darkest personality

Chapter 290 290. Godfather of Deep Diver

Chapter 290 290. Godfather of Deep Diver

"At most, we encountered hundreds of such murlocs, and that was the real danger."

Captain Monkey put the musket in his hand back into the pouch, and the blue blood of the deep diver was still stained on his face.

He took off the straw hat on his head, took it in his hand and dusted off the non-existent dust, and then put it back on his head straightly.

"It is said that these murlocs built huge cities on the bottom of the sea, and created their own beliefs just like humans did."

These deep divers should all be followers of Cthulhu?

The fact that they went to Burton to snatch the statue of R'lyye guarded by the ghouls is enough to explain their position.

"The attack was clearly premeditated."

Bai Ye turned around and looked at the calm black sea, "These deep divers should be a group of scouts. We failed to wipe them out just now, and I'm afraid there will be more troubles in the future."

Captain Monch's expression was slightly stagnant when he heard the words, and then he turned his head and shouted to his subordinates: "Cheer up, the danger is not over yet, be careful of the surrounding sea, if there is..."

Before he could finish his words, a strange spear suddenly flew over from the dark sea in the distance.

The spear was aimed at the top of the mast, swift as electricity, and hit the top of the mast accurately to alert the surrounding sailors.

The sailor let out a miserable howl, turned over and fell off the mast, and fell into the sea, without any possibility of survival.


"They're back again!"

"Where? I can't see them at all?"

"They're lying in ambush underwater!"

All the crew members on the deck looked terrified, and they kept turning around in place, trying to find the direction of the attacker's attack.

Whoosh whoosh—

The appearance of the first spear led to a wave of spear projections. On the right side of the big ship, at a distance of about ten meters away, more than a dozen ugly heads of deep divers appeared under the water surface.

They raised their strong arms and threw the spears in their hands towards the deck of the big ship.

The deck suddenly became chaotic, and several unlucky crew members were nailed to death on the deck by spears under this round of attack.

"Don't panic, everyone quickly find a bunker."

Captain Monkey dodged behind several stacked wine barrels, popped out half of his head and ordered: "Go to some people to control the harpoon gun, the direction is to the right, and kill these despicable murlocs!"

The crew on this boat can deal with the deep divers who log in and fight with ease, but they obviously don't have much experience in dealing with long-range attacks.

Seeing that the deep divers in the water were about to launch the second wave of spear throwing, Bai Ye stepped out from behind the cover very decisively, and the four big tentacles on his back spread out against the wind.

"I'll kill them."

He clung to the hull of the ship with one tentacle, hung his body out of the ship, swung the remaining tentacles, and knocked down all the spears thrown in the air in a single sweep.

"Throw the torch over the sea."

Captain Monch grabbed the torch in the hands of the crew and swung the torch vigorously towards the sea.

The torches swirled and flew in the air, and the flickering light illuminated the sea.

Some deep divers quickly covered the dazzling light with their hands, screamed and spread out to the surroundings, quite afraid of the falling torches.

The lighting of the torch was quite limited. Bai Ye seized this brief opportunity and raised three tentacles high and swung towards the sea surface. The huge sweeping force immediately swept away the three deep divers who had no time to dodge.

Seeing what their captain did, the sailors on the deck followed suit and threw the torches in their hands towards the sea. Suddenly, a dozen torches flew towards the sea in batches, providing sufficient lighting for Bai Ye.

Bai Ye kept waving its three tentacles, slapping, throwing, and sweeping at the same time. Each attack could knock one or more deep divers into the air.

After swiping down several times, the deep divers floating on the sea surface were scared out of their wits, and quickly dived below the sea surface, quickly fleeing to the distance.

"They ran away, we were saved!"

The crew who had been observing the situation on the water yelled, and the sailors of the entire ship also cheered.

However, the joy didn't last long...


There was an extremely dull and long whistling sound suddenly on the sea.

The sound sounded vast and distant, like the roar of some kind of prehistoric monster, carrying a terrifying deterrent force from the ocean.

"Something terrible is going to happen."

A one-eyed sailor with a gray beard suddenly knelt down on the ground, with despair written all over his face, "The devil in the sea is angry!"

At an extremely distant position in the direction where the sound came from, the sea level began to rise high, and a huge black shadow like an island appeared on the sea surface.

"That cry sounds quite familiar."

The strong wind engulfed the sea water, blowing the clothes on Bai Ye's body and rattling.

"Is it Dagon? It's really time."


Dagon, the father of the deep divers, had appeared once before in Burton City, and fought with the Ghoul King for [-] rounds.

Although he is not as powerful as the Ghoul King in terms of combat effectiveness, this guy's strength should not be underestimated. At that time, he created a huge tsunami and hurricane on the sea.

The huge black shadow like an island began to move towards the big ship. Wherever it passed, the sea water was squeezed out to both sides, and large and small eddies were formed around it.

Even though Monkey's boat is huge, it is like an insignificant toy in front of this island-like black shadow.

The surging waves shook the big ship violently. The crew members on the deck quickly grabbed all the objects that could be fixed, but they still couldn't avoid being thrown up by the violent bumps, and they fell on the deck.

The black shadow approached very quickly, and it was about to hit the big ship.

"It must be stopped, or the ship will surely be knocked apart by it."

Bai Ye took out his strongest combat weapon from his luggage, the Leviathan battle ax inherited from the God of War.

Then he switched to the mutant monster personality, a deep roar came out from the depths of his throat, his whole body swelled up like an inflated balloon, steel-like muscles spread all over his body in an instant, and then glowed a dark golden color metallic color.

After completing the personality switch, he pedaled fiercely on the ship with both feet, causing the ship to tilt severely.

Amidst the beast-like roar, the mutant monster leaped high into the sky.

As Dagon approached, large groups of dark clouds gathered in the sky, thunder and lightning flashed, and four terrible tornadoes formed on the sea.

The burly mutant giant swung the Leviathan battle ax vigorously in mid-air, and slashed fiercely at the island-shaped black shadow below in a posture of smashing Huashan.


As a thunder fell, the tomahawk with a gloomy and cold light slashed at the body of the prehistoric giant beast.


(End of this chapter)

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