Chongzhen chat group.

Chapter 780 Why Worry About Huang Taiji

Chapter 780 Why Worry About Huang Taiji (Third Change)
There are only two photos, one is inside the house, and the other is a panoramic shot at Guihua City.Hai Lanzhu was satisfied when she saw these two pictures, and immediately chatted privately: "Your Majesty, your heart is wider than the grassland, your ambition is higher than the eagle, you are the sage of all peoples in the world. ..."

Emperor Chongzhen looked very embarrassed, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. People in this era are still simple, and they believed it after seeing two photos.But that's fine too, it's not good if it's too complicated!

Before Hai Lanzhu could finish speaking, he interrupted her and said, "You will be my concubine from now on, just watch by my side, everything will be settled!"

When Hai Lanzhu saw her, she was a little shy at first, but she immediately became proud: Look, my husband is the emperor of Ming Dynasty, but he is so humble, who can have such a spirit?
Thinking of this, Hai Lanzhu replied a private message: "Your Majesty, I will do my best to explain what you have to say in the future!"

When Emperor Chongzhen saw it, he thought for a while and said: "The reorganization I just said was a previous idea. Now that you have told me about the conspiracy about Jianlu, it would be a bit of a waste if you don't think about how to use this news. I'm sorry for the information. In this way, let your father do as Jianlu said, and wait for me to think about it!"

"Okay." After Hai Lanzhu replied, she withdrew from the chat group.Then he saw Bu He staring at him with a strange expression on his face, he couldn't help but asked inexplicably, "Er Qige, what's wrong?"

Bu He looked at his daughter, and said in a puzzled way: "Just now, I don't understand why your face turns pale, red, worried, happy, and shy. What are you talking about?"

When Hai Lanzhu heard this, what flashed in her mind was not the matter of equal treatment, but the words of Emperor Chongzhen, "You are my concubine".She blushed a little, and then immediately replied: "It's nothing, I have already told him the news, and he said let us do as they said!"

Seeing that she didn't speak, Buhe didn't ask any more questions.Anyway, the old man himself has nothing to do with the matter of their young couple.That's the best thing they can do!

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen was also seriously thinking about the news that Hai Lanzhu told him just now.

It is undeniable that Huang Taiji is indeed capable.In such a desperate situation, he can still think of a way to solve the predicament.If he is not a time traveler, if he is still the original Emperor Chongzhen, if this court is still the original court, maybe even if Jianlu suffers a setback for a while, it will not affect anything.The final rise of Jianlu has its own strength.

While he was thinking about this, he suddenly received another private message, which was sent by Qian Fugui: "Group leader, Daishan and his son Yue Tuogang led the army back to Shenyang. The villain secretly went to have a look, and a They are all languid, without any morale, and they are not like the former Jianlu at all!"

Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help laughing when he saw it.This group of Jianlu was busy in the wind and snow for a few days, and finally found that the Dongjiang Army had gone back to Jinzhou for the winter. It's no wonder that the morale was so high!

But who can blame this?Who told them to make Liaodong a thousand miles uninhabited?If it is like Guannei, there is no way to hide the whereabouts of the army, as long as you ask more people, you can know the approximate whereabouts.

Thinking of this, he replied to Qian Fugui: "Okay, keep watching Shenyang, if you have any news, please let me know anytime!"

Seeing this news, Qian Fugui thought of something, and reported again: "Recently, there seems to be rumors in Shenyang City that the reason why Jianlu's successive failures this year is because Huang Taiji seized power and changed Nurhachi's legacy. The eight kings discussed politics, and changed the name of the Jurchen clan and the country name. Those defeats are a warning from the heavens, and it is Nurhachi's spirit in heaven expressing dissatisfaction!"

After finishing speaking, Qian Fugui added another sentence: "Group leader, is this true?"

real?Cook it!Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help thinking in his heart, it seems that Jianlu's internal affairs have really begun to become unstable. As soon as he heard the news, he knew that it was the people whose interests were harmed by the Eight Kings who were discussing politics.However, this kind of words seems to be quite lethal to this era. I don't know how Huang Taiji will respond?

After thinking about it for a while, he stopped thinking about it, why worry about Huang Taiji!He clicked Gao Yingyuan's icon and chatted with him privately.

In Gaizhou City, Gao Yingyuan, who had withdrawn from the chat group, said to Cao Bianjiao, who had just returned from inspection and was warming up, "The emperor's news says that the cavalry led by Yue Tuo and Dai Shan has just returned to Shenyang City."

Hearing this, Cao Bianjiao was a little pleasantly surprised. He looked at the supervisor Feng Dehua and said, "Before I was worried that the two cavalry would ambush in the dark, or suddenly kill the carbine and come back. Now that I have the exact news, I am worried." Just get down to it!"

Feng Dehua understood what his partner was referring to, so he asked with a smile: "Does that mean we can attack the Jianlu outside the city?"

"No worries. After waiting for such a long time, no other Jianlu army showed up. The most likely two cavalry troops have also returned to Shenyang. It's just that if we deal with the two thousand Jianlu outside the city, there should be no problem! "Cao Bianjiao said with a smile, very confident.

It's no wonder, he had been in the Guan Ning army, he had the new army in his hands, and he had fought several battles with Jianlu, so he naturally knew how powerful the new army was!What's more, the number of the new army at this time is more than the number of Jianlu outside the city. It's strange if he doesn't have confidence!

After Cao Bianjiao finished speaking, he stood up immediately, and said to Feng Dehua: "I'll go to the watchtower, if you need anything, just find me there!"

Going to the arrow tower is obviously to see the movement of the Jianlu camp.Everything in the city is in order and nothing will happen, Feng Dehua stood up and replied with a smile: "It's fine if our family is idle, let's go together!"

After they arrived at the watchtower, the generals on duty who had been observing here reported the situation to them. In fact, there was nothing wrong. The captives all huddled in the camp without moving.

"Hehe, do cats spend the winter?" Cao Bianjiao listened, observed for a while and then said with a smile, "It's almost New Year's Eve, and it's time for everyone to have fun together!"

So, he began to issue general orders, convened military meetings, and came up with a set of battle plans based on the current situation of Jianlu, and then reported to Emperor Chongzhen for approval through Gao Yingyuan.

Emperor Chongzhen was still thinking about the news from Hai Lanzhu. After seeing the battle plan, he felt that the strength gap between the two sides was a bit big. Since the frontline soldiers had a plan and he didn't find anything special on his side, he approved it.

 Weekly recommendation votes are 800 more, and this chapter just happened to be repaid, so there are still 19 owed.Thanks to Daoister for the reward!Thank you for your concern, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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