alien army

Chapter 275 Despair

Chapter 275 Despair
(. Unexpectedly, some book friends came to the unit to urge the update...Xiao Bu had to end his carefree days and resume the update with a blushing face. Everyone has been waiting for a long time, just despise me for being lazy. Let's post a chapter first , which means I am resurrected... JJ is still there...)
"I'm still a juvenile dragon, can you still watch it?" The sparrow that fell from the sky smashed a few walking corpses into the ground, and sat in the big pit looking at Jinglei and others not far away. said.

Zi Wencheng smiled and spread his hands: "My hands are always itchy, but unfortunately my butt is not as useful as you! I envy you!"

"Call work, uncle disinfect him!" Jing Lei said directly to Lao Ka without even looking at him.

A stream of clear water hit the sparrow's nose straight.

"Uncle Ka, please don't do this? How many times have I told you that no one is used to being ejaculated like this by an old man except Auntie Phyllis!" The sparrow shook its head violently and howled angrily.

"The monster chewed its head, and its mouth is still so smelly, it needs to be washed clean!" Lao Ka blushed and raised his hand violently, a stronger stream of water shot towards the sparrow, quickly suppressing the latter's howling drowned.

"It's really old and strong, poor sparrow!" Xiao Ka looked at the water in the sky and muttered in a low voice.

"I killed so many walking corpses, but I can't find any clues! Little Eagles, where are you?" Liu Yun looked at the messy battlefield and sighed heavily.

The rescue team wandered around the mountains for a long time and encountered countless walking corpses.With the close cooperation of Sparrow and Iverson, the battle went on very easily.Even so, Liu Yun was very anxious. He knew better than anyone that on the battlefield, especially in such a dangerous rescue operation, time meant life.He believed that the trapped Blackhawks could use the mountain terrain to deal with the walking corpses, but he was afraid that they would give up because of desperation: on the cruel battlefield, the great fear brought by the feeling of being forever shrouded in the shadow of death has a great impact on soldiers. The impact even goes beyond death itself.

"Brothers, remember what I said to you! You are a member of the Black Eagle, so you must not give up!" Liu Yun murmured, looking at the distant mountains.

"Boss, don't worry. They are my soldiers. I have tortured each one of them to death. Their profession determines that they may brush shoulders with death at any time, so they understand the value of life better. I don't think there is a soldier in this world who They know how to survive better! I believe they can persevere!" Shui Han accompanied the Sith veteran who led the way to Liu Yun's side, and said in a deep voice.

"I trust them too, I hope they can trust me like I trust them!" Liu Yun said.

"On the battlefield, the lives of ordinary soldiers are as cheap as stones on the ground. You are a unique general. If I were your soldier, I would die without regret!" The Sith veteran limped over , "As a veteran, it is a miracle to see you in this Sith hell! I believe your soldiers can also perform miracles."

After hearing what the two said, Liu Yun seemed to be in a better mood. Thinking of what happened to him, he couldn't help laughing and said, "I should be regarded as the illegitimate child of Goddess Destiny. It seems that she treats me well so far."

The veteran also laughed when he heard the words, and his eyes fell on the battlefield: "I can see a ray of light in the general's body."

Liu Yun: "The atrocities of the Blood God Sect will only arouse the will to resist. I am not the one who brings the light. Only when the Sith people stand up bravely, the darkness will pass."

The veteran shook his head: "At least you lit a lamp."

Liu Yun pointed to Iverson: "Where is the lamp that can really illuminate the Sith!"

The veteran looked at Iverson, full of confusion.

"Old man, you will understand in the future." Liu Yun said with a smile.

"Uncle, do you know of any other extremely dangerous places in this mountain?" Shui Han who had been quietly listening to the conversation between the two suddenly asked.

Liu Yun couldn't help but his heart brightened when he heard the words, and he also said: "It's best to go to a place where those monsters can't go up!"

The veteran thought for a while: "When I was young, I often came to this mountain, and I took you to find almost all the places that ordinary people can go to. Where people can't go, how do your soldiers go up?"

"They can!" Liu Yun and Shui Han said in unison.

"There are still two cliffs in this mountain, and no one has ever been able to go up. Since you say so, I will take you to see it!" The veteran said.

Soon, the rescue team followed the old man to the first cliff.Sparrow sent Liu Yun and others to the top of the cliff one by one, but the rescue team found no traces of human activities.

"This may be our last hope!" Standing in front of another cliff, looking at the steep mountain wall as sharp as a knife, Liu Yun's heart was extremely heavy.I searched all the places in the mountain that I should look for, but I still didn't find the traces left by the team members.He even thought that even if a person died, there should be fragments of the Black Hawk armor.

As soon as he reached the top of the cliff, Liu Yun felt a coldness in his heart, and all his hopes were shattered in an instant.

This is a desperate cliff.On the cliff, there are no trees, no shrubs, and no water source.There are only clumps of rocks in the forest, and occasionally a few clumps of weeds grow tenaciously among the rocks, as if they are telling people the hardships of life.In such a place, of course, there will be no trace of wild animals, not even a bird in flight.Only the icy cold wind raged violently.

"Maybe, they have dry food with them." Iverson looked at Liu Yun, whose facial muscles were distorted in pain, and comforted him softly.

"How many days has it been since we received the news that they entered the mountain?" Liu Yun suddenly raised his head and asked with his back.

"Half a month."

"Without water, a person can only live for seven days at most!"

"Maybe they have them."

Liu Yun shook his head bitterly: "Maybe!"

After the rescue team all arrived on the cliff, Liu Yun roared like a wounded beast and gave orders.

"Find me inch by inch! Life or death, I must see them and send them home!"

(End of this chapter)

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