open sea

Chapter 951 Parliament

Chapter 951 Parliament
Palace of Westminster, North Bank of the River Thames, England.

Drake, who had returned to England, had not had time to take a good rest. He planned to go to the palace to meet the queen, but was told that he was called by the Congress as an envoy who had been to the New World and had a certain understanding of Changsheng to attend the meeting.

In 1258 years after the birth of Jesus, King Henry III's brother-in-law, Simon de Montfort, the sixth Earl of Leicester, led the nobles to start the earl's war, and armed forces entered the palace to force Henry to sign the Oxford Agreement. Born in England, power fell into the pockets of the nobility.

Without the consent of the parliament, the king may not confiscate land without authorization, and cannot start wars with other countries without authorization.

The Oxford Regulations lasted for a while, and then were abolished. When the royal family regained power, they also compromised with the nobles to jointly handle state affairs. Existence is no different.

They can petition, but permission is another matter.

Just like Commoner Drake, who only enters Parliament when the House of Lords deems it necessary for him to do so.

"It can't go on like this!"

As soon as the gate of the council hall was opened by the guards wearing chain mail and cross plate armor, the noisy roar hit the ears like Chang Sheng's long-lasting gunshots. The poor etiquette of the nobles in the House of Lords made Drey K frowned.

He saw Earl Robert Dudley roaring in the parliament, complaining that the two fleets he funded were plundered by Chinese pirates and encircled by Spanish fleets while sailing on the west coast of Africa and the coast of Portugal respectively.

The complicated external environment made the investment of the queen's favorite minister in vain, so he furiously called for war.

In the past, Drake’s first voyage was funded by the earl. He is approachable and has many friends, likes to collect and pay attention to food, but he has little understanding of military affairs, but he served as the Queen’s bodyguard, and it is rumored that he has a great chance to become Mrs. Wang.

On the other side is Bacon's uncle, Earl William Cecil, the Queen's learned Chancellor of the Exchequer, who has almost no faults except that he doesn't like his nephew.

Almost all the political measures in England to encourage people to produce and fight for national interests in the world came from his hands.

In other words, without his more than ten years of hard work, England would have collapsed at this moment, let alone its future glory.

"Who do you want to fight? Spain? Or the so-called Han country?" William Cecil was very calm, even in the turbulent parliament, he said calmly, "You want to lead your army to Madrid?"

England was incapable of waging war, that was a reality, they didn't even have a fleet directly attached to the state.

The earls have some fleets and troops in their hands, but if they really gather this force, it will be fine if they win. Once they lose the war, they will have nothing.

Irish savages can break into London.

"No, if we want to punish Spain, we don't necessarily have to declare war on Spain." Robert's clamor for war was just dizzy, he said: "We can help the Netherlands suppress the rebellion, and we must strongly support William... Drake is back How about letting him talk about whether the Chinese monarch can be our help!"

The so-called William was called the Silent, Prince of Orange, who led the rebels in the Netherlands to repeated defeats.

As for the weird title of the Chinese monarch... To be honest, he is not called Da Khan, and he is already a talent who has a lot of friends in England. After all, they don't know much about the New World, let alone Da Ming.

A group of earls, knights, monks, and fifteen members of the committee looked towards the door, causing Drake, who was about to find a place to sit and watch the earls to quarrel, to stop awkwardly. With muddy shoes, he clapped his hands and took off his hat, saluting to everyone.

Earl William also followed the gazes of the crowd. He first looked at Drake fixedly, and then asked, "My nephew, didn't he come back?"

Your nephew is addicted to working as a lumberjack in Changsheng!
But of course Drake would not say that, Little Bacon was very kind to him, he put his dirty hat on the seat next to him, and said with a smile: "Mr. The whole picture of the Ming Empire, in order to better serve Her Majesty the Queen, he did not come back."

"Life in the New World is not easy. They don't even use knives to eat, but they eat well and sleep soundly. Please rest assured, Earl."

"Chang Sheng?"

Earl William frowned and chewed on this place name that didn't look like a place name, and asked, "Does this name have any meaning? And what do you call them... The Ming Empire?"

Since Drake said the paraphrase, always wins, it sure doesn't sound like a place name.

"Their country is called the Kingdom of Light. They claim to be a superior country bestowed by God. Others can call them the Celestial Dynasty or the Great Ming Empire. However, we have not seen their monarchs, only the supreme commander sent by the emperor to the New World. He His name is Chen Mu, and he has an official position called Beiyang Chief Minister, Dongyang Minister, who is in charge of an institution called the Great Eastern Military Government, and rules everything in the New World."

Drake is a soft-spoken person in the parliament, and the nobles burst into laughter when he walked forward. Words such as "the kingdom of light", "the military government of the Great East", and "ruling everything in the New World" are very important to the nobles. They are full of laughs.

"They've only landed for a year, and they're talking about ruling the New World, hahaha!"

But Drake didn't smile, and neither did Earl William and Robert, the committee members standing in the middle.

William motioned for Drake to continue.

Drake looked expressionlessly at the members of the House of Lords in the circular seats around him, and continued after they calmed down: "They don't seem to like us very much. Although I brought back the trade contract, they seem to be paying attention to our goods. They have all, and they don't plan to sell the raw materials we need, I can't guarantee how many goods will be in next year, and...they ask merchants to buy and sell goods in England."

"In addition, Chen Mu, Minister of the East Ocean of the Ming Empire, said that our queen has not been canonized by the emperor, so she can't say "blessed by heaven" on the header of the letter, which is what we write about as a gift from God."

Earl William gritted his teeth in the face of this foreign humiliation. The letter was written after he and the queen discussed word by word.

"As for why they dare to say this, it comes from the name Changsheng. Chen Mu's subordinates went to war with Spain within a year of landing in the New World, and defeated the Spanish Legion on land three times with weak troops; before I went to Changsheng, they had already Make peace and alliance with Spain."

"Their emperor sent 2 warships and merchant ships to the New World last year, sending more than 7 soldiers and more than [-] citizens to open up land. Spain ceded the northern part of the New World, the western part of Mexico City, and Chile to the Ming Empire. "

Derek clapped his hands together, then slowly spread them apart, looked at the nobles of the House of Lords who were silent because of what he said, and said: "Everyone, don't quarrel with Spain because of Han, because as far as I know, Han It seems to be a country established on the sea by pirates expelled by the Ming Empire."

"As for Spain, it seems to be protected by the Ming Empire after the war. Everyone still thinks... what? Do they believe in Protestantism or Catholicism?"

Drake covered his mouth and laughed, and said: "This is the most difficult part to understand. They don't believe in Protestantism or Catholicism. They believe in ancestors and emperors. The Minister of the East specifically mentioned this matter. If There are monks trying to convert them in the course of the trade, and they're bound to convert us."

"He said it's called doing unto others as you would have them do to you, but in fact..." Drake said with a smile: "I think they really changed it, maybe it's not a bad thing for England now."

(End of this chapter)

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