open sea

Chapter 952 Commendations

Chapter 952 Commendations
The news that Drake brought back from the New World spread from London to the whole of England like an explosion, and soon, the news spread to France through the court of England.

There has never been a single event that has terrified England of all classes.

For England, the main theme of this era was religious conflict. Queen Elizabeth was defined by the Catholic Church as an illegitimate daughter without the right to inherit the throne from birth, which meant that Elizabeth had a natural antagonistic relationship with the Holy See.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the following series of things are derived. For example, England supports Protestantism, and the Holy See expelled Elizabeth, which intensified the conflict.

Excommunication doesn't mean just mildly kicking you out, but that every Catholic has the right to kill Elizabeth without going to hell, and will become a staunch defender of Catholicism.

The official breakdown of the relationship between England and Spain was also due to this incident. After all, the Pope was under the protection of Philip of Spain.

In fact, Fei Lao Er is also quite tired, not only has to take the blame for Rome, but also has to worry about the pope giving a backstab at any time.

In this regard, France, the filial son of God, has a lot of leeway to manipulate, at least the third brother is not as fanatical and devout as the second son Fei.

Hum Lao San is very pragmatic. In order to fight against the common enemy Spain Fei Lao Er, France Hun Lao San, England's Iraqi Boss, and Prince William of Orange firmly carried the banner of European Protestantism.

Let’s go to war with Spain. The Protestants are happy when they win, the Catholics are happy when they lose, the merchants are happy when trade starts, and the common people are happy when trade is abolished. Basically, there is no news that makes all classes in England feel scared.

But now they found it.

First of all, because of the existence of Han, the triangular trade was over.

It's not that businessmen like triangular trade. Of course, black people will go by themselves, and it's one aspect that they can create profits far exceeding their weight when they get to the place, but the ocean current is more important.

The route from Europe to Africa, from Africa to the Caribbean, and from the Caribbean to Europe is very easy because of ocean currents.

But the problem now is that their ship was killed by Han pirates as soon as they arrived in Africa. In the past, merchants could bring back a large amount of goods by trafficking slaves to Brazil and taking the risk of smuggling from small islands in the Caribbean Sea, but now they are all in vain. .

Secondly, Chen Mu’s offense to the royal family made the aristocrats feel unhappy, and the trade agreement’s privileges to Ming merchants also made the merchants feel unhappy, and even more terrible things happened in the religious field.

No one can predict what will happen after the Ming Empire arrives in Europe and England, so missionaries are not allowed?Such a request makes no sense!To be honest, people are not used to this situation.

Unknown things can bring fear to people.

Usually the fear gradually subsides after understanding.

But Drake brought back news about the Ming Empire, which intensified this sense of fear.

Fei Lao Er on the other side of the European continent is much better.

After accepting the premise of not being able to beat Ming Dynasty first, and then admitting that the most important mission at the moment is to inherit the Portuguese throne and stabilize the situation in the Netherlands, the rest of the things are much easier to accept.

"I think that after the war against our country is over, the Ming Empire still maintains mercy and restraint. If all this is the Lord's arrangement, I am willing to accept it."

His Royal Highness Philip, who is proficient in politics, has been planning in fear all day long in the monastery, and he has a nervous breakdown. When the New Spanish documents and treaties are actually sent from the monk Acosta, he is relieved.

The north of the new continent that has not yet set foot is gone.

West of Mexico City, gone.

Southern Panama, in fact basically all of Panama, is gone.

And Chile, which they have not yet fully conquered, is gone.

But Peru is still there, and the West Indies are still there.

Although he was unable to change the kingdom's poor financial status, His Royal Highness Philip was able to settle the accounts. Apart from losing the war and losing the soldiers in the New World and a large piece of land in name, Spain did not really lose anything.

Moreover, the king was influenced by Mingxi's second war, and a skylight was opened in his head-the New World after the war could bring more wealth to Spain.

It was so weird that Philip didn't even understand why at first.

It turns out that Spain still has such a considerable income in the New World!

In the past, the maintenance fee of the Governor-General of New Spain, which governed the largest land in the past, was reduced by [-]% after the war. Since Bernal was defined as a rebellion, the two legionnaires who followed him and died in the Mingxi Second War did not need to receive pensions, and were in arrears There is no need to pay the military salary for four months, the only thing that needs to be paid is the ransom of the captured nobles.

But the ransom was paid by their family members, and Fei Lao Er did not need to pay for it.

The maintenance cost of Peru is also reduced by [-]%. This is mainly the cost of the army stationed on the front line of Santiago on the west coast and the cost of the never-ending war against the Mapuche people in the south. Now it is no longer needed.

All Spain had to pay was the cost of minting coins, which it had in the past, and the minted coins were of lower quality.

In this era, it is difficult for any monarch to be able to hold the newly minted silver coins and smile so happily like His Royal Highness Philip.

"That is to say, my kingdom will increase its income by 110 million silver coins this year due to last year's New World War?"

"His Royal Highness, this cannot be calculated in a short time, but if you need, I can do the calculation as much as possible." Monk Acosta bowed his head and calculated on the table in the monastery, and said while calculating: "Because the cost of the New World has changed The value of these silver coins is 460 million higher than last year, but the number is 110 million more, because the new half taels are lighter."

"Secondly, due to the border trade, the Ming Empire has excellent silk that is even better than Ottoman's silk cloth, as well as rare porcelain. The customs duties of this income are mortgaged to merchants, so the Kingdom cannot obtain it, but His Highness owns 70% of the trade. The royal family is exclusive, and the Ming Empire strictly abides by this contract, so His Royal Highness should earn about [-] and a half taels after sending the royal merchants to sell these goods."

Listening to Acosta's words, Philip became short of breath.

Do you know what Emperor Longqing felt when he ate pie?

Fei Laoer feels basically the same now!
"The Army of the Netherlands led by the Duke of Parma is seven months in arrears, right? The [-] army of the Duke of Alva has been paid in the New World, and it should be two months in arrears now. Here! Give it all, and make it up at once! Prepare for another three months!"

Why worry?Only get rich.

This boldness lasted for about three seconds.

Philip, who had calmed down, hid his face again in the wide hood of the monk's robe, and said slowly: "Forget it, don't prepare it, it may not be enough..."

Acosta was very aware of the king's worries, he arched his hands almost without thinking, only halfway through the arch did he feel that something was wrong, he put down his hands and said: "His Royal Highness, General Chen of the Ming Empire sent his son, General Li, to take over the leased land of Serbia. In the future, goods from the Ming Empire will enter Spain directly from the leased land."

"Although the taxes there were also mortgaged to the Ming Empire, according to the treaty of the first Ming-Xi war, the tariffs were collected by the Ming Dynasty and the two countries jointly controlled them. Would Your Majesty want to meet General Li?"

"See! They don't have faith, so they shouldn't be called heretics, right?"

Philip didn't even realize that his view of the world had changed silently. He took off his hood, exposed his smooth forehead, clapped his hands and said with emotion: "General Chen is really a pretty good person!"

 early!Yesterday, a friend said that I saw the update, and it is true that it has not been updated for a long time.A few days ago, a family member fell and injured this section and needed to take care of it. After a few days, it got better and I added more.

(End of this chapter)

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