Heart like dust, smile peacefully

Chapter 7 Accept yourself and show off your vivid beauty

Chapter 7 Accept yourself and show off your vivid beauty (3)
Faced with this expected and unexpected ending, Fairy Zixia said the above words.The reason why this passage is classic is not only because it is Zixia Fairy's last words, but also because this passage expresses a truth in the world, that is: many good wishes only exist in women's imagination.To give a very simple example, in real life, many women think that the best way to please men is to make themselves more beautiful and more beautiful.However, countless facts have proved that this method is not all-tested, and sometimes it will make women very hurt.

Ryohei will be returning home in a month, and he is still single.After hearing the news from her old classmate, she couldn't calm down. It had been five years since they separated, and scenes of the past flashed before her eyes like a movie lens.

Liangping is her college classmate and her first love. They spent the purest and happiest years of their lives together during the four years of college.But in the end, when graduation came, they also failed to escape the fate of parting from the campus couple. Ryohei went to the UK for further studies, and she stayed in China.When parting, Ryohei promised again and again that the relationship between them would not end here, and he would definitely come back three years later.She believed in Liangping's words, and sent him to the plane with tears in her eyes.

In the first few months, Liangping really did as he said, sending an email to her every day to express his lovesickness, which gave her great psychological comfort.However, gradually, his emails decreased, and sometimes he didn't have one for a week. Even if he wrote, it was just a few simple greetings.Then, gradually, he had less and less contact with her until there was no news at all.He didn't reply to her letters, and he didn't answer her phone calls.After that, she only occasionally heard some sporadic news about him at the class reunion: he fell in love with an English girl, and after graduation he decided to stay in the UK to work... She was heartbroken and seriously ill .Due to the seriousness of the condition, it can only be cured by hormone therapy.However, the side effects of hormones made her weight soar, from 100 catties to 150 catties.Diet, exercise, acupuncture, she tried many ways to lose weight, but all failed because she couldn't stick to it.Emotional trauma and the inability to lose weight made her fall into a deep inferiority complex. She became introverted and sensitive. The unit just stays at home.

At this moment, the news came that Liangping, who was single, was going back to China, which made her seem to have found the motivation to lose weight all of a sudden—he must have not forgotten me, I will never let him see me now, I To restore his heart with beauty.So, she began to set a goal for herself to lose 40 catties in a month: cycling to and from get off work every day, and eating only one breakfast a day.In fact, she tried this method before, but she gave up after only persisting for three days because it was too difficult.Her home is about 25 kilometers away from her work unit, and it takes about 40 minutes to get there by bus every day, but it takes one and a half hours if she rides a bicycle. If she rides to and from get off work, it means she has to ride for three hours a day and travels 50 kilometers.This is undoubtedly a very difficult task for a person who usually lacks exercise and weighs more than 150 kilograms.If it is said that cycling can barely persist, but eating only one breakfast a day is another kind of test and torture.Difficult as the task was, and as powerful as the difficulties were, she was determined to persevere.

As a result, she really did it. For a whole month, she cycled for three hours a day and ate only one meal a day, and her weight changed from more than 150 catties to 110 catties.Liangping finally came back, and the classmates held a grand welcome banquet for him, and she arrived as scheduled.The students were amazed to see her regaining her figure, and everyone was waiting for Ryohei's arrival.Ryohei arrives, but beside him stands a beautiful, elegant lady.

"This is my fiancée." Liangping introduced to everyone calmly.At that moment, her heart seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar, and she froze there.Lianghei saw her, and walked towards her holding his fiancée's hand, "Hi, long time no see." Facing Lianghei's calm smile, she didn't know how she managed to calm herself down, she barely managed After a few words, he excused himself and left early.

She originally thought that she would be very sad, and she would find a place where no one was there to cry bitterly.But the strange thing is that she didn't have the urge to cry, and she seemed to be very relaxed, as if she had let go of the burden that had been weighing on her heart.Since then, she has rediscovered her former cheerful and confident self, reintegrated into her social life, and soon found a love of her own.

Su Cen, a famous emotional expert, once said: "The beauty of women is not to please men, but to let men please you!" In fact, the meaning of this sentence can be extended to become "the beauty of women is not to please men." Not just to please men, but to please yourself."

Every day, dress yourself up freshly, with light makeup and a slight smile, which will make your self-confidence spontaneously arise; every day, dress yourself carefully, with a decent appearance and an elegant posture, will make your Happiness comes; every day, dress yourself seriously, dress with charm, and decorate with taste, which will double your happiness.Of course, don't forget to take some time to read books every day, because beauty lies not only in appearance, but also in heart.

Beauty is to please oneself, and how many people in the dream are awakened in one word.When you get rid of the narrow thinking of "women are the ones who please you", you will suddenly see that the beauty of women is not only to please men, but more importantly, to please yourself.Because of beauty, you can enhance your self-confidence and make yourself more attractive.And a beautiful and confident woman, why not be favored by men!

6. Loving yourself is a lifetime romance

The beautiful scenery doesn't care who you are with, it's like living a life that pleases you, without any hard conditions.I love you in the future, but I will love myself more.

Ms. Cai Minli, the founding president of China International Satir College and a famous psychologist, once described the relationship between the sexes: "When you love yourself only 10%, the opposite sex you attract will love you only 10%. 20%. Even if the other party gives you all their love, you only have 100% love; and when you love yourself 100%, the opposite sex you attract will often love you 10%. Even if the other party only pays 110%, it is already a reward for you, because you already have [-]%." This passage is especially meaningful for women, because in the relationship between the sexes, most of the time women are in a passive position.

In the vows of a Western-style wedding, the bride and groom will read out their wedding vows: no matter pain or disease, no matter rich or poor, no matter good times or bad times, they will always be by each other's side forever, forever.

This oath is beautiful and touching, and will make people who are about to enter the marriage hall feel extremely happy and at ease, because from then on, there will be someone who will always be by your side, happy and happy together.However, when we lament the beauty and preciousness of this oath, we have to admit the fact that in many cases, this oath is just an oath, which is only applicable to the solemn moment of marriage. It is not known whether all married people abide by it.In other words, in this world, whether it is pain or disease, whether it is suffering or setbacks, there is only one person who will never leave you, and that is yourself.

Of course, we are not disbelieving in the vow of marriage, but that in the face of reality, this vow is sometimes really weak.

love yourself?Of course it can be done, because it is the most natural thing to do.For many women, this is the answer to this question.However, most of the women who can answer in the affirmative have many external and internal advantages. They are either very beautiful, or have happiness and marriage, or have a very successful career, so they have the capital to say so proudly.And for those women with ordinary looks, ordinary jobs, and ordinary lives, they may not have enough confidence to answer.Conversely, the reason why their work and life are so ordinary and even full of ups and downs has a lot to do with their lack of love for themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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