alien army

Chapter 274 Notice

Chapter 274 Notice
The computer was broken for two days, and it was repaired tonight. The commoner also took a break in these two days, and I ask everyone who is waiting for the update to forgive me. If you don’t forgive me, you must scold me. The boiling water is hot, hehe. Everyone is used to my interrupts! Stay away from the computer, stay away from the Internet, I have been thinking about some problems, until this afternoon, I just figured it out. A cup of drink, a piece of ice cream, sat in Dexley all afternoon, suddenly felt very relaxed, and had a feeling of enlightenment.
Many nights, I sat in front of the computer, let my passion and fantasy run wild, and typed one word after another. In those days, the words were like jumping elves, and after being arranged and combined, they told everyone what was in my heart. Story. It's a pity that I put too much emphasis on data and threw myself into a dead end. What I once liked has finally become a kind of pressure and a burden, and I can't find my original passion and inspiration.

Therefore, it is normal for a foreign army to go up and down.

Many friends once told me that for books that can no longer make money, you can start a new book with TJ.Although I didn't decide on TJ, I also tried to get a new book on timecode-the problem came out, and I couldn't write anything either.It betrayed the original intention of writing, and it seems that the text also betrayed me.

Well, away from the data, before the end, I rediscover the feeling of the beginning.

As for the update, Commoner doesn't make any promises anymore, and doesn't need any tickets.Inspired, write more, uninspired, write less.Let yourself relax properly, maybe everything will be better.

In a different mood, maybe I won't be the King of Duanchang anymore :) Those who follow the book are old friends, so I won't explain much.It's good to be sick for the past two days.In theory there will be an update tomorrow, hehe.

Whether you are watching pirated posts or subscribing friends, you should see a big ending.

I love your commoner clothes, and after breaking up again, I suddenly got the Tao and stayed.

(End of this chapter)

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