darkest personality

Chapter 289 289. Attack

Chapter 289 289. Attack
The dark ocean seemed endless, and only the neatly arranged stars showed their brilliance in the sky.

The ship travels through such an environment, as if it has come to a void space.

Bai Ye stood at the bow of the ship and looked far away. There was nothing in front of him that could be used as a reference. The ship was running smoothly. If it wasn't for the howling sea wind blowing the flag on the mast constantly, time seemed to be frozen at this moment.

"This game has been going on for far longer than any previous game."

He spent about two days of game time in the Dreamland. After leaving the Dreamland, he went directly to Innsmouth Town. Now he boarded Monkey's boat and drove on the sea for about half a day.

If the continuous online time is converted to real time, it has exceeded the regular 4 hours of game time.

He can feel that his exclusive plot line has developed to a crucial point. The end of the ship's sailing direction will not only have the destination of this trip, but may also herald the end of a certain plot.

"There is a situation on the sea ahead!"

At this time, the shouts of sailors came from above the watchtower.

The crew standing by the mast immediately spread the message throughout the entire ship after receiving the summons.

Captain Monchi, wearing a straw hat, walked out of his captain's cabin and came to where Bai Ye was standing. He took out a yellow monocular and looked into the distance for a while.

"Something is approaching us quickly, is that a school of fish?!"

"No, I think it's something else."

After releasing his personality in the dreamland, Bai Ye's current attribute indicators have been greatly improved, and his eyesight is of course within the improvement range. He can see extremely long distances without the help of a telescope.

There are a lot of things approaching this side on the sea surface, and they are photographed in a line-shaped queue, jumping and churning against the sea level in a floating way.

"This is a group of murlocs!"

Captain Monkey recognized the churning creature on the sea surface, his face became serious, and he started to yell.

"These guests don't seem to have any good intentions. Better get your people ready for a fight."

At first, it was difficult to see clearly from a distance, but after getting closer, Bai Ye found that the row of creatures tumbling towards this side all had strange appearances.

They look half-human, half-fish, with huge fish heads, dark blue smooth skin all over, and webbed feet on the palms and soles of their feet.

That's a small team of deep divers!
When he was in Burton City, Bai Ye had dealt with this kind of creatures before, and knew that they were relatively low in intelligence, but they were much stronger than ordinary adults in terms of physique.

Suck, suck, suck...

As the unique cry of deep divers approached, the row of deep divers on the surface of the sea had already approached to a position less than 20 meters away from the big ship.

"They come really fast."

Although Monkey sounded anxious, his expression was not flustered.

"Brothers, put up those harpoon guns and aim at those ugly murlocs. Let's treat them well."

Following his order, the sailors on the deck raised their sleeves one after another, exposing their arms as thick as the thighs of ordinary people, and jumped out of the cabin one by one eager to fight.

At this time, the hull also began to slowly swing horizontally, the side gun holes opened, and harpoon guns were pushed out of the gun holes.

The deep divers on the surface of the sea did not respond to the imminent danger, and they continued to approach within ten meters of the big ship in that way of drifting.

"Fire, fire!"

Captain Monkey let out a hoarse roar, stretched out his hand and waved forward, making a gesture of 'initiating an attack'.

Bang bang bang bang! ! !

Four harpoon cannons were fired one after another, and four long black shadows shot towards the black sea surface at a terrifying speed.

In an instant, among the group of deep divers jumping on the sea surface, two deep divers were directly poked out of the sea surface by the harpoon, and after flying a distance of about ten meters, they finally sank to the bottom of the sea.

The first salvo of the harpoon gun only took away two deep divers, and nearly ten remaining deep divers successfully approached the big ship.

They bounced and jumped out of the water, stretched out their sharp long claws and clung to the wooden boards on the outside of the big ship. With a little push with their thick arms, they jumped onto the deck more than ten meters above the sea in unison.

"Meet the enemy!"

Captain Monchi yelled orders again, some of his subordinates took out powder guns, and some clattered out the sailor knives worn around their waists, and those without knives also picked up weapons that could be used as weapons at hand tool.

The surface of the sailor's knife reflected the cold light under the starlight, and there were glistening beads of sweat sliding down the foreheads of the sailors. Their faces looked tense, but their actions were not timid.

Several brave sailors roared at the enemy twice, and the morale of the whole ship was immediately boosted.

Under the dispatch of Captain Monchi, the sailors on the deck were divided into groups of three in a disciplined manner, and they cooperated tacitly to surround all the deep divers who boarded the ship.

"Don't worry, we have rich experience in dealing with these guys."

Seeing that Bai Ye seemed to want to do something again, Captain Monkey confidently stopped him: "Murlocs are the most common robbers in this ocean, and their bodies are very prone to lack of water. How long can we survive, so even if we encounter a huge army of murlocs, we can light a brazier on the boat to dry them."

Listening to Captain Monchi's explanation, Bai Ye also noticed that some sailors who had just come out of the cabin carried wooden barrels filled with black kerosene onto the deck one by one, and poured the kerosene into the tanks placed on both sides of the deck. Inside the brazier.

The height and body length of the deep divers surpassed that of humans, and they were full of brute force and thick skin. Even if three sailors beat up a deep diver, the two sides could stand in a tie.

But when the sailors lit the brazier, these wet and slippery deep divers immediately let out extremely painful hisses, and retreated away from the flame like a conditioned reflex.

"Kill them."

Captain Monkey took out a gunpowder gun from his arms, and after a loud shout, he aimed at the nearest deep diver and pulled the trigger.

The gunpowder gun made a muffled 'bang' sound, and the flame burst out. The bullet hit the deep diver's chest smoothly, leaving a puddle of bloody charred black and dozens of small and dense bullet holes on it.

The deep diver staggered from being pushed by the bullet, and was hacked to death by the sailor beside him amidst the howling sound. The body also dissolved into a puddle of dirty pus in a short ten seconds.

After solving a deep diver, the three sailors in this group immediately dispersed to help the surrounding companions.

The balance of combat power lost its balance, and the remaining few deep divers were routed and began to flee and die.

After the brief turmoil, although the deck was in a mess, there was no reduction in the number of people in the ship, and they survived the raid without any danger.


(End of this chapter)

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