behavioral psychology

Chapter 3 Mind Maps in Changing Expressions

Chapter 3 Mind map in ever-changing expressions
As an important communication tool, facial expressions can not only help people express their ideas, but also help people spy on a person's psychological and personality characteristics.In interpersonal communication, in order to understand each other more quickly, we should pay attention to observe his various expressions, that is, the expressions of facial organs such as face, eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, etc., and capture his personality characteristics from many expressions.

Face - a barometer of temperament
In Chinese opera, there is a saying of facial make-up, which is to express the characters and characteristics of characters with various patterns painted on the faces of certain characters.So, to some extent, the face is a barometer that reflects one's mood and personality.

According to the research of American psychologist Paul Ekman, facial expression behaviors can be divided into six basic types: surprise, joy, anger, sadness, contempt, and fear.He found that no matter where in the world people live, the facial expressions that express these six basic emotions are almost the same.

Through a person's facial expression and behavior, you can see through a person's psychology and see what kind of person he is.Because behind each person's expression is his life experience, knowledge and accomplishment, mentality and personality.

The face we are talking about not only refers to the appearance of a person, but mainly refers to facial expressions.The face in the human body is the surface scale of internal unity and at the same time the key to spiritually complete holistic beauty.Because from the most abundant spiritual expression of the face, we can see the changes of the human mind.The facial structure cannot be separated from the spirit, because it is the intuitive expression of the spirit.The face is the embodiment of the spirit and a symbol of personality, which is obviously different from the body.The face is easy to show tenderness, timidity, smile, hatred and many other emotional pedigrees. It is a "geometric map for observing the inner world" and also the place where art has the most aesthetic characteristics.Compared with the face, especially the eyes, the body occupies a secondary position. Although it can also express emotions through movements and shapes, it is still not enough to compare with the face.For the face and the body are as fundamentally different as the mind and appearance, concealment and exposure.

When we talk about "face", we don't mean static appearance, but dynamic facial expression behavior.Facial expression is a rich life posture and communication art.The complexion of different people can become a kind of style, a kind of identity, a kind of upbringing, a kind of temperament characteristic and a kind of expressive ability.For example: blushing is often due to shyness and emotional agitation; blue face often appears before the outbreak of strong anger, suppressed anger; pale face is often due to physical discomfort or a huge mental blow.The eyebrows, eyes, nose and mouth on the face can express extremely rich, delicate and subtle expressions.Frowning generally expresses disapproval, annoyance, or even anger; raising eyebrows generally expresses various emotions such as excitement and surprise; flickering eyebrows generally expresses welcome or strengthening the tone; eyebrow shrugging is slower than flickering, and the eyebrows stay for a short time after raising the eyebrows and then lower , expressing surprise or sadness.

Facial expression behavior can convey complex and subtle information, and careful observation of a person's facial expression behavior can provide insight into the other person's psychology.

Eyes - the window to the soul

Eyes are the windows to the soul, through the behavior of a person's eyes, we can understand his psychology and personality.

There are so many types of eyes that shine:
His eyes are clear and open, and he is upright and broad-minded.

The eyes are cunning, deceitful, hypocritical and narrow-minded.

Persistence in vision and lofty aspirations.

His eyes are floating and he is frivolous.

The eyes are restrained, because of self-denial.

Because of greed, the eyes are exposed.

Dignity and keenness draw the eye like a sharp sword.

Evil and tricky make the eyes dormant like snakes and scorpions.

A knowledgeable person has enlightenment in his eyes.

Uneducated people seem to have only doubts in their eyes.

Confident people have firm and resolute eyes.

Those who have fallen from the sky have dark and declining eyes.

Maybe your appearance is not amazing, and your eyes are as small as beans, but it can reveal a gorgeous temperament.

Maybe you look forward to it, but maybe your crumpled and decayed soul is sleeping in it.

As a physiological organ, the eyes can also tell a person's mental state:
The eyes of a healthy, energetic person are usually bright and powerful, with quick and alert eye movements, clear and well-hydrated vision.

A tired person's eyes will appear weak and tasteless, with dull eyes and cloudy eyes.

An optimistic person, usually with smiling eyes and good intentions.

A negative person often has his eyes pulled down and dare not look into the eyes of others.

An honest person's eyes are confident, and a lying person's eyes will turn up unconsciously or the eyes will move faster than the rhythm of speaking.Many executives of large companies can find this characteristic during interviews.

Facing an honest man, his eyes are firm and deep, and his eyes are heavy and steady. You will feel that he has a firm belief in his actions, and his narrative is full of persuasion and appeal, which makes people beyond doubt.

A liar is not convinced psychologically, his eyes are floating and rootless, and his speech has no confidence and righteousness. Facing this kind of person, you will feel that he is talking about something that has nothing to do with you, without faith and credibility; It is difficult for this type of people to achieve the set goals in life and career.

eyes speak more than mouth

Peeping into people's psychological activities through their eyes is a common way people use in social life.But if you want to intentionally and actively see the other party's mentality from the eyes, you must master relevant theories and skills.Now, let's take a look at how to find out the other person's true intentions from the other person's eyes and sight when talking.

His eyes aren't looking at you when he's talking to you.When the conversation is getting to the point, the other party sometimes looks away and looks into the distance, either he doesn't care about what you say at all, or he is calculating something.But it should be noted that, usually when people talk to their superiors, there are very few people who always look into the eyes of the other party, because most people will feel more or less afraid, shy or humbled at this time.There is also a disease called eye phobia. People with this disease dare not look directly at anyone.

When you are staring at you, if you meet someone with an attitude of "Ah! Things are up to now, let's resign ourselves to fate!", it means that his lies or crimes are about to be exposed. At this time, he is pretending to be calm by staring at you. attitude.

When the other party's eyes are flickering, it is because someone is worried about something in his heart, and he can't really say it out, he will have such eyes.It can be understood that the other party has an inferiority complex, or is trying to deceive you.

When you meet with a business partner, if you see the gloomy eyes of the other party, you should think that something is not going your way or something unexpected happened to the other party; Your words hit the point of what he was most eager to express.

The eyes are upturned, which is an expression of pretending innocence.This action is to prove his innocence.When looking at people with bright eyes, the upper eyelashes are lifted up so hard that they almost coincide with the drooping eyebrows, creating an unforgettable expression that conveys a certain expression of shock and anger.Squinting is a sneaky look at someone without being noticed, and it conveys a shy message.This action is equivalent to saying: "I am too scared to look at you, but I can't help but want to look at you."

The series of blinking actions include continuous blinking, super blinking, eyelash vibration and so on.Blinking occurs when you are about to cry, and represents an extremely suppressed mood.The action of super blinking is simple and exaggerated, the speed of blinking is relatively slow, but the amplitude is large.The creator of the movement seems to be saying, "I can't believe my eyes, so give them a huge blink to polish them and make sure what I'm seeing is true." Eyelashes vibrate, eyes open and close as quickly as a blink , is a showy exaggerated gesture, as if to say: "You can't lie to me!"

Winking is to wink at each other with one eye to express a certain tacit understanding between two people, and the message it conveys is: "The secret you and I have at this moment, no one else can know." A wink between friends is a sign that they have a common feeling or opinion on a subject, closer than anyone else in the room.If two strangers wink, it has a strong provocative meaning no matter what.Since winking contains a tacit understanding between two people that is not known to outsiders, it will naturally make the third party feel alienated.Therefore, whether secretly or publicly, such behavior is considered a gaffe by some polite people.

Eyes hanging upwards, this kind of people hide ulterior secrets in their hearts and like to exaggerate the facts consciously. They have a negative personality and dare not face each other squarely.

The eyes are drooping. This action has the meaning of contempt for the other party, or else it means that you don't care about the other party's situation.The sender of this kind of action is generally calm in personality, essentially only imagines for himself, and is a willful person.

eye movement is guessed

No matter what idea a person is thinking, his eyes will immediately and faithfully tell others what he is thinking.

There is a common saying in cursing people: "Drip eyes, turn around; sneaky eyes, look around." Dill eyes, sneaky eyes, are the worst eye language for women and men.Di Liu Liu shows the frivolity of women; Thief Liu Liu shows the cunning of men.When a woman expresses interest in a man, her eyes will say what the mouth cannot, which is to open her vibrant eyes.When a woman says no, she expresses the emotion she doesn't want to say with angry, contemptuous and mocking eyes.When a woman glances at a person from top to bottom or from bottom to top, it expresses contempt and scrutiny for the other person.

When the conversation gets to the point, the other person looks away from time to time and looks directly into the distance, which means that he doesn't care about what you say at all; when you see the dark eyes of the other person, you should think that something is not going well with the other person or what happened When you talk to the other person, the other person's eyes suddenly brighten up, which means that your words have touched his heart and interest.The other party stares at you, but involuntarily says: "Hey, it's up to now, just resign yourself to fate!" This attitude means that when your lie is about to be exposed, you can't help showing a posture of pretending to be calm.

The eyeballs turn to reflect the movement of the heart

When talking, the other person's eyes turn in different ways, showing different inner trends.When the other party's eyeballs turn left and right, up and down and are not focused, they are lying because they are afraid of you.This is mostly done so that you will not be suspicious, not tell the truth, or be unable to compensate you for the loss or repay the loan due to his own fault.In the case of your repeated questioning, his words are duplicity, and his eyes are turning left and right, up and down.

Public relations experts remind that when you make a deal with someone and go to the other party’s unit to collect money, if the other party’s eyes turn left, right, up and down and say: "The general manager is out, I will pay you tomorrow..." To say that is to lie.If the other party often makes this kind of expression, then there will inevitably be risks if you continue to trade.

The other party's eyes rolled slowly, indicating that he would change his mind whenever he had the opportunity.When a man goes out on the street with his girlfriend or his wife, he can't help but look at other women coming and going.From a psychological point of view, the man's movement of moving his mind is an instinctive move not to lose his objectivity.On the contrary, women focus everything on their boyfriends, and their nature is only on subjective feelings, so women don't pay attention to other men except their boyfriends when they walk on the road.

Another situation is that when we watch a debate match on TV, we can often see people who are quickly turning their eyes to the left and right because of their weaknesses.This is that he (she) is using his or her brain, trying to find evidence to refute.Due to the painstaking efforts, there will be a phenomenon of rapid rotation of the line of sight.

In addition, when people are nervous or feel uneasy or wary, they will also try to expand their horizons in order to obtain relevant information so that they can deal with it calmly, and similar behaviors of eye rolling will also occur.

In addition, when people think about a problem, their eyeballs will move.Everyone has different habits, the direction of eyeball rotation is different, and the information reflected in it is also different.Check it out:
People whose eyes turn to the upper right: At this time, fantasy things will appear in people's minds, which shows that this kind of people actually like daydreaming very much.Another specialty of such people is in logical analysis.

People who turn their eyes to the lower right when thinking: This kind of people are meticulous in thinking and have strong thinking ability.Be especially careful when dealing with such people, because they are suspicious and often think that they are detectives, as long as they have a few clues, they will think of many things.Moreover, don't have any money relationship with this kind of people, otherwise you will cause the biggest trouble for yourself.But if the other person does not turn downward every time he thinks, but only occasionally, then he is probably lying, and what he said at this time may not be reliable.

People who turn their eyes to the upper left when thinking: This kind of people often like to recall the past over and over again, so they need to be patient when getting along with this kind of people.However, they are all talkative people. There are many friends who eat, drink and have fun around them, but there are very few who really talk to each other.So this kind of people most hope to get the sincere care of others. If you want to gain the trust of this kind of people, you have to pay a little sincerity. Blind flattery is not enough.

People who turn their eyes to the lower left when thinking: This kind of people have strong imagination and thinking ability, and they are good materials for being writers or screenwriters.What they like most is listening to music, and they like to enjoy life freely and unrestrainedly.This kind of person may give people the feeling of being lazy, but this is just an illusion.In fact, such people know how to organize their lives better than anyone.When getting along with this kind of person, don't give them a sense of oppression, otherwise it will only scare them and make them keep a distance from you. It will be difficult to gain their trust in the future.

The joy, anger, sorrow and joy that dance on the eyebrows

Eyebrows also have the function of expression, which is to more fully show the emotional changes in our hearts.In the past, some people thought that the main function of eyebrows was to prevent sweat and rain from dripping into the eyes, but this is not the case.The eyebrows themselves have this function, but more importantly, they can convey body language.

Whenever our mood changes, the shape of the eyebrows also changes, which can be called "the behavior of the eyebrows".The important signals produced by the behavior of the eyebrows are as follows.

1. Low eyebrow
This expression is usually shown when people are being aggressed, because it is a defensive behavior, usually just to protect the eyes from the outside world.

Many people see a frowning face as a sign of ferocity, but rarely think that it has anything to do with self-defense.On the other hand, a truly aggressive and fearless face showed staring, unfrowning brows.

2. Frowning
A frown can represent many different moods.For example, surprise, surprise, amazement, joy, doubt, denial, ignorance, arrogance, hope, doubt, ignorance, anger and fear, etc.

Frown situations include both defensive and aggressive.A protective frown just protects the eyes from external damage.But frowning is not enough, the cheeks under the eyes need to be squeezed up, the eyes are still open to pay attention to the outside world.This form of squeezing up and down is a typical avoidance response when facing external attacks, sudden exposure to strong light, and strong emotional reactions.As for the aggressive frown, the basic point is still defensive, it is worried that one's aggressive emotions will arouse the opponent's counterattack, which is related to self-defense.A truly aggressive look should be staring straight in the eye without frowning.The most common frown is often interpreted as boredom, disgust, disagreement, etc.

People who frown deeply are generally very melancholy.They basically want to escape the situation they are in, but often cannot for some reason.If a person laughs and frowns at the same time, it means that the person is actually mildly frightened and anxious, and his eyebrows give the message of obvious withdrawal.While his laugh may be genuine, it bothers him quite a bit regardless of who he's laughing at.

3. One eyebrow down, one eyebrow up

The information conveyed by such a shape is between raising eyebrows and lowering eyebrows, which generally indicates that a person is excited and fearful at the same time.And people with slanted tail hair are usually in a state of doubt in their hearts, because the raised eyebrow is like a big question mark.

4. Knotted eyebrows

Generally, it means that the two eyebrows rise at the same time and approach each other.This expression often indicates severe distress and depression, as is often the case in some patients with chronic pain.Whereas acute severe pain produces a low-brow and distorted face response, milder chronic pain produces eyebrow-knotting.

5. Flashing eyebrows

The eyebrows are raised first, and then lowered in an instant. This flashing quick action is a friendly expression when seeing an acquaintance appear.

6. Raise eyebrows
If a person raises their eyebrows in the middle of a conversation, it indicates a look of great admiration or extreme surprise.

7. Single eyebrow raised
Raising an eyebrow usually indicates incomprehension or doubt.

8. Move the eyebrows up and down quickly

This kind of action is very similar to flickering eyebrows, which generally means that a person is in a happy mood, agrees with you or expresses kindness to you.

9. Fully Raised Brows
This shows an "unbelievable" look.

10. Half raised eyebrows

Express "surprised" demeanor.

11. Half lowered eyebrows

Generally means "perplexed".

12. Eyebrows all down
It expresses the state of being "outraged".

13. Frowning
Denotes a state of deep worry or indecision in the person.

14. Raised eyebrows
This means that a happy event is coming.

15. Brow stretch
It shows that the person's mood is calm and in a happy state.

temperament portrayed on the nose
Body language experts point out that in the process of people talking, the behavior of the nose is often ignored, but in fact, they can also express a person's psychological changes.That is to say, the nose is very sensitive to people's inner feelings.Although our nose expression is very small, but because it is located in the center of the entire face, it can often attract the attention of the other party. Even if the above movement is slight, you can diagnose some psychological changes, so it also plays a role in observing expressions. The role of "connecting the past and the next".

We often say "wrinkled nose", this action is originally for a certain taste and smell, people use the wrinkled nose to express aversion and aversion to the taste.Such an expression, combined with a serious countenance, conveys an attitude of disgust and contempt, which is essentially an attitude of arrogant, dismissive treatment of others.People with wrinkled noses often look as though they've smelled a bad smell.This habitual behavior likely has a natural environmental component, since inhaling a nasty odor can cause a person to wrinkle their nose.For example, when a man is smoking, a woman next to him may wrinkle her nose and look at him disapprovingly.In addition, after evolution, when people see a person who is sloppy dressed or of poor character or ugly appearance, they will also wrinkle their noses to express their dissatisfaction and disdain for the other party.In some individuals, the characteristic creases on either side of the nose may partly reflect their greater discontent with their surroundings.

Inflamed nostrils are generally formed for a certain pleasant smell.People breathe vigorously to express their love for this smell and their inner comfort, thus inciting their nostrils.Similarly, when people feel excited and excited, they will fan their noses and use excited gestures to show that they are very happy and interested in the things in front of them.

The research results of modern psychology show that when the other party's nose is slightly swollen during a conversation, it probably means that he is dissatisfied with you or has suppressed his emotions.And when angry, the nostrils will dilate, as if to vent anger.

When beads of sweat emerge from the nose, generally speaking, it indicates that a person is particularly restless or nervous.If the other party is an important counterparty, they must be eager to reach an agreement.If the color of the nose is completely white, it shows that the other party must be timid.

The nostrils are facing the other party, which means to despise the other party and look down on others.A straight nose indicates that this person has a strong personality, is stubborn, and usually will not be influenced by others.Rubbing your nose and meditating means that the other party is in a fierce inner struggle and is in a situation of indecision.

If you touch your nose while listening to someone talking, it means that the nose toucher doesn't believe what the other person said, and he is thinking about how to deal with it.

When thinking about difficult problems or extremely tired, people will pinch the bridge of their noses with their hands; when they are particularly bored or encounter setbacks, they often use their fingers to pick their nostrils.These actions of touching one's nose can be regarded as signals of self-soothing.

If someone asks us a question that is difficult to answer, and we struggle to find an answer to cover up our inner confusion, our hands will naturally move to our nose, touch it, pinch it, rub it, and maybe even force it. Squeezing it hard, as if an inner conflict would press on the delicate nose, creating such an itching that our hands had to come to the rescue, trying to soothe and calm it.This often occurs in the facial expressions of people who cannot tell lies.

Generally speaking, what the nose conveys is far less rich than the eyes and mouth, but it can also provide us with some body language information.In addition to the several nose movement behaviors mentioned above, there is also a crooked nose, which expresses distrust; nose shaking is a sign of tension; nostril opening and closing represents anger or fear; Response to smell.

"Speak" without making a sound

There is such a game - paste the mouth, paste eyes and mouths with different expressions on different faces, and then observe the new expressions in them. Of course, different combinations have different expressions, but the expression of the same eye is matched with different expressions of the mouth. , the results are surprising.

People always think that the eyes are the overall expression of a person's emotions, but in fact, the mouth is also an important expression tool.

Some people say that the mouth can "speak" without making a sound. It can be seen that the mouth is not only used to express vocal language, it can also express rich body language.

Closed lips represent harmony, tranquility, dignity and nature.

Lips parted or fully parted, expressing doubt, wonder, a little surprise.Open lips generally indicate horror.In interpersonal communication, unless we are for the needs of communication and negotiation, we should not make such mouth movements easily.

The corners of the mouth are raised, which means kindness, politeness and joy.In interpersonal communication, this kind of body language especially makes the other party feel our sincerity and understanding.

Drooping corners of the mouth usually express pain and helplessness.

Pursed lips usually express anger and dissatisfaction.This kind of expression appears in a formal occasion, and it will be considered as a sign of disrespect for the other party.

Tight lips usually indicate anger, confrontation, or determination.Coughing on purpose and covering your mouth with your hands means that you have a ghost in your heart and you are suspected of lying.

A person with a pursed mouth in the shape of a "one" has a strong personality and the image of a doer. The tasks assigned to him can usually be completed satisfactorily, and because of this, he is appreciated by his superiors and has more opportunities to be promoted.

People who like to keep their mouths shut work conscientiously and carefully, and are a good helper, but they are not suitable to be leaders, because they are very suspicious, they are not easy to trust their subordinates, and there is often the danger of fire in the backyard.In addition, this kind of person is also easy to close himself.

The corners of the mouth are slightly upward. This kind of person has a quick mind, a lively and outgoing personality, and a relatively open mind. He can get along well with others and is very easy-going. He is a standard gentleman.

The ends of the lips are slightly turned back when talking, indicating that he is paying attention to the conversation. This kind of person is not very determined, easily influenced by the outside world, and there is also the danger of giving up halfway.

When talking, biting his lips with his teeth, or someone who likes to close his lips tightly, shows that he is listening to another person's speech attentively, or he may be carefully analyzing what the other person said in his heart, and then make a comparison with himself. In contrast, it may also be a serious reflection on yourself.

People who often lick their lips are likely to suppress inner fluctuations caused by excitement or tension, so they often drink water or lick their lips dry mouth.

The Psychological Mystery of Jaw Action
There are considerable differences in the shape of people's jaws. Since different shapes can affect the nature of voice, different movements of the jaw can also tell the other party's psychological state and get other information.

Some Western scholars believe that human jaws provide a lot of rich information in judging emotions and mental states, and they even directly reveal some of people's emotions.

So, when reading someone's emotions, pay attention to their chin—a new technique developed by body linguists that will tell you how someone is feeling.

Lifting the chin at an angle and looking contemptuously at the other person is actually very arrogant and rude.This shows that the person making the gesture is very mean and critical.They often show such a posture in front of others, trying to convey a message such as "what you say is a mess", "what you do is not worth mentioning at all".They are proud and arrogant, have a strong sense of superiority, love face, and refuse to recognize other people's achievements and honors, like to deny others, just like critics in life, always thinking about how to treat people and things Commentary.

Those who use their chin to command others, the so-called "bossing and bossing", are pride, arrogance, and strong self-assertion.Westerners think that protruding the chin forward mostly expresses the anger hidden in the heart; on the contrary, the Easterners mostly retract the chin inward when angry.Tightening the chin is a sign of fear and submission.

The chin is retracted, that is, the head is lowered, and the chin is close to the neck.This action has two meanings: on the one hand, it wants to protect the neck, which is a relatively fragile part of the body.On the other hand, it may be a defensive posture, that is, to prevent external aggression to the neck.When people feel frightened and frightened, they tend to retract their jaws into this type of posture.Therefore, when people watch horror movies, they tend to shrink their bodies into a ball, and their chins are almost retracted into their necks.

People who often do this kind of action are more timid and cautious, conservative and self-styled, not easy to accept others, and often keep a certain distance from others.

Chin poking, on the other hand, refers to raising the chin to expose the neck, which expresses threat or hostility.Because people often stick their jaws up when they're angry.Like the kids who rebel against their parents' orders, use the gesture to say "no."

And when an adult uses this posture, it is often an angry and provocative posture. He expresses "I am not afraid of you!", "I am justified!"

The stroking of the jaw is often used to cover up an embarrassing scene of uneasiness and lack of speculation.However, paired with a positive facial expression, it can also be interpreted as complacent and confident.

A woman holding her chin with her hand reflects that she needs someone to comfort her heart.

Uncover the inner world behind laughter
The most typical facial expression behavior is laughter, which is the most beautiful movement of human beings and the one that can best observe the emotions of the other party.Different people have different ways of laughing, and the dynamics of the mouth will vary.A person's mental state and personality traits can be inferred from the form and sound of laughter.

Laughing maniacally, with both ends of the mouth turned up sharply, this kind of person is good at socializing, has a gentle temperament, can make the other party feel kind, has an adventurous spirit, a positive style, and is willing to help others.Most suitable for secretarial work, good at handling complicated affairs, the more complicated it is, the more interesting it is.

Laughing loudly, with both ends of the mouth level, this type of person has a rough personality, informality, and generous behavior.However, if you lack a certain amount of patience, you will retreat when encountering difficulties, which will easily lead to the misunderstanding of doing things anticlimactic.Such a person may succeed in doing business.

Smiling, slightly raised mouth ends, this type of person is introverted, not good at speaking, and has certain difficulties in communicating with others, but pays attention to details and likes to analyze the other party's words.But they are good at skills such as handicrafts and sewing, as well as foreign languages.

Squinting and smiling, with both ends of the mouth down when smiling, and hardly opening their mouths, this type of person has a stubborn personality and is not candid enough to the people around him.Temperament is still kind, once displeased, he will lose his temper.They are versatile, have ideals and ambitions, but they are unwilling to cooperate with others, so it is difficult to succeed.

Facial expressions and actions will also be different
The American psychologist Baia once did an experiment: he asked some people to express six expressions of anger, terror, temptation, indifference, happiness, and sadness, and then showed these recorded expressions to others, and asked them to guess What kind of emotion does the expression represent, the result is surprising, and the average number of guesses is less than two.This shows that although facial expressions have a certain degree of desirability in revealing one's personality, and compared with language, facial expressions can convey a person's innermost thoughts, but it is not easy to detect people's hearts through facial expressions in an instant.

People have quietly learned many ways to hide their hearts in life, and they also know what kind of expression to hide under what circumstances. For example, in business, the most important thing is to hide impatience and impatience. If you are spotted by the other party, it will be considered that you have not cooperated with the other party sincerely, so your credibility will be seriously damaged, but who knows that you just want to end the meeting early and go to the banquet.

Therefore, in many cases, people will talk to you and communicate with you "with no expression", and easily refuse to reveal their thoughts. There are usually three reasons for doing this: one is daring to be angry and dare not speak; the other is indifference; The three are not at all at ease.Or maybe the result is just the opposite, it's just that the other party doesn't want you to see it.

This means that the expression on the face is exactly the opposite of the emotion in the heart. The reason is that people subconsciously do not want the other party to see their own psychological changes, so they will use other expressions to prevent the "leaking" of emotions and deliberately conceal their emotions. funeral music.This is not to say that these expressions cannot be shown on the face, but that if they do, it will seriously affect normal social activities.The most obvious example is discussing academic issues with the other party. The two sides have different views. If you add personal emotions into it at this time, the result of the discussion must be very bad. Either turn your face or become a deadly enemy.

In many cases, if you do not go through a considerable degree of research on people's inner activities, it is not easy to find out the real psychology of the other party.But in the eyes of the wise, it may be effortless. They think that everyone has a "poster" that reflects their physical and mental state.If you can master the method of knowing people's hearts through facial expressions, you will be invincible in interpersonal communication.

(End of this chapter)

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