Chapter 1234

In Manila City Palace, King Yi was a little restless from the very beginning.

Originally, he was very confident in the strength of the imperial navy, but he was concerned about the battle at the door of his house. When he asked about the situation in the palace, someone from Lu Songming told him how powerful the Xiyi warship was. When he heard that there were 75 warships in Xiyi alone, he was not calm.

This battle took place right in front of his house, and if he failed, not only his feudal kingdom would be gone, but even his life would be in danger.The so-called concern leads to chaos. He has never had such an experience, so he started to think about it, what if?
Sometimes it is like this, the more concerned, the more nervous; the more nervous, the more worried; the more worried, the more flustered my heart is.

When the gunshots in Manila Bay sounded, his worries reached the extreme, and he couldn't hold back, so he ignored the persuasion of his men and hurried to the top of Manila city to look towards Manila Bay.Anyway, he wants to see the battle situation with his own eyes?

Who knows that it's okay not to look at it, but he was frightened when he saw it.

On the other side of Manila Bay, the enemy's fleet is overwhelming, and there are many, many of the legendary Xiyi warships alone.In this way, he became even more worried. Even if he knew about the battle plan and knew that there were reinforcements waiting in the outer seas, he was still afraid. What if, what if the reinforcements from the outer seas did not arrive in time?The Xiyi battleship is so powerful, it is very likely that Zheng Zhilong's navy in the bay will be flattened in one wave, so what should I do?
However, what he didn't expect was that after the two sides actually started fighting, the battle situation in Manila Bay turned out to be one-sided.

First, the Dutch warships close to the Daming Navy were hit and sank one after another, and then, before the Dutch coalition forces had time to attack aggressively, they fought among themselves.First, the pirates attacked the Dutch fleet, and then the Dutch fleet bombarded the pirate group. Seeing this, he was relieved and acted calmer.

When he saw Liang Xiaozhen report in the chat group that he had captured the commander of the Dutch fleet, an admiral named Anthony, he felt relieved.

After exiting the chat group, he saw that the reinforcements from the sea had appeared in the direction of the entrance of Manila Bay, he smiled, shook his head to the people around him and said, "Thanks for trusting you, I thought the Xiyi Fleet was so powerful! Hehe, did you see that? No matter how powerful the Xiyi Fleet is, it is completely vulnerable to our Daming Navy!"

Looking at the smiling King Yi, his subordinates also smiled and said: "The villain said that the Xiyi Fleet is powerful, but the villain did not say that our Daming Navy is even stronger. The Xiyi Fleet wants to attack our Daming Navy. It's like an egg hitting a rock!"

King Yi was in a good mood at the moment. Hearing his explanation, he laughed and didn't take it seriously. He just watched the warships of the Daming Navy surround him on the sea in Manila Bay, capturing the enemy's ships and people.Although the results of this battle have not yet been reported, King Yi can tell that it is definitely a brilliant record!

From then on, the lonely vassal state will have no worries! King Yi thought so in his heart.

It was not until the evening that the results of the preliminary statistics were calculated. On behalf of Zheng Zhilong, the commander of the navy, Liu Jinsheng reported to Emperor Chongzhen in the chat group: "In this battle, our army killed 350 people and injured 72 people. A total of 53 Dutch warships were captured. , Eleven ships were sunk, and eleven warships were severely damaged, so they had to be abandoned. In terms of captives, a total of 650 people including Governor of Batavia Kun and Admiral Anthony of the Dutch Fleet were captured alive. Five pirates were captured Six thousand and six hundred and thirty-six people, the Liu Xiang pirates are missing, and it has not yet been verified whether they were killed or mixed with the captives. More than 630 people from the South Seas were captured, and countless drowned..."

Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard these figures.No matter how it is planned in advance, the dust will be settled only when the result of this battle comes out.A big victory, indeed a big victory!After this battle, the whole of Nanyang was controlled by Daming.

"I congratulate the emperor, congratulate the emperor, Nanyang Dingye!"

"Congratulations to the emperor at the end, and congratulations to Daming!"


All of a sudden, in the temporary group, it was very lively, and the words of congratulations began to refresh the screen.

Taking control of Nanyang means that many vassal kings can be entrusted again, and the pressure on the domestic clan will be reduced a lot.Moreover, the establishment of more vassal states in Nanyang will stimulate the sea trade of Ming Dynasty, which means that the tax revenue of sea trade in the future will increase greatly!

It took a small price to get a big victory, and everyone was beaming!

After everyone was happy, Emperor Chongzhen decreed that all the captives be escorted back to the southwest of Daming to build roads, but the governor of Batavia and the admiral were sent to the capital along with the spirit tablets of the soldiers who died in battle.

After the decree was issued, King Yi immediately contacted Emperor Chongzhen privately, complaining that there was a shortage of human resources in the vassal state, and there was no one to mine.The vassal state did not produce enough minerals, so it was difficult to do business with the country, and it also owed a large debt to the Daming Construction Bank, which had to be repaid.

In the end, Emperor Chongzhen agreed and gave him some prisoners to join Luzon's digging army.

King Yi grinned in his palace when he got the new will.Last time, I went directly to cut off the Spanish silver dollars, but I learned a lesson, and none of the silver dollars fell into my hands.Now that I have learned my lesson, I finally got some benefits.It seems that no matter what happens in the future, you must remember to hug the emperor's thigh before you can have soup!

He was thinking about it, but Emperor Chongzhen ordered Zheng Zhilong to sit in Nanyang and wipe out the remaining enemies in Nanyang who were hostile to Ming Dynasty.Liang Xiaozhen was transferred from the factory guard system, and he was awarded the title of Admiral of the Daming Navy. He led fifty sailing warships and a total of one hundred other warships, and headed to the port city in charge of the imperial court on the other side of the Tang Dynasty. The name of the navy was changed. For the Ming and Bangladesh Navy.This can be regarded as the first resident Daming Navy in the Little Western Ocean (that is, the Indian Ocean).

This news made King Tang very happy.With such a navy, he is not worried about threats from the sea at all.In this way, efforts can be made to build domestic roads and make it easier for goods to go to sea.As an old man in the chat group, he knew that Daming would definitely continue to expand westward, and by then, his Tang country could become a prosperous area on the Silk Road.

Emperor Chongzhen didn't care what King Tang had in mind, and mobilized a hundred sailing warships from Nanyang to the Pusan ​​naval base in the Korean province to strengthen the strength of the Liaoxian navy and prepare to join the war against Japan in the future.Of course, Zheng Zhihu's marines would inevitably be transferred there as well.Special operations have proved to be able to play unexpected roles.

After issuing a series of decrees to Nanyang, the news was announced through the chat group. At the same time, Sun Chuanting was restored to the position of governor of the three provinces of Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong, and the temporary acting was removed.

At this moment, the world was shocked again. Unknowingly, the whole of Nanyang was controlled by Daming. This was not just forcing the natives of Nanyang to submit to Ming, but directly became a part of Daming, and used it as a feudal lord in the future.

The strength of Daming once again shocked the world.Especially the people in the south of Ming Dynasty were even more excited.For them, Nanyang is about to become a vassal state, which is another huge business opportunity. There are many opportunities to make a fortune, and even many people have the opportunity to become officials in Nanyang.

In order to give the vassal kings a lot of insight, Emperor Chongzhen added them to the group, and built a temporary group of vassal kings.Emperor Chongzhen could see that those vassal kings were rushing to ask King Yi for news about Nanyang.Because they were about to participate in the bidding for the Nanyang feudal kingdom, they knew the price in their hearts, and they could report the price without hesitation.

It is rare for King Yi to have such an opportunity, and in the group, he introduced the situation of Nanyang with all his words.But as he talked, he would talk about the Battle of Manila Bay, about a large-scale naval battle he had witnessed with his own eyes, and about the strength of the imperial navy!
Emperor Chongzhen watched him gossiping in the group, and just smiled.This situation, he is happy to see.

After watching the chat led by King Yi for a while, Emperor Chongzhen remembered something again.Although I gave Sun Chuanting the opportunity to pacify Nanyang and rescue many Nanyang Ming people, I reinstated him as an official.However, because of his unselfishness in taxation, he did not give officials a chance to show affection.Although such behavior, I appreciate it very much.However, just after Yi Zhe, there are some things, it's better to remind him.It can't just have factory guards helping him in secret, he has to change himself.

In the Jiajing Dynasty, there used to be a Hai Rui who grew wild.My own Chongzhen Dynasty also had to create one, so I chose Sun Chuanting, but I had to follow my own design and actively cultivate one.

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen clicked on Sun Chuanting's profile picture, and went to teach the opportunity to this minister.

At the end of May in the eighth year of Chongzhen, Taiping Port, Fuzhou, Fujian Province, has become prosperous very quickly since King Yi entrusted Lu Song and King Fu enfeoffed Annan.

Taiping Port is divided into two major ports, the military and the civilian. At the beginning, the military port was prosperous, and the navy was stationed here, and there was also the junior military equipment hall of the navy.There are more soldiers, and it becomes lively here.

Later, civilian ports were changing almost at a rate of one day.Not only is the port expanded, but the docks that can accommodate docking are getting bigger and bigger. There are also more and more warehouses and shops on the docks.The wasteland around the original port has long since disappeared.

The merchants who ran the sea route had money. Under their leadership, they persuaded Chang Lezhi County to report to the Governor's Office. In the end, they gave priority to building cement roads here, including the port side, all of which were cement roads.This greatly facilitated the people in the port, and they no longer had to worry about the rainy weather in the south, which made the road here in the port muddy and unable to do much.

Speaking of it, the people here are also a little surprised.Governor Sun started as governor of Fujian and has been here for many years.He has always been known as the "cold-faced Hades".No matter who you are or what you do, you only act in accordance with the laws of the court, with a cold face and a ruthless face.Back then, he even beat to death a tax evader Juren, which shocked countless people.

But later, the trend of Governor Sun's talk in restaurants and teahouses seems to have changed.They are all discussing that Governor Sun, the cold-faced king of Hades, is actually targeting corrupt officials, fearful generals, and famous people who act recklessly. Who has tasted the ruthlessness of Governor Sun for ordinary people?
Having said that, many people think that this is really the case.Governor Sun is ruthless to those people. On the other hand, isn't it a kindness to ordinary people? He is a good official!
Thinking about it again, what Governor Sun was like before he came to the south, and what he is like now, is obviously much better!However, some people said that this was due to the change of the imperial court's state policy and the emperor's sageness, but some people believed that the emperor's reign was true, but Governor Sun's ruthless face and heavy blows were also indispensable.Such a good official is a blessing to the people!
It was on the basis of such public opinion that the maritime merchants encouraged the magistrate of Changle County to report the matter of cement road construction. Unexpectedly, Governor Sun immediately approved it, and reported it to the court, and soon asked the Ministry of Communications to send people to give priority to it.

This time, I don't know if Sun Chuanting's impression in the hearts of civil and military officials has changed, but in the hearts of ordinary people, there have been quite a few changes.The news that the imperial court announced the reinstatement of official Sun Chuanting made ordinary people very happy.

On this day, the people of Taiping Port unexpectedly discovered that Governor Sun had actually come to them with a lot of followers.It made many people secretly speculate and wonder who would come to Taiping Port, but Governor Sun came to greet him in person?
Different from their mentality of eating melons, at this time, on the sea not far from Taiping Port, there are many sailing warships, riding the wind and waves.The cabins of several of the ships were full of people.

Suddenly, an officer of the Ming army got down from the cabin, and said with a smile to the people here: "There is an order from the supervisor, and we are going to Taiping Port soon, everyone can go up to the deck to have a look!"

Hearing this, the originally quiet cabin suddenly became violent.It was like a stagnant pond, suddenly, an elephant fell from the sky.

I saw people in the cabin, no matter men, women, old or young, all got up and talked to each other excitedly.

"I'm back, I'm finally back!"

"Looking forward day and night, and finally looking forward to this day, even death is worth it!"

"I don't know what's going on at home. How are they doing? Tell me, has my appearance changed, and will my family recognize me?"

"The young and the old leave home, the old man returns, the local accent remains unchanged..."


Amidst the noisy voices, someone wanted to rush to the deck to have a look.So, there was a bit of chaos in the cabin.

At this time, an old man paused with a cane, and said excitedly: "Don't mess up, let's go one by one, what's the rush when we're all home?"

When he said this, some people in the cabin also echoed.

"Everyone listen to Mr. Su, don't mess up, don't rush!"

"Yes, we're all home, so what's the rush!"

"calm down……"

Elder Su, also known as Su Minggang, walked out of the cabin first without Su Minglun helping him.

These people are all Ming people from Batavia, and with the emperor's permission, they went back to Fujian directly by warship.

 One more chapter tonight

(End of this chapter)

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