Paper Maker

Chapter 5 The Spiritual Tree

Chapter 5 The Spiritual Tree (1)

The shop was burned, and I was not sad. I cleaned up the shop that night and cleared out all the unburnt objects.

When cleaning, I found a jade pendant in a wooden box.I know this jade pendant. I saw it when I was a child. Grandpa said it was a piece of dead jade, which could lock ghosts. I didn’t believe my grandfather’s words when I was young. I only knew that it was only half of the jade pendant. In his hand, no matter what happened, as long as he took this half jade pendant to go to his junior brother, his junior brother would help.

The jade pendant itself is actually a piece of white jade, but because the jade is said to have been buried underground with the corpse for hundreds of years, after being soaked in blood and water from the corpse, it looks like the whole piece of jade has a reddish-yellow color.

One side of the jade pendant is engraved with the word "ghost seal", and I don't know what these two words refer to. Moreover, I don't know the name of my grandfather's junior brother or where he lives.

But my grandfather said that this jade pendant is very important, so I put the jade pendant away and put it in my arms.Now it is the only thing that can be regarded as a thought of grandpa!

The next day I started to repair the house, and I still couldn't figure out how the fire started. If it is true that the fire came from the west of the village as Mr. Liu said, then the fire is too weird. ?
A few days later, the house was almost repaired, and I couldn't help but feel curious, so I followed the west side that Mr. Liu pointed out, and I found out that something serious happened to a village on the west side!
To the west of our village is a village called Guocun. The origin of the name of the village is mainly because there are many surnames Guo, so it is called Guocun.When I first arrived at the village, I felt that the village gave me a bad feeling, because there was an earthen slope at the end of the village, and the earthen slope was full of large and small graves.

It is not uncommon to say that grave mounds are actually not uncommon. After all, people are born, old, sick and die.It's just that the reason why the graves on the slopes in this village make me curious is that most of the large and small graves are new graves, that is, graves that have just been erected.

We must know that the villages in the countryside are not big, and there are not many villagers. It is normal for a few people to die a year, but looking around, there are at least a dozen new graves on the slope, and they are all just established. Because many of the wreaths on the graves are still new, this made me curious, wondering if there was any accident or infection in this village?

With doubts in my heart, I walked straight into the village...

As soon as I entered the village, I saw a lot of villagers gathered under a tree with a crooked neck tens of meters away, looking chaotic. Seeing this situation, I was very curious, so I quickly stepped forward to get closer go.

Standing on the periphery of the crowd, I couldn't see what was going on inside, but I could hear some clues from the villagers' chatter.I saw one of the women said: "Sister Zhang is always a smiling person, why did she hang herself when she hanged herself?"

And the other woman replied: "Who says it's not? I've long thought that there is something wrong with our village. Maybe something sinister happened to me. Otherwise, why are there so many women in our village looking for death!"

"Aunt Liu, don't talk nonsense, didn't Mrs. Guo ask the Great Immortal last time, and the Great Immortal said it's all right."

"It's not a matter of colliding with evil spirits, so what do you think is the reason?"

"I think it might be Sister Zhang's mother who came to look for her. Don't you forget that Sister Zhang's mother was also hanged to death?"

There has been a saying in rural areas since ancient times, that is, if a relative commits suicide, such as drinking medicine or hanging himself, then this kind of person cannot be reincarnated, and it is very lonely to become a lonely ghost, so this kind of person Often come to find their relatives for company.

Of course, these gossip and suspicious women are indispensable in the countryside.But from their mouths, I heard a general idea, and there was a hemp rope wrapped around the branch of the crooked neck tree in front of me, so I thought that someone must have hanged himself.

In fact, it is not surprising that some people can't think about it and hang themselves, but I was surprised to hear these women say that many women in the village committed suicide.Not only that, when I came to this crooked neck tree and found that the branch wrapped with hemp rope was only one person tall, I knew in my heart that things were not that simple.

Can you think of a person who stands on the ground and hangs himself without leaving the ground?
At this moment, the crowd suddenly exclaimed, and it sounded like the man who had hanged himself was revived.Then, the crowd retreated one after another, and I also saw what was going on inside the crowd.

I saw a middle-aged man supporting a woman lying on the ground. The woman was about thirty years old. Although she woke up at this time, her face was still pale, and a purple rope mark on her neck was very conspicuous.

When the man saw that the woman was awake, he couldn't help crying, and asked her why she was so stupid, and if there was anything she couldn't think of, she had to seek death.And the woman seemed to be unable to hear what the man said at all, her expression was dull, and her two dull eyes were like dead fish.

At this time, some villagers told the man not to ask these questions, but to take his wife home quickly!

The man nodded, carried the dull-looking woman on his back, and was about to rush home.Seeing this, I hurried forward, grabbed the man's arm, and shouted to him: "Brother, wait..."

Seeing that I pulled him back suddenly, the man looked at me curiously, and then he seemed to recognize me, so he didn't feel disgusted, wiped away his tears, and asked, " are the grandson of old man Pan, right?" ,is there anything?"

I nodded and said, they are all from the surrounding villages. Since you know me, you must also know what I do. I just want to tell you that if you carry people back like this, you may get into trouble.

I didn't scare him. Judging from the situation, it's probably because of something dirty.Although it was discovered in time this time and the person was rescued, there is no guarantee that he will be so lucky next time.Especially in this kind of situation where you can hang yourself while standing without leaving the ground, you have bumped into something evil, otherwise, even if you can't think about it, you won't be so stupid as to hang yourself like this.

It is said that some people were hunted by fierce gods or hanged ghosts. They hanged themselves without having to lift their feet off the ground. Some people even took a rope and gestured around their necks to die. Son.

Maybe some people don't believe it, but what I said is true. I still remember a child who took a hemp rope and joked to people, "Look at me hanging myself, and then put the hemp rope in my hand. I wrapped it around my neck, but I was killed by myself in a few strokes.There are many examples like this. Some people say that it is unlucky to hang yourself, and it will summon the ghosts of the hanged person. Therefore, if you have nothing to do, don’t open your mouth to hang yourself, let alone make random gestures with the rope.

Closer to home, when the other party heard what I said, they were terrified. In addition, the villagers next to me knew my grandfather, so they knew that I was not joking. When you said what I said, the man burst into tears, asking Do I see something coming?
Instead of answering immediately, I asked them instead, did your wife hang herself by standing on the ground with both feet?

The man nodded, and then he himself was also surprised, saying that I really feel evil after you say that, how could she hang herself standing on the ground?

I said, so, it's not easy.Then I asked again, has anyone in your village died of old age recently?
I asked this mainly because I heard the women onlookers talking about it just now, saying that some people in the village always commit suicide.

At this time, not only the man answered, but all the villagers nodded in agreement, and they were all women, and they all committed suicide.Either hang himself, or jump into a well, or drink medicine.In the end, everyone started talking about it, thinking that what happened in the village during this period was evil, so they all asked me to check and find out the reason.

Now I am more sure that something murderous has happened in the village, but it is impossible to immediately see where the problem is, so I tell everyone that I will try my best to find out the cause of the village, but now I have to help This big brother, because if my guess is correct, something will happen tonight.

At the moment, I will ask everyone to pay more attention in the near future, and try not to let similar things happen again.After giving these orders, I went back to his house with the man.

The man's name is Guo Erdan, and the woman's name is Cuihua. There are no elderly people in the family, and they have two children aged five or six. Although they live in a poor life, the husband and wife love each other very much. With the addition of two children, it is reasonable to say that there is such a happy family of four, it is impossible for Cuihua to be willing to abandon her husband and children casually and seek death.

When she got home, Cuihua also got better.Her face was no longer as pale as it was before, and she was able to walk, so Er Dan asked her, why are you so overwhelmed and want to commit suicide? If you leave like this, what will the child and I do?

Unexpectedly, Cuihua scratched her head and said that I don't know either. She just suddenly felt that life was hard, so she thought it would be better to die, and I don't know what happened next.Talking and talking, and then wept, saying that I was so scared.

I patted Erdan on the shoulder, signaling him not to ask any more questions, because I can be sure that this is hitting evil.He was found by something, that's why he hanged himself to commit suicide because of a little bit of unhappiness.In fact, there are many such examples, so I won’t give them here.

Erdan also understood that his wife's situation was abnormal, so he worriedly asked me what to do next, what should I do if this happened again?

I thought about it, so I asked for Cuihua's birthday to make a calculation, and found out that there will be another jump (disaster) tonight. I don't need to think about it, I also know that [-]% of them are going to urge her to hang herself again.So I said to Erdan, if you can't think of anything wrong, there is only one way, and that is to find a pair of scissors and put them under her pillow tonight, and you will stay by her bed for another night, and you won't be able to for a moment. leave.As long as the cock crows, everything should be fine.

Erdan nodded repeatedly, saying that he would definitely do it, but he thought about it, and then said with a bitter face that he was still worried, so he begged me to stay.

Seeing Erdan's frightened look, thinking about it, I stayed, first to strengthen Erdan's company, and secondly, I also wanted to see what was at work!
(End of this chapter)

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