behavioral psychology

Chapter 2 is all about "Tao", expressing the inner secret

Chapter 2 is all about "Tao", expressing the inner secret
The head is the most intelligent and resourceful part of the human body.Head behavior is a reflection of mental activity and often represents the signal emitted from people's hearts.Carefully observe the behavior of someone's head, from which you can gain insight into his psychology and understand his personality traits, so that you can stand out in the social circle and grasp the opportunity of a successful life.

Next, let us start from the "head" to interpret the wonderful journey of people's behavioral psychology.

The meaning of looking up and down
The head belongs to the "command" of the human body, and is the command center of oral language and body language. In a hurry, the instinctive behavior of caring about the "head" and ignoring the "tail" vividly confirms its important position.The head concentrates all the expression organs, so it is often the focus of people's attention and observation of body behavior.In a sense, the information obtained by observing the head is the most accurate.Therefore, to understand a person, people might as well start from the "head", read the secrets leaked from the behavior of the head, and obtain various information about the other party.

There are three main types of basic head movement poses.

The first is to look up.People tend to engage in heads-up behavior when they are neutral about the content of the conversation.Usually, this gesture is maintained as the conversation continues, with people nodding slightly now and then.Moreover, the gesture of touching the cheek with the hand is often accompanied by the gesture of raising the head, showing an attitude of serious thinking.

If the head is held high with the chin jutting out, it may indicate dominance, fearlessness or arrogance.This pose allows people to deliberately expose their larynx and raise their gaze at a higher level, so that they can look down on others with a strong attitude.

The second is to bow your head.This lowering of the chin signifies a negative, cautious, or aggressive attitude.Normally, people tend to form critical opinions when they keep their heads down, so as long as the person in front of you is unwilling to lift their head up or tilt it to one side, then you're going to have to grapple with this tricky issue.Professional speakers and trainers often face this dilemma: The audience is sitting on chairs with their heads bowed, arms folded over their chests.Therefore, once faced with this situation, experienced conference speakers will take some measures before speaking to allow the audience to integrate and participate in the conference topics.The main purpose of doing this is to make the audience look up, thus evoking a positive and engaged attitude.If the speaker's strategy is right, the audience will follow with a head tilt.

Deciphering common head movements
In addition to the three basic head postures mentioned above, there are also some other more common head behaviors.The following is a brief list and explanation of the connotations of these actions.

The head is always bowed: usually introverted and gentle, although sometimes lacking passion, but can take care of others carefully and considerately.

Head thrown back: This is a gesture of pride and confidence, like the upturned nose of a snob or a very confident person.A person will throw their head back, and the emotion includes a conscious change of state of mind from smugness and self-importance to a sense of superiority.This action basically reflects a provocative attitude, so use this behavior as little as possible, because a proud appearance and a provocative posture will leave a bad impression on people.

Moving the head sideways: Basically a protective behavior, such as moving the face away to avoid things that threaten or cause harm to the body.In special cases, this behavior is accompanied by facial covering to hide one's identity and expression.

In addition, people who are accustomed to tilting their heads are often curious but stubborn.They often lack patience.

Head retraction: This is an avoidance action, and at the same time expresses dissatisfaction or disapproval of things.

Head stiffness: It is a manifestation of boredom and depression in the heart.In business negotiations, this behavior expresses a neutral attitude.

The head suddenly rises and then returns to normal: if it is a new acquaintance or an unfamiliar person, the head is raised to express surprise; if it is on a familiar occasion, it means that the person concerned suddenly understands the gist of something and is amazed. The performance of sudden awakening.

what does nodding mean

In daily life, nodding is a common behavioral action.In most cultures, nodding is used to express affirmation or approval.This action belongs to the simplified form of bowing - as if a person is about to bow, but the action only reaches the head and then stops abruptly, and finally symbolizes the gesture of bowing with a nod.The gesture of bowing implies submission, so the act of nodding also shows that we agree with another person's point of view.

The same nodding, if the frequency is different, the meaning is different, usually the frequency of nodding can show the patience of the listener.For example, when listening to someone speaking, people nod slowly to express interest in the content or think that the speech makes sense.Therefore, when the speaker states his point of view, we should slowly nod three times to the other party, showing a serious and thoughtful attitude.Frequent and rapid nodding may mean that people are impatient and want you to think that he has fully accepted your point of view and can end the topic, or urge the speaker to end his speech immediately so as to give you a chance to express your point of view. Opportunity.

The act of nodding is also quite contagious and can inspire cooperation and affirmation.If someone nods to you, you usually nod back—even if you don't necessarily agree with what the person is saying.Therefore, the gesture of nodding is undoubtedly an excellent means to establish friendly relations, win affirmative opinions and cooperative attitudes.

When the other party nods to you in response to the content or rhythm of the conversation, it means that he or she agrees with you for a certain commitment and favor; if the nodding motion does not match the conversation, it means that the other party is not paying attention or has something to hide.

It is important to emphasize that there is no necessary link between nodding and an affirmative answer.In India, the side to side movement of the head, i.e. shaking the head, is used to express affirmation and approval.This strange custom is very confusing to Westerners and Europeans, because in their culture, this gesture is generally used to express a non-committal attitude.In Japan, however, nodding doesn't necessarily mean "yes, I agree with you", it often just means "yes, I heard what you said".In Arab countries, a single head up gesture is used to express a negative attitude.Bulgarians, on the other hand, express a positive attitude by shaking their heads, which is usually a negative gesture.

The Mystery of Shaking Your Head

Turning the head horizontally from side to side is the most common form of head shaking, and it is also the most common negative gesture.Like nodding, the meaning of the act of shaking the head is broad and consistent, and only in some special cultures can it express affirmative meaning, such as Bulgarians and Indians.

Evolutionary biologists believe that shaking the head is the first movement humans learn when they come into the world.It can be traced back to the age of infants and young children. When mothers breastfeed their children, if the child is full, he will avoid the mother's breast.Even if the mother leans her body forward, they will no longer be interested, but will gently shake their heads from side to side.At this time, it shows that the baby is refusing to breastfeed.

Similarly, when young children are full, they will also shake their heads to reject the spoons fed by their elders.Therefore, the movement of shaking the head seems to be possessed by people at birth.As people grow up, it also becomes a symbol of rejection and disapproval.

Also, sometimes people shake their head to show some kind of helplessness.For example, when a patient dies due to ineffective resuscitation, the operating doctor will walk out of the operating room while shaking his head, expressing to the waiting family members that "there is nothing left to do."Although the doctor didn't say anything, the family members can usually understand the meaning immediately.

In other cases, shaking the head means "unbelievable" and "surprised". Amazing compliments and incredible for the design of the bird's nest.

In addition, in daily life, if you see a person shaking his head frequently, you may guess whether he has "shaking head disease".

However, if you put this view aside and look at it from the perspective of body language, you will find that this kind of person is so confident that he often dominates himself.He will also ask you to help him with things, but many times, no matter how well you do, he is not very satisfied, because he has his own way, and he just wants to get some kind of inspiration from you in the process of doing things.

In social situations, such people are generally very good at expressing themselves, but they are often disgusted by others.However, their fearless spirit of going forward in their careers is appreciated by many people.

Finally, a reminder: when someone agrees with you, and tries to be honest about that agreement, watch for a shake of the head as they speak.

If someone shakes their head and says, "I really agree with you," or "That sounds like a great idea," or "We'd love to work together," no matter how sincere the voice sounds, shake your head. His behavior reflects his inner negativity.Therefore, if you are smart enough, you'd better pay more attention and read the mystery of shaking your head carefully.

The signal sent by tilting the head
Tilting your head is often a head act for attentive listening.This doesn't just happen to humans, animals do the same thing.For example, a three-month-old puppy will also tilt its head to one side when it hears or sees something new that attracts its attention (such as a new dog house, seeing another animal for the first time).

Tilting the head is an abnormal physical behavior that expresses emotions such as confusion and submission.This behavior is more common in the East, and Europeans and Americans seldom tilt their heads to listen.

When an oriental person can't understand something or feels confused about something, he will often make a very common head tilting movement, and in most cases, he will stick his palm near his temple to show that he is thinking about this thing.It can be seen that the action of tilting the head is a signal of "difficulty".At the same time, holding down the temple, one of the key parts of the human body, when doing this action can be seen as an act of stimulating thinking activities.

And tilting the head to one side, exposing the throat and neck, is undoubtedly a sign of submission.Because this behavior not only exposes people's vitals, but also makes people appear weaker and less aggressive.This behavior originates from the comfortable snuggling in childhood - the child leans his head on the parent's body, which is a kind of coquettish behavior.As adults (mostly women) tilt their heads to one side, the scene appears to be leaning on an imaginary protector or parent.Of course, if the behavior is used for flirting or deliberately to attract others, then there is a suspicion of feigned innocence or deliberate coquettishness.

In addition, when humans are interested in something, they also tilt their heads to one side.Women often use this gesture to express their interest in a man they like.When a woman tilts her head and smiles, she looks nonthreatening and submissive, which is also very attractive to most men.

It can be seen that the implicit meaning of tilting the head is doubt, submission and interest.For this behavior, most people can understand it only by intuition, so I won't explain it here.

Bow your head doesn't mean back down

In daily activities, we can often see the behavior of bowing the head: people will bow their heads subconsciously when they make mistakes, and they will bow their heads involuntarily when they feel inferior... Therefore, it is inevitable that people naturally think that bowing their heads is a sign of withdrawal.actually not.

The reason why there is a perception that bowing the head is equivalent to withdrawing is probably because raising the head has a positive meaning, because the act of raising the head expresses intentional investment.Carrying the head high with the chin jutting out suggests dominance, fearlessness or arrogance, which always go hand in hand with majesty and aggression.The basic information expressed by lowering the head and covering the chin is to be inferior to others, and if the superior person does this behavior, it will reveal their negative attitude.Therefore, in order to maintain their authority, many politicians have to be "stubborn" to show others "strong" even when they encounter difficulties that are difficult for them to solve, so they rarely bow their heads.

When a person bows his head, it may be an expression of admitting his mistake, inferiority complex, or asking for help, or of course it may be an expression of covering up panic.In addition to these, it can also be used to express exclusion.For example, if you go to visit someone, if the other person just keeps his head down and doesn't even raise his head, it will show an unwelcome and repulsive attitude.

However, the act of bowing the head also has the meaning of deep gratitude.If you see someone smiling, leaning forward and bowing their upper body toward you, that's a friendly gesture.If the head is lowered further, it is a bow.

Bowing the head also means tenderness, which is especially evident in women. Women who are used to bowing their heads are usually introverted and gentle. Although they seem to lack self-confidence, they can be considerate and take care of men carefully. In July 1924, Xu Zhimo visited Japan with the Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore.When returning home after parting, Xu Zhimo was deeply impressed by the bowing behavior of the Japanese maid.He felt the incomparable gentleness and shyness conveyed by this bowing of the head, and wrote a poem: "The gentleness of bowing the head is the most tender, like the shyness of a water lotus that cannot withstand the cool breeze." Regarding the touching features of Japanese maids, What Xu Zhimo felt was not the bright eyes, white teeth, and snow-skinned appearance, but the touching and gentle bowing of the head.When we read this poem today, we can't help but be touched by the "bow your head".

If you lower your head while turning your head slightly, this is an act of meditation.Men do this behavior more, and if women have this behavior habit, it usually shows a kind of curiosity, and women with this habit are more stubborn.

Some people lower their heads suddenly. This behavior is often to hide the face and express humility and shyness. If the head is lowered quickly in a hostile situation, it shows a sense of urgency.

There are many meanings of bowing your head, and we should analyze it in specific situations.If we pass by a group of people who are chatting enthusiastically, looking at the scenery, or listening to the leader's speech intently, in order not to disturb them, we usually hunched our shoulders while passing, trying to make ourselves appear Smaller and less noticeable, this pose is one with the head bowed.

The bowed posture is an effort to make yourself appear smaller so as not to disturb others.Shrugging your shoulders up while keeping your head down between your shoulders protects the delicate neck and throat from attack.This is usually done when people suddenly hear a loud bang behind them, or fear that something will fall on them.If you make such a gesture in a personal communication or a business negotiation, it means humbly apologizing to others.

The meaning of patting the head

If you've seen someone in your life make a hand-to-head gesture, it's reasonable to assume that he's harboring some negative thoughts.The question is, what exactly is this negative thought?It could be doubting, hiding, being uncertain, bragging, worrying, or simply lying.What can really reflect the level is how to confirm what the negative thought is, and to do this, it is best to carefully observe every gesture of the other party and analyze his true inner thoughts as a whole.

As for the action of slapping the head, its meaning most of the time is to express regret and self-condemnation to you.If you are asking him "Have you done my business", if you see him doing this, you don't need to ask him again and he doesn't need to answer again, because he definitely didn't take what you told him last time to heart.

In addition to this situation, there are also some people who have the habit of patting their heads, from which we can see their personality characteristics.Mr. Gerard Nirenberg of the American Negotiating Association found that when patting his head, people who are used to patting the back of the neck are likely to be more withdrawn or mean; Humans are likely to be more outgoing and much easier to get along with.

If some of your friends have such movements, and the part he slaps is the back of the head, then we want to tell you frankly that he is not very emotional, and he is harsh on others, and he chooses you as his Friends, largely because you can be used by him in a certain way.Of course, he also has many aspects worthy of your contact and understanding, such as being smart, unique in thinking, independent in doing things, persistent and pioneering in his career, especially his spirit of learning new things, all of which make you admire him from the bottom of your heart.

People who often slap their foreheads are usually outspoken people.They are straightforward, sincere, and compassionate.You can't teach him about "playing tricks".Therefore, if you want to know something secret from someone, this kind of person is the best person.However, this does not mean that he is an untrustworthy friend. On the contrary, he is very willing to help others and consider others.If this kind of person offends you in any way, please remember: they didn't mean to, they were just being too blunt.

No matter whether the opponent slaps the forehead or the back of the head, it is actually a manifestation of his inner thoughts. Therefore, it is not difficult to find his true intention as long as he observes carefully.

In real life, the hand-to-head gesture can easily be misinterpreted and can lead us to the wrong conclusions.Therefore, we must analyze specific issues in detail, and be good at grasping and analyzing every small action as a whole.

The psychology revealed by scratching the head and touching the hair

During the conversation, you will find that the other person sitting or standing face to face with you always wipes his hair from time to time, as if to arouse your interest in his hairstyle.There are not a few people who do this, and some people do it not only during conversations, but even if they are watching TV alone at home, they will "check" every three to five minutes to see if there is anything wrong with it. Good stuff, and fiddled with his hair when he had nothing to do.

Relevant research results show that among the parts of the human body that are exposed to contact, the head is most frequently touched.Therefore, actions such as scratching the head and touching the hair occur very frequently.

When we raise our hands to the head to make actions such as "grab", "wipe", "touch", etc., the original purpose is to tidy up the hair, keep the head tidy, and maintain self-image.Later, these movements gradually deviated from their original intentions, and were used to relieve the tense nerves when one was in a state of emotional chaos or tension, and thus became a way of intimate contact with oneself. The purpose is to obtain spiritual stability and is to Caused by subconscious psychological effects.

The behavior of "scratching the head" is the most common in the male group, and it is mostly a direct reflection of inner dissatisfaction, confusion, shyness, pain and other mentality; while touching the hair is more of a shy expression.

The action of touching the hair is different according to the specific situation, and its meaning is very rich.For example, touching your hair during a conversation may be a sign of upset.When the listener fiddles with his hair while talking, it often shows that he is thinking about his own affairs, or wants to talk about a topic that he thinks of. At this time, the other party does not listen to you at all or expects you to end as soon as possible.And once the other party starts to spread his five fingers and comb his hair, it shows that he is very annoyed. In this case, you'd better stop in moderation and don't provoke the other party.

In addition, actions such as touching hair may also be a kind of cover-up behavior.A person who is desperately trying to cover up a small lie or feels unable to refuse a request will also make a gesture of touching the hair.In addition, if your heart is shaken, you will often touch your hair subconsciously.As for touching or scratching your head while thinking, it shows that you are confused.

At first glance, touching hair seems to be a very common habitual action, but in fact it often reveals a person's true psychological state and personality.Most of these people who like to touch their hair when communicating with others have distinct personalities, outstanding personalities, clear love and hate, especially hatred.If there is a thief on the bus, and the passengers are all such people, then the thief will definitely be beaten to death on the spot.In addition, people who like to do this kind of action are usually very sensitive, and are easily moved by people and things.They are generally good at thinking and meticulous in doing things, but most of them lack a sense of responsibility for the family.Moreover, they have an advantage that many people do not have, that is, they do things with a clear conscience, especially when it comes to emotions, they often show no regrets.Their joy in life comes from the process of pursuing their careers. This sentence sounds a bit mysterious, but if you think about it carefully, you will understand: People who like hard work and adventure don't care about the outcome of things.He always said after something failed: "I don't regret it, because I did it."

(End of this chapter)

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