had six or seven thousand tents, and they lost more than 600 fighters at once, and nearly [-]% of their combat power died. They absolutely dare not raise troops without authorization.

But he didn't expect Dayuzi Khan to really take this matter very seriously. In the weak period when the tribes were chaotic and vendetta, not to mention the Ming army that only appeared in rumors, even the Oala people gathering in the east could scare him.

Sending people over to investigate, the results sent back made people feel even more creepy.

There are tents and horse teams stationed everywhere on both sides of the Jing River. At a glance, there are tens of thousands of soldiers standing along the river. The scouts drew their banners. Dayuzi Khan asked a businessman who had been to Daming to see that it was really Ming.

Zhuangda sent merchants who had been to Daming as envoys to ask what the Ming army wanted to do, but the merchants were blocked by the angry Zhu Yuna and relayed Qi Jiguang's request.

Annoyed at the Khanate's disregard for his request, the commander-in-chief of the Western Expedition Army interpreted this as a bluff and immediately delivered an ultimatum.

Dayuzi Khan was required to hand over the leader of the Tuqi Shi tribe who attacked the Ming army and three generations of his descendants within a one-month period, and send envoys to the Ming Dynasty to pay tribute, otherwise he would bear the consequences.

But Qi Jiguang obviously overestimated the ability of King Khan to restrain his subordinates under the tribal system.

When he sent this news back, Tuqi Shibu Taiji was complaining in the sweat tent of Dayuzi. When he heard the situation, he panicked. He couldn't help but draw his sword and rushed out of the king's tent, gathered his troops to clash, and turned his head before leaving. Shoot the profuse sweat who chased him out to have a good talk.

Poked a hornet's nest.

The tribes are busy gathering troops to attack the Tuqi Shi tribe, which has only [-] troops, in order to take this opportunity to expand the grassland.

And for some people who don't want to expand the pasture, this is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Dayuzi Khan had a second son, who was exiled in his early years for hooking up with his young lady, and was sent to graze in the saline-alkaline Gobi east of Lake Balkhash with only a few hundred riders.

Taking the opportunity of spreading the news this time, he led Baiqi back to the king's tent, and just in time for this incident, the dark side of his stagnant heart exploded.

While Dayuzi Khan's life and death were uncertain, the second son sent people to rush into the tents of the eldest brother and the third brother that night. The eldest son was shot to death by random arrows, and the youngest son was burned to death. Khan and his stepmother took the silver box, and Xingye led the crowd straight to the bank of the Crystal River.

What is contained in the silver box is not silver, but the genealogical accounts of the seven generations of Dayuzi Khan's ancestors, including the six major clans of Dayuzi, the range of pastures of 240 tribes, the appointment of Burke, and the number of accounts.

This is the most important thing for every Great Khan. It can determine the number of armed forces of various ministries, the amount of taxation, and the marriage and inheritance of noble families. It can also be used to deal with most tribal disputes and murder cases.

The second son, Tai Jiye, went to the camp of the Ming army, begging for the Ming army to intervene in Khan's succession, and use the Ming army to deter the tribes that opposed him, so as to form his own team.

After all, he really has nothing.

The second son, Taiji, of course knew that he had nothing to rely on other than this little bloodline, so he immediately accepted all of Daming's demands.

Send envoys to pay tribute?No problem, you have the final say on how many envoys and tribute you want.

Entering Dayuzi?No problem, how can I sit still without soldiers?The more the better.

Prepare supplies?No problem, as long as there are enough soldiers and powerful enough, I will prepare as many as you can!

This time all the problems were solved. Early the next morning, Tai Ji, the second son who changed his name to Kang Liji, got his wish and met Qi Jiguang, and under the witness of Shang Fangjian, he got the canonized imperial edict and Qi Jiguang's handwritten letter to King Dayuzi. Hetian jade seal.

Afterwards, six commanders headed by Zhu Yu led more than [-] troops into six groups, and the morale of Wang Kangli, who supported Dayuzzi, swept from Lake Aibi to the north and swept west through the south bank of Lake Balkhash.

Thousands of horses and thousands of troops, first defeated the four allied forces of Kangju and seized their supplies, and temporarily replenished the Liji headquarters in Kangkang for three days. Generally, support the leaders of Taiji who are not reused.

In the vast Gobi, when the various tribes who gathered troops and horses to attack Tuqishi realized that there was no room for them in Dayuzi, they could only run westward to find Tawu Kal Khan.

(End of this chapter)

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