Chongzhen chat group.

Chapter 779 New Heights

Chapter 779 New Heights
Emperor Chongzhen had already felt it before, and when he heard it now, he immediately replied: "Then you tell me, should it be better to divide Ming and Mongolia, or should I treat everyone as Ming people and treat everyone equally?"

If it is divided, there is no reason for Mongolia to be better than Daming. After all, this is Ming, not Yuan!That is to say, the treatment of the Mongols will be lower. In such a situation, it is definitely impossible for Hai Lanzhu to choose. Naturally, the answer is self-evident.

Hai Lanzhu didn't answer, so he naturally knew the answer.Emperor Chongzhen went on to say: "In the future, Mongolia and Daming will be one family, and it will no longer be the same as before. You guard against me, and I guard against you; you rob me, and I block you; you hit me, and I hit you; if this continues, After all, it is the common people of the two races who suffer. I don’t want to see this kind of situation in the future. Looking forward, we will all be Ming people in the future. New enemies are about to appear. We must join hands and advance together, not waiting for others to conquer We, rather we go conquer the world!"

Hearing this, Hai Lanzhu was a little dazed, and asked in confusion, "Your Majesty, what new enemy?"

She couldn't figure it out, isn't the Qing Dynasty the enemy all around, how could new enemies appear?

When the Emperor Chongzhen mentioned this, he naturally would not refuse to answer, so he answered her: "The new enemy is the Xiyi, who are like ghosts. Now there are them all over the world. They are greedy, plundering everywhere, taking All over the world, places that are weaker than them have become their colonies, the kind that just ask for it and scrape it off..."

Hearing this, Hai Lanzhu, as a Mongolian, immediately knew what Emperor Chongzhen was talking about.Back then, when Mongolia was strong, it marched westward and trampled that piece of barbarian land under the horseshoe of Mongolia.

So, she interjected and asked, "Your Majesty, are those Xiyi people so powerful?"

"Well, they are divided into many small countries, and they conquer each other. They should have stepped into the industrial society. This explanation is very complicated. To put it simply, their navigation and war capabilities have been greatly improved. Development, the situation in those countries, urgently need to plunder a large amount of materials to support their countries to complete the transformation."

"Those countries are staking lands all over the world now. Including my Daming side. You probably don't know that Xiyi wanted to bully my Daming as soon as they came. There are at least two countries, but they were all beat up by Daming. But there are not many countries as powerful as Ming Dynasty in the world, and many countries have already fallen!"

Having said so much in one breath, I may feel that Hai Lanzhu still can't understand, so I told her something understandable: "I can tell you one more thing, do you know why Oirat Mongolia surrendered to Daming so quickly?"

"Why?" Hai Lanzhu asked curiously.She has always felt very strange about this matter. After all, in her opinion, Oirat Mongolia is far away in the Western Regions, which is a bit far away from Daming. The eastern Mongolia has all surrendered to Ming. On the contrary, Oirat Mongolia sent envoys to the capital first.

Emperor Chongzhen told Hai Lanzhu: "Because Oirat has already bordered a country in Xiyi, and there has been a conflict, which made Oirat Mongolia aware of the crisis. This country is called Tsarist Russia. As far as I know, Tsarist Russia has begun to expand. Even the eastern side is about to appear their figures. Maybe, there may be traces of them in the northern Mongolia side!"

Hearing this, Hai Lanzhu's vision suddenly became higher, and her vision was no longer limited to the eastern Mongolia.Thinking back to the news she heard just now, after a while, she couldn't help asking again: "Your Majesty, is Xiyi really that powerful?"

In fact, not only her, but most of the people in Daming did not realize the power and danger of Xiyi at this time.Only Emperor Chongzhen, a soul from later generations, can know what Xiyi is doing in this age of great voyages!
"You know the Hongyi Cannon, right? This is the cannon made by Xiyi! Later, when you come to Daming, you will learn more and see more things, and then you will know that Xiyi must not be underestimated." .In this day and age, there will be no such thing as if we don't provoke them, we will live in peace!" When Emperor Chongzhen said this, his attitude was already a bit serious, "It is better to keep strengthening yourself than to be conquered by others. Let's conquer them! This world, since I have come, must belong to Daming, belong to us Easterners, and definitely not Xiyi!"

Hai Lanzhu saw these words sent by Emperor Chongzhen, and could feel the ambition of the young emperor.To be honest, she really broadened her horizons this time, knowing things that she had never realized before.

She believed in Emperor Chongzhen's words, because even such magical things as chat groups belonged to Emperor Chongzhen, so why is it so strange that the world belongs to Ming Dynasty?
In fact, this is also good. In the future, regardless of Mongolian or Han people, we will be a family, and there will be no need to fight and kill like before.The previous emperors, whether Mongolian or Han, did not have this courage, but now Emperor Chongzhen has it. This should be an opportunity that the people of the world have never had before!

Thinking of this, Hai Lanzhu figured it out. After all, for her, being king and dominating is not what she likes. It is her wish that everyone in the clan can live well!
"Your Majesty, I want to go to Guihua to have a look." Hai Lanzhu sent a private message.

As soon as Emperor Chongzhen heard it, he knew that she had no objection, but was only worried about whether the life of the Mongolians would be really good. This is also reasonable and not excessive.

In fact, since Emperor Chongzhen had the ambition to conquer Tsarist Russia and Europe, assimilating and attracting the Mongols to become real Ming people had to go a long way.Slavery and oppression are never a long-term solution, and the nomads are indispensable for the Ming Dynasty.

However, regarding Hai Lanzhu's request, Emperor Chongzhen immediately vetoed it: "I still don't believe it now. If you go, if the news gets out, you may be associated with something in the future."

After a pause, he added another private chat: "Isn't there a chat group? It's easy to see if you want to see it now. I asked Guihua City to take a few photos, and you can see it directly!"

When Hai Lanzhu heard this, she thought she was right. Isn't there a photo, so she immediately agreed.At this time, she naturally didn't know that photos can be faked, not PS, but posing.Of course, Emperor Chongzhen would not fool her, as it was originally what he wanted to treat everyone equally.

 In the afternoon, my daughter had a recurring fever. I don’t know if it will happen tonight, so I have to go to bed early, and I will go to bed after writing another update later.

(End of this chapter)

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