Fruit and Vegetable Whitening Mask

Chapter 2 "Membrane" magic book mask DIY tips

Chapter 2 "Membrane" magic book mask DIY tips

If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools.To make a truly effective mask, there is no room for neglect in preparation.Not only to learn the details of mask DIY, but also to prepare all the tools needed for mask DIY. Only in this way can you start your DIY business better without being in a hurry in the process of making mask.

12 Common Tools for Mask DIY

1 Measuring spoon The "1 scoop" or "1 spoon" that is often mentioned in DIY facial masks requires such a measuring tool to take the correct dose of material.Generally speaking, 1 tablespoon is equal to about 15 milliliters.

2 Measuring cups are mainly used to measure those materials with large doses, and can accurately measure the proportion of raw materials.If not, you can also use rice cups at home.

3 Glassware such as small glass bowls, small jars, etc., can be prepared in large quantities to hold mask raw materials, prepared mask juice, etc. The material is preferably glass.

4 The stirring rod is used to stir the mask material and its processed products evenly.If not available, chopsticks or spoons can be used instead.

5 Knife The raw materials of DIY facial masks are mostly natural materials such as vegetables and fruits. The knife can be used to cut the raw materials and is an indispensable tool.

6 The juicer is used to crush and squeeze vegetables and fruits.Nowadays, many juicers on the market have multiple functions such as juicing and heating, which are very convenient to use.

7 Manual Juicer For fruits such as lemons, oranges, and grapefruits, ordinary juicers cannot be used to mash and squeeze them, but manual juicers can be used to squeeze these fruits.If not, the juice can also be squeezed out by hand.

8. Microwave oven Some mask materials need to be heated during DIY. The microwave oven is convenient and quick, and can be heated quickly.

9 filter screen Many handmade masks only take the juice of the raw materials when making them, which requires the raw materials to be squeezed or processed, and then the residue is filtered out with a filter screen.If not, clean gauze can also be used instead.

10 Mask paper Some mask materials have more water and are thinner, so they are not easy to adhere to the face. Soaking the mask paper with the juice of the material and then applying it to the face can ensure the full utilization and absorption of the essence in the material.

11 The mask brush is used to apply the mask and can also be used as a stirring stick.

12 Plastic wrap After applying the mask, sometimes you can also apply more layers of plastic wrap on it, which can increase the temperature of the skin surface and improve the effect of the mask.

Three criteria to help you choose mask paper
Mask paper is an indispensable and important role in the DIY mask process, generally divided into compressed and non-compressed.The compressed mask paper is about the size of a five-cent coin, and its thickness is about 3 mm, making it easy to carry; the non-compressed mask is easier to choose in thickness and size, and it is also very convenient to use.Regardless of whether it is compressed or not, the selection of mask paper should follow the following three criteria:
Standard [-]: Appropriate size
The size of the mask paper is appropriate. First, the overall size must be appropriate, and the cutting should conform to the shape of most people's faces.Secondly, the size and tailoring of the details should also meet the needs of the face.The paper mask will reserve the position of the eyes and mouth, so as to avoid these delicate places when applying the mask.

Standard [-]: Sufficient thickness
The mask paper must be thick enough to ensure that the nutritional essence of the mask material is absorbed more by the mask paper.If the mask paper is not thick enough, when the mask paper soaked in liquid is applied to the face, it will easily flow down and cause waste.Therefore, it is best to choose a thicker mask paper, so that the essence of the mask material can be firmly "caught" by the mask paper.

Standard three: fine texture
The mask paper is in "intimate contact" with the facial skin, so the natural texture is very important.First of all, it must be soft so that it can fit closely with the face so that the essence and nutrients can be fully absorbed by the face.Secondly, the touch of the mask paper after application should be comfortable and delicate, without making the facial skin feel rough, so as to ensure that the face will not be damaged.

How to use water for mask DIY

Water is a very important role in mask DIY.Whether it is the juice of various fruits and vegetables, or the deployment of flour, honey, milk, or the use of vitamin capsules and vegetable oils, it is inseparable from the help of water.Therefore, the choice of water is also very important.

1 Mineral water/purified water/tap water In the choice of water source for DIY facial masks, it is generally recommended to use mineral water.Mineral water has a stronger ability to absorb the nutrients in the material, allowing the nutrients to be more evenly distributed in the water.

Tap water can have bacterial problems, and purified water is not as absorbent as mineral water.

2 Soft water/hard water If there is no ready-made mineral water, tap water can only be used instead.However, water can be divided into soft water and hard water, and tap water also has differences in hardness.

Tap water usually comes from river water, which is of medium hardness and contains more metal elements, which can easily interact with nutrients in materials to form some water-insoluble colloidal substances, resulting in difficult-to-remove dirt.

If the tap water is too "hard", you might as well "soften" it by boiling water.The method is to take an appropriate amount of tap water, boil it in a clean container, and then leave it for more than 1 hour, and it can be used after it drops to the required temperature.

3Cold water / hot water / warm water to prepare DIY mask, should you use cold water, hot water or warm water?In general, lukewarm water is recommended for most face masks.Because the nutrients in some mask materials may not be released in cold water.And if the mask is overheated with water, the organic components in some materials may be decomposed, affecting the skin's absorption of mask nutrients.Therefore, it is generally recommended to use warm water.However, some special cases require special consideration.For example, after-sun repair mask, it is generally not recommended to use water that is too hot, even warm water may cause irritation to the skin, it is recommended to use cold water or lukewarm water.

How to use powder for mask DIY

1. Flour is often used in DIY face masks. Flour is mixed with water and applied to the face. It has good astringent properties, can shrink pores, make the skin smooth and delicate, and has a cleansing effect.When choosing flour, you should pay attention to:

① Look at the packaging: there should be a QS quality and safety mark, and the production date, shelf life, and product standards implemented should also be very clear.

② Look at the color: the general color should be milky white or slightly yellowish. If you find that the flour is off-white, it is not recommended to buy.

③ Smell: The smell should be fragrant, without sour, smelly, moldy and other foreign smells.

④Handfeel: Good flour feels delicate when kneaded, and has a uniform texture.

⑤ It is best to buy small packages: this can ensure the freshness of the flour.

2. Pearl powder Pearl powder is also a frequent visitor in DIY masks, especially whitening mask materials. It has many functions such as whitening, oil control, and acne removal.However, it is difficult to distinguish the true and false of pearl powder on the market at present, and it is necessary to master the following standards when purchasing:
① Look at the texture: a good pearl pink color is white and even, without impurities.

②Touch feeling: Squeeze a little pearl powder with your hands. If it feels delicate and smooth, it is easy to absorb on the skin, which proves that the quality is good.

③ Smell: Good pearl powder has a slight fishy smell, but no other peculiar smell.

Skillful Hand Mask

Among all the steps of mask care, the most complicated one is the action of applying the mask.

Holding the formulated mask material in hand, how can I apply it on the face obediently so that it can exert its maximum effect?Generally speaking, there are two situations:

1 Smear type After some DIY masks are made, the processed materials can be directly applied to the face.The application steps of this type of mask are:
①Squeeze the prepared mask material into the palm of your hand, or stir it up with a mask brush.

②Apply on the neck, jaw, and cheeks, avoiding acne or inflammation.

③ Apply to the details, the order is nose, lips, and forehead. Note that these parts are more oily, so apply a little thicker to cover the pores.Avoid eyes and lips.

④Check the mirror carefully. If there is uneven application, reapply and apply the mask evenly.

2 Mask paper type Some DIY masks need to soak the mask paper with mask juice after making some DIY masks, and then apply it on the face.The steps to use this type of mask are:
①Put the mask paper into the mask juice and soak it completely.

②Pick up the sheet mask and apply it to your face.

③Slightly adjust according to the cutting of the mask, it is best to ensure that the mask and the skin can fit tightly.

④ Tap with your fingers to squeeze out the air bubbles and air.

(End of this chapter)

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