Paper Maker

Chapter 4

Chapter 4
Among them, Wang Mazi's grandfather said that my son was about to go down, and I was worried that he would get lost, so I had to wait and take him away.

I said, your son is still alive, and it’s not time yet, so go away!
At this time, Wang Mazi's grandmother suddenly started to cry. I was thinking about it, so I won't leave.While crying, he yelled Uncle Wang's name into the room, son, mother misses you, come out to meet mother, and take you away from suffering here.

As soon as I heard this, I was terrified immediately, because there were too many such things that my life was not up to date, and the ghost messengers hadn't come to arrest the soul, but I was taken away by my relatives.

If the person who came was a lonely ghost, I would definitely not be polite, but the person who came was from his Wang family, and the shouting soul just missed his son, so I can't force it.

Speaking of which, I didn't scare the ghost away with my snarl just now, but it scared the two of Wang Mazi, mother and son beside me.Seeing me talking to the air at the door, no matter how stupid they are, they will understand what's going on.

At this moment, I didn't dare to delay, so I hurriedly told Aunt Wang that your father-in-law and mother-in-law are back and want to pick up Uncle Wang, so don't worry about anything, just swear at me with swear words, and they will stand at the door It's on!
I can't do anything about it, Uncle Wang's mother has been calling Uncle Wang, and the only way is to let his family scold them and run away.

Hearing what I said, although Aunt Wang, mother and son were scared to death, they still hastily followed my instructions.

Aunt Wang opened her voice and cursed loudly. I don't know if her parents-in-law treated her badly before she was alive, or because she was really worried about Uncle Wang, why she scolded so aggressively.

Have you ever seen a wife quarrel with her in-laws?Have you ever seen a shrew swear?This is what Aunt Wang looks like now!
It is said that after being scolded so fiercely by Aunt Wang, the relatives who came to pick him up were really scolded and ran away by her.

Aunt Wang was standing at the gate cursing, and I was not idle, and hurried back to Uncle Wang's bed, and chanted a spell at the paper figurine wearing Uncle Wang's clothes...

"Life and death, death and death, life and death, fold a little ghost to replace life and death, and today the king will pass the test as a substitute, the little ghost will lead the soul, and the soul will go to the underworld, the king of spiritual life, the king of Ximu, the king of gatekeeper ghosts..." Once the spell is finished, I tapped the finger on the forehead of the paper figurine, and shouted "Chi", and then the paper figurine blinked and moved like a ghost possessed...

Although the paper figurine came alive, it did not move as freely as a living person.Have you seen the walking robots made by those folk geniuses on TV?
The paper figurine in front of him walked like this, trembling every step, extremely stiff, his eyes blinked back and forth, and there was a sinister sneer on his face, which had been painted with red watercolor.If an outsider who didn't know why suddenly saw this scene, he would be scared to death.

The paper figurine has nothing to frighten other than giving people an infiltrating feeling. It walked out of the room in front of Uncle Wang's bed with blunt steps, and then walked straight to the paper bridge in front of the threshold. go……

I knew in my heart that whether Uncle Wang could survive this time would depend on whether the paper figurine could walk across the paper bridge safely.

It is said that as soon as the paper man stepped on the paper bridge, suddenly a strong wind blew up for no reason, flying sand and rocks, and blowing the paper man to the left and right. It looked like the paper man and the paper bridge were about to be blown by the wind. Walk in general.

Seeing this posture, my heart tightened, and I realized that something was at work.I looked outside, who said it was not, and saw that the relatives of the Wang family who had just been scolded by Aunt Wang came back.

Not only that, but there were two people not far behind the relatives of the Wang family.The two men were tall, over seven feet tall, one with a head like a bull's head, and the other with a head like a horse's head, with chains and shackles in their hands.

I was startled right away, what the fuck, isn’t this just a bull’s head and a horse’s face?

I was terrified, I could still scold those relatives of the Wang family, and if I didn't leave, I could still force them, but who would dare to scold or beat him unless he wanted to die!

The paper man in front of him couldn't protect himself because of the strong wind, let alone cross the bridge.And with the arrival of the Bull Head and Horse Noodles, the wind was blowing even harder, and I was really worried that the paper figurine would not blow away.

I don't dare to delay now, if the bull's head and horse face come to me, Uncle Wang will die.So I raised my finger and put it in my mouth to bite. I used my own blood to draw a talisman on the back of the paper figurine and activated the spell. The paper figurine finally stabilized itself and stepped across the bridge...

Fortunately, when the bull head and horse face came to the door, the paper figurine just walked across the bridge and crossed the threshold of the Wang family's gate.

At this time, the bull-headed horse-faced man didn't doubt much, and put the iron chain around the neck of the paper figurine, and locked it.

Just when they were about to leave, I saw the horse face turned around suddenly, and said to me with a horse's mouth, life and death are fixed on the book of life and death, you kid don't play tricks here, you should go back and watch the store Well, if it's too late, something big will happen!
After saying this, I don't care if I understand it or not, I turned around and took the paper figurine and left...

Although they left, I was stunned. This... what's going on?

How did that horse face know that I run a shop?Fuck, does he know me?

And he also told me to go back quickly and watch the store closely, otherwise something serious would happen.event?What can happen to my store?
At this point, I'm at a loss...

After hearing Ma Mian's inexplicable words, although I was puzzled, I didn't think too much about it. I thought he might mean that I didn't look good at the store and came here to meddle in my own business.

It is said that the paper figurine was captured by the cow-headed horse face. The paper figurine still exists in the eyes of the naked eye, but the paper figurine will not move at this time, and it will stand blankly outside the threshold. Unsteady standing upright and fell to the ground...

But it doesn't matter anymore, I told Wang Mazi to take out the paper figurine and paper bridge and burn it.

At this moment, Aunt Wang in the back room yelled at us, Xiao Pan, wake up, your uncle woke up!

Hearing this, Wang Mazi and I were very excited, and ran back to the house. Sure enough, Uncle Wang was already awake at this time, shouting for water.

Aunt Wang was already weeping with joy, she hurried to pour water for Uncle Wang.This Uncle Wang said to Wang Mazi, just now I dreamed about your grandparents and they said they wanted to take me away. I also want to go with them, but I can't let you go...

When Uncle Wang said this, he sighed and his face was full of reluctance.There is reluctance to parents, and reluctance to wife and children.

People, maybe they are all like this. As a parent, which parent would be willing to abandon their children?Whether it's a living person or a dead ghost...

Seeing that Uncle Wang was all right, I said goodbye and went back to the shop.

But what I didn't expect was that I saved Uncle Wang on one side, but something happened to me on the other side. My shop caught fire!

As soon as I left Wang Mazi's house, I bumped into Li Yao'er from the village. He came to me in a hurry and said why are you still hanging around here? Your shop is on fire!

These words startled me, and I ran into the store in a panic.

My shop is at the entrance of the village, where there are three houses in a row, my shop is in the middle, and the two houses on both sides are warehouses of other people's houses.

Before the person reached the entrance of the village, he saw the flames bursting into the sky from the direction of the entrance of the village. Obviously, the fire was very large.

When I got closer, I realized that it might have been burned from the house next to me. At this time, there was nothing left of the house, and my shop was also on fire.

At this time, many people came from the village to fight the fire. While fighting the fire, I asked Li Yaoer next to me, how did the fire start?
Li Yaoer said, I don't quite understand it either. I heard from Uncle Liu that I saw a long flame burst out from the west end of the village just now, and it rushed directly to the entrance of the village, and then it caught fire here.

What Li Yaoer said about this was so mysterious that I couldn't believe my ears!
When the fire was finally extinguished in the dark, my shop was already burned to the ground...

Looking at the messy shop that was burned by the fire, I was so sad that I wanted to cry but had no tears.Sitting foolishly in the dark shop, I suddenly remembered the inexplicable words Nama said to me at Wang Mazi's house.

It sounded inexplicable at the beginning, but thinking about it now, it makes me shudder.Ma Mian said he wanted me to keep an eye on the store, otherwise something big would happen, and now it seems that something really happened.

But, thinking about it now, I thought that the big event that Ma Mian mentioned was the fire, but what I didn't expect was that the big event he mentioned didn't refer to this event at all, because the fire was just the beginning...

As for what happened after the fire in the shop, that's a later story, let me talk about it later.

(End of this chapter)

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