Chongzhen chat group

Chapter 1233 Nanyang belongs to Daming

Chapter 1233 Nanyang belongs to Daming

Before the Dutch admiral could figure out what was going on, he discovered that there was a Dutch sailing warship emerging from the entrance of Manila Bay.Needless to say, these sailing warships are the five escorting His Excellency the Governor.

But this is not the key point. The key point is what Anthony saw. The sailing warship he saw even ignored the native troop carrier blocking the channel in front of him, and directly ignored it and rammed into it.Just like, behind this sailing warship, there is also a tiger chasing after it.

At this moment, Anthony immediately had a bad feeling in his heart.Although he didn't want to understand what was going on, but he intuitively told him that there must be big trouble!

However, before he could figure it out, he heard a loud movement in front of him again, which made him have to turn his head to look.

Anthony didn't look at it, but when he saw it, he was shocked.

I don't know which of Liu Xiang's subordinates, there are about [-] ships, but they stopped attacking the Ming army navy warship, but turned around and rammed into the Dutch warship behind them.

If that's all it is, it's nothing.The key point is that among the ships that collided, there were ten arson ships, which had already ignited raging fires and went straight to the four nearest Dutch warships.

There are other ships that have also turned their muzzles and blasted away.But on the side of the Dutch fleet, those following Liu Xiang's fleet were all sailing straight, and there were no artillery on the bow at all. It can be said that they had no power to fight back.The distance is so short that these pirates can blast the Dutch battleship with their eyes closed no matter how loud their artillery is.

The most deadly thing is that three of the large ships are heading directly for the flagship where Anthony himself is.Judging from the speed of both sides, it was too late to escape.

The sudden incident shocked Anthony and left Liu Xiang stunned.

what's the situation?
After a while, Liu Xiang jumped up, pointed in the direction of the mess and shouted loudly: "Is this idiot Liang Xiaozhen out of his mind? Attacking the court navy warship, why don't you even know the direction, and hit the Dutch Battleship, is this brain flooded?"

He was shouting, when suddenly the subordinates beside him shouted to him: "The big master, the third master has betrayed! He has betrayed!"

"What betrayal? Rebellion!" Liu Xiang came back to her senses, so angry that she didn't faint.

To know that Liang Xiaozhen can be the third head of the family, he must be regarded as Liu Xiang's confidant and an important figure in Liu Xiang's group, so he is his right-hand man.

However, such a character suddenly turned against him at this critical moment, it's not bad if he doesn't get dizzy!
At this time, for some reason, he suddenly remembered what had happened to Li Kuiqi that he had heard about before.Isn't that also the general's betrayal at a critical moment!
Thinking of this, Liu Xiang became fierce, and said sharply: "I'm not Li Kuiqi, dare to turn against the water? I don't believe it anymore, pass on my order, don't worry about the court navy, anyway, if the turtle in the urn can't escape, I will turn the ship around Kill that anti-bone thief head first!"

In the chaotic scene, Liu Xiang's orders could not be given effectively.

So, some pirates received this order, hesitated and didn't know what to do?
Some pirates received this order and immediately turned their bows to prepare to attack the traitors.

There were also pirates who did not receive this order, and still rushed towards the Ming army navy warship.

All in all, before the warships of the two parties officially started a large-scale battle, the fleet of the Liu Xiang Pirate Group was in chaos.

Of course, not only the Liu Xiang Pirates Group, but also the Dutch fleet, also became a mess because of Liang Xiaozhen's surprise attack.

Anthony was on the flagship, yelling orders, trying to retreat a safe distance and throw off the rushing pirate ship.At some point, his forehead was covered with sweat, but he didn't know it.

Some pirate ships obeyed Liu Xiang's order, hated those who rebelled, and went straight to Liang Xiaozhen's fleet.However, this situation caused Anthony to panic further.Because he couldn't tell whether the pirate warships that rushed over later were in the same group as the pirates who attacked the Dutch warships in front of them.

Seeing that he was going to be unable to escape, Anthony panicked even more.He thought of a very terrifying situation, that is, all the Liuxiang pirates secretly surrendered to the Ming country. This is not impossible, after all, they all belong to the same country.

For Westerners like them, being a pirate is nothing at all.In other words, how many people who colonize the world today are not pirates, or are doing something similar to pirates.

There are already several pirate ships entangled with Dutch warships, including their own flagship. If other pirate ships are also entangled, so many Dutch fleets may have to be accounted for in Manila Bay!

Thinking this way, in order to ensure his own safety, Anthony didn't care about it at all, and immediately passed the semaphore and ordered to fire on all the pirate ships approaching the Dutch warship!
After all, there were many Dutch warships, and there were still some on the periphery. They immediately turned over the side of the ship, aimed their guns at the pirate ships approaching the Dutch warships, and roared loudly.

After such a bang, Liu Xiang was dumbfounded.

Because of the distance, the shells of the Dutch warships mostly hit the pirate ships that were chasing Liang Xiaozhen's fleet at a distance.The pirates were stunned: We are on one side, we are here to help you!You are sick, why are you beating us?
This kind of thinking is just a one-shot. The dense shells hit the past, and those who survived are all fleeing for their lives. As for the traitor Liang Xiaozhen, it can be managed.

But Liang Xiaozhen was prepared and took action on the flagship of the Dutchman.Therefore, by the time the Dutchman reacted, he was already very close.

Looking at the Dutch warship that was close at hand, Liang Xiaozhen yelled loudly while dealing with the musketeers on the opposite ship: "Brothers, let me kill you once again for the glory and wealth!"

At this time, the sea battle of Xiyi has already developed in the direction of artillery battle.As for Daming, especially these pirates, they were still accustomed to springboard warfare.Relatively speaking, artillery combat is the advanced way of naval warfare.However, in today's close range situation, it is obvious that shelling has lost its usefulness.Therefore, the springboard battle has become the key to determining the outcome.

Bows and arrows, throwing axes, lead bullets, etc., you come and go, every moment, there are pirates and red-haired devils falling.However, it is obvious that coming prepared and responding hastily will have a great impact on both sides of the war.

Liang Xiaozhen and his men quickly jumped onto the Dutch battleship, and started fighting on the deck of the Dutch battleship.

Wealth and wealth are in danger, as long as we can win the flagship of the Dutch, the credit for this battle will be indispensable!

Dutch Admiral Anthony turned pale, and fled to the stern under the escort of several guards.

This battle, by surprise, has already blocked the Ming Dynasty Navy in Manila Bay, and it should be a sure-win battle.But why did it suddenly become so bad!It's a mess, a mess, what's going on?

At this time, Anthony, although he couldn't figure it out, his face was livid, and even though he had been frightened, he still didn't panic.Even if Liu Xiang's pirates turned against him, so what, he didn't believe that in the sea, with so many warships in the Dutch fleet, these oriental monkeys could be turned upside down!

After fleeing to the stern, the lifeboat was put down, and he was going to transfer to other warships to continue commanding operations.

At the same time, some Dutch warships also approached him, and at the same time they were preparing to come over on the springboard, ready to take advantage of the advantages of firearms and numbers to wipe out all the pirates who attacked several Dutch warships.

However, when Anthony was about to disembark, he accidentally looked up, as if he had been hit by an acupuncture point from the east, and he froze there motionless.

The guards who escorted him were a little puzzled. At this time, if you don't hurry up and escape, the pirates will be killed immediately when you turn around, and it will be too late to escape.Thinking of this, he raised his head and followed the gaze of his admiral, and was immediately dumbfounded.

At the entrance of Manila Bay, sailing warships flying the flag of the Ming Dynasty were sailing in from the entrance, shelling from time to time, driving the indigenous boats and three Dutch warships to swarm into Manila Bay desperately.And at the entrance, the sailing warships of the Ming Dynasty can't see the end at all, it seems to be endless.

At this moment, Anthony understood why he panicked when he saw those native ships before, and why he panicked when he saw the warship of His Excellency the Governor before. There was indeed a "tiger" chasing after him.

The first native ship that came in did not dock, but saw the Dutch fleet, or in order to seek a sense of security, they all rushed over and fled towards the Dutch fleet.

Most of these native ships are used to transport troops, and they don't have much naval combat capability, and the ship is still small.However, there are so many ships that can't stand it, so they swarmed towards the Dutch warships, leaving no room for the Dutch warships to move, just like a traffic jam, and a ship jam happened in Manila Bay.

The Dutch warships did not get Anthony's order, and did not fire at the indigenous fleet at first, so that when they saw the Ming army fleet at the entrance of Manila Bay, they were powerless when they wanted to adjust their formation.

At this time, Liang Xiaozhen found the Dutch admiral at the stern, which was a big fish, and he immediately shouted: "There, kill!"

While speaking, as a soldier, he showed his fierceness as a pirate, and rushed to Anthony first.His subordinates also followed him and rushed to the stern one after another.

"Your Excellency, let's go!" A guard came back to his senses and shouted anxiously, pulling Anthony.

But at this time, it was too late.Several guards had no choice but to cover Anthony, so they had to kill the rushing pirates.

Anthony was pulled for a moment, but when he came back to his senses, he didn't have any strength at all. He sat down on the ground and muttered to himself, "It's over, it's over, it's over..."

Although he did not see how many warships of the Ming Dynasty Navy were at the entrance of Manila Bay, his experience told him that if there were not enough warships of the Ming Dynasty Navy, it would be impossible to force His Excellency the Governor to flee into Manila in a hurry bay.Moreover, if there were not enough warships of the Ming Dynasty Navy, they would not chase into Manila Bay, but would only block the entrance of Manila Bay.

That is to say, he wholeheartedly thought that he was trying to trap the Ming navy in Manila Bay.In fact, the actual situation is that his own fleet is the turtle!
Anthony can become the admiral of the Netherlands, and he still has a lot of experience in naval warfare.Just looking at it this way, he understood that even if there were no native ships in the way of this battle, it would be impossible to avoid the end of annihilation of the entire army!
Not to mention, the real situation today is that there are more than 100 Ming Navy warships in Manila Bay, and on his side, the pirates are attacking the Dutch warships for some reason, while on the other side, countless indigenous ships are blocking them This is tantamount to tying up the Dutch warships. How can this battle be fought?
Just as he was thinking about it, his body was bumped suddenly. He turned his head and saw that it was one of his subordinates, with a throwing ax stuck in his chest, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and fell in front of him.

Liang Xiaozhen was covered in blood, and surrounded by a group of his brothers, she had already arrived in front of him.Seeing this, the last guard beside him dropped his weapon and knelt there with his hands raised.

Anthony looked up at the majestic Liang Xiaozhen standing in front of him, and scolded coldly in his broken Ming Mandarin, "Traitor!"

Liang Xiaozhen laughed out loud when she heard this, pointed at him with the bloody knife in her hand and said, "I'm sorry, I'm an undercover agent, a serious Jinyiwei spy!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't care whether Anthony could understand or not, he stepped forward and kicked Anthony over, and then ordered his subordinates: "Tie him up, I will report the good news to the emperor immediately!"

There is a chat group system, and no one can take away his credit!

As for the governor of Batavia, Kun, who fled into Manila Bay, there was still a little luck in his heart. After all, there were more than [-] Dutch warships in the bay.A warship of this size is also a very powerful sea force in Europe.He fled in, or thought he could resist a little bit, maybe he could fight his way out!

However, when he saw the scene in Manila Bay, he couldn't help being stunned. It was a complete mess. Even if there were not so many Ming Navy warships outside, it was impossible to win!Now that there are so many warships of the Ming Dynasty Navy outside, there is no need to think about this being a fluke.

Looking at the messy Manila Bay, Kun remembered the high spirits when he led 75 warships to leave Batavia. He remembered that when he was in Temasek, facing many indigenous leaders pointing out the country, he suddenly felt that the world was changing so fast!The world is impermanent!The whole of Nanyang belongs to the Ming Dynasty!

The governor of Batavia is desperate!He was stupid there, he didn't give orders, he was there stupidly, even if his subordinates raised the white flag, he didn't care, he just stayed there stupidly!
In the distance, Zheng Zhilong was on the flagship, watching the scene of the Dutch fleet, and seeing the Ming Navy warship appearing at the entrance of Manila Bay, he knew that the battle had been won here.

So, he smiled and ordered that all fleets attack!
At the same time, he also ordered Liu Jinsheng beside him: "You can report your victory to the emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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