alien army

Chapter 276 Miracle

Chapter 276 Miracle
"Boss, come here!"

Liu Yun was walking on the cliff in a daze, when Zi Wencheng's painful roar from in front of him made his heart tighten immediately.He saw from a distance that Zi Wencheng was surrounded by several team members, as if he had discovered something.

"Have you found them?" Liu Yun asked excitedly as he ran forward quickly.

Zi Wencheng didn't speak, but nodded with a pale face.

"Nodin is dead!"

After Liuyun arrived, Zi Wencheng looked up at him and said sadly.Several team members around him had tears on their faces and their eyes seemed to be on fire.

Zi Wencheng turned sideways, and Liu Yun saw a scene he would never forget: Nuo Ding, the head of Night Breeze's Sith intelligence, lay quietly on the ground, dead for a long time.If it wasn't for the fact that his head remained the same as it was during his lifetime, he could only be called a skeleton at this time.On the body below the neck, the flesh was cut off with a knife, leaving clear knife marks on the bones.The minced meat remaining on the bones shrunk into small dry pieces.The viscera in the chest cavity and abdominal cavity have been slowly dried.Under Notting's broken body, there was a puddle of brown blood, which obviously flowed down when the flesh was cut from his body.

Liu Yun's stomach twitched for a while, his heart felt as if a knife had been cut, and blood flowed continuously.He could accept the death of his soldiers, but he absolutely could not accept the horrific scene in front of him.

"Which bastard did this!"

Shuihan, who followed Liuyun, screamed loudly with blood-red eyes, and threw himself on Nuoding's body.

Nordin used to be one of his best fighters. Under his strong recommendation, he was entrusted with the task of taking full charge of Sith intelligence work.Who would have thought that the farewell that day turned out to be a farewell forever. Not only did Notting turn into a cold corpse, but even his body was completely destroyed.

Seeing such a bleak end for his comrade-in-arms with whom he lived day and night, Shui Han was completely insane.

"Except for the Blood God Sect, who would hate Black Eagle so much!" Zi Wencheng slammed his fist heavily on the boulder beside him, leaving a bloodstain, "I must kill these bastards!"

"Could it be that some experts from the Blood God Sect have chased here?" Iverson looked at the pale Liu Yun.

Liu Yun didn't say a word, his eyes fixed on Nuo Ding's body.

Liu Yun's silence silenced everyone.

Intense hatred and great fighting spirit rose in everyone's heart.

Comrades are a group of men who depend on each other for their lives on the battlefield, brothers who can die for each other at any time!For them, as long as they can avenge Noting, even if there are millions of enemy troops ahead, they will rush forward without hesitation, without even blinking an eye.

"Xiao Zi, put on the battle armor for him! The rest of the staff, enter the combat alert and continue to search forward!" Liu Yun gave orders to the team members with a livid face.

Next to Notting's body, there was a set of neatly folded Black Hawk armor.This battle armor quietly guarding the master made Liu Yun feel a strong chill in his heart, even a feeling of fear.

"Here, what happened?" Nuo Ding's murder made Liu Yun extremely worried about the safety of the remaining four team members.

"Hold on, Xiaoyun! No matter what, we've found one. I don't think there will be a worse situation than here!" Old Ka slapped Liuyun on the shoulder hard.

The rescue team advanced less than 500 meters before they found a cave, and Liu Yun immediately ordered to stop.

"Let's go in and see the situation first! If there are people from the Blood God Sect, only the three of us can stand it." Iverson took Walker and Kelia, and took the initiative to ask for orders.

"You three come in with me!" Liu Yun nodded bluntly, "The rest stay put and stand by!"

When it was more than ten meters away from the entrance of the cave, a figure appeared in the cave, walking staggeringly towards the outside.

That pitch-black battle armor made Liu Yun's heart warm: "Which bastard? I'm Liu Yun!"

Hearing this, the people in the cave trembled violently, and then fell towards the wall of the cave, as if they were suddenly emptied, and fell limply on the ground.

A hoarse voice sounded at the same time: "Boss...!"

"Uncle Ka, come and help!" Liu Yun greeted behind him, and rushed into the cave with Iverson and others.

Under the effect of the healing technique, Hanks came to life in Liu Yun's arms.Iverson hastily fed him some water.

"Boss, I'm dead" Hanks looked at Liu Yun in disbelief and said with difficulty.

"Where are the others?" Liu Yun shook his head and interrupted him.

"Inside, three, Mason is dying!"

"Go away!" When Liu Yun found the three of them, he heard Mason's weak scolding.

Mason lay flat on the ground, surrounded by two surviving team members.One of them cut his hand with a dagger and dripped blood into Mason's mouth.Another team member held a thin piece of jerky in his hand, and seemed to want to feed it to Mason after he drank some blood.

And Mason closed his eyes, bit his lips, and kept shaking his head, trying to resist the kindness of his comrades.

There was a blue light in the cave, and before the old cardman arrived, a healing technique wrapped up the three of them.

"Boss." Under the light of the healing technique, the two team members around Mason stared at Liu Yun in a daze, like children traveling far away suddenly meeting their relatives. Tears silently rolled out of their eyes and slid down their faces.

"Mason!" Liu Yun nodded to the two, then lifted Mason who was lying on the ground, and whispered in his ear.

Mason struggled to open his eyes.Seeing Liu Yun, his whole spirit seemed to recover, and there was a touching look in his eyes.His chapped lips moved, but no words came out.

"Don't talk! I order you, stand up for me!" Liu Yun stopped Mason's efforts. He already felt that Mason's situation was very dangerous.When a person still has the desire to survive in his heart, he can often overcome death.But when the possibility of surviving suddenly becomes a reality, a moment of lethargy may kill him.

Liuyun took the water bag from Iverson's hand and fed it into Mason's mouth little by little.

"Boss, don't bother." Mason finally spoke, his voice extremely weak.

"Execute the order, shut up! If you have a breath, I will also pull you back from the clutches of death!"

Mason shook his head and forced a smile: "Boss, listen to me. We don't want you to come to rescue us, but everyone knows that you will come, so we have persisted and never gave up!"

"It's all good!" Liu Yun nodded, "It's time to go home, hold on!"

"I have to disobey for a while." Mason smiled. "Nodin is waiting for me. Seeing you, I can leave with peace of mind."

The brilliance of life gradually faded from Mason's eyes, and finally he closed his eyes slowly.For a dying person, once he loses the will to live, no one can save him.Liu Yun could only hug him tightly, bringing him the last ray of warmth.

"Boss, the three of us were injured, and Mason has been taking care of him. But he won't eat anything, and we can't do anything about him!" Hanks said sadly.

"What else do you have to eat?" Liu Yun asked in a cold voice while hugging Mason's gradually icy body.

"There are also some dried meat, which Mason found." Hanks said, "But he refuses to eat it himself."

While Hanks was talking, another surviving team member took out a small paper package from his pocket and handed it to Liu Yun.

Liu Yun glanced at the sliced ​​meat in the paper bag, and tears immediately blinded his eyes.Those thin slices of meat pierced straight into his heart like steel thorns.

"Of course he won't eat it." Liu Yun said painfully.

If his guess is correct, each of these slices of meat was cut from Nuoding's body!
"Death may be a kind of relief for you. If you live, I really don't know if I can forgive you!" Liu Yun looked at Mason who was peacefully lying in his arms, feeling extremely bitter in his heart.

"Xiaoyun, pack up their belongings, let's get out of here! I can't take it anymore if you stay for one more minute!" Lao Ka sighed.

At this time, he already vaguely understood what happened on this cliff, and also knew how the three wounded survived.But he still couldn't understand, even in order to save his comrade-in-arms, how could Mason kill Nordin, who was also a comrade-in-arms.He even felt that if these few people died here together, it might be a better ending.

This problem also troubled Liu Yun, making him unable to judge what kind of person Mason was, let alone how to evaluate his behavior.

But soon, a letter found on Mason's chest overturned all guesses.From then on, in the history of Blue Moon Continent, the indelible reputation of two great warriors was left behind.

"We finally managed to escape the pursuit of walking corpses and gorefiends, and climbed a steep cliff with the skills taught by the boss, and the danger passed for a while.

Although we are in the Jedi, we all have a firm belief in our hearts - not abandoning, not giving up, is the spirit of the Black Eagle.We don't want the boss to take risks for us, and we don't want comrades-in-arms to sacrifice for us, but everyone still looks forward to seeing the boss and close comrades-in-arms again while alive.

On the fifth day on the cliff, things turned bad.There was no water, no dry food, and nothing to eat on the cliff. The injuries of the three injured comrades were getting worse day by day. Only Nuoding and I were in better condition.

In the afternoon, Notting found me and called me outside the cave.He said that he regretted telling the boss that we were surrounded by walking corpses and retreated into the mountains, because the boss would do whatever it took to save us when he found out.He also said that it is impossible for everyone to survive and the injured will die quickly without food and water.I asked him what to do and he said the boss handed the brothers over to him and he would figure out a way to keep them alive.I asked him what he could do, but he didn't say anything, he just took off his armor and began to fold it carefully.

After folding the armor, he suddenly pulled out the saber and stabbed it into his body, yelling at me: Don't waste a drop of my blood or flesh, they can live if they have food!
I caught his blood with a helmet and fed it to the mouths of the wounded. After he died, I cut off the flesh of his body and roasted it for them to eat.I felt that every knife was cut on my body, and Nuoding lying on the ground was laughing at me, because I could do that too, but I didn't think of it at all, leaving him the opportunity to sacrifice.

Nordin is a real man, I admire him!But I hate him even more, this bastard, he will torture me to death!Because he made me do the cruelest thing in the world with my own hands, and I will never forgive myself!
The condition of the wounded gradually improved, and I told them that Nuoding had gone to find the way down the mountain.And I'm going to find Nuoding to settle the score.Of course, I'll tell him in passing: I've fulfilled his wish, the three injured guys survived, maybe they can wait for the boss.

The three brothers who survived by luck, I hope you will not vomit after reading this letter.Your life belongs to Notting, continue to fight for the Black Hawk!If you also follow my path, then I'll wait for you to beat that bastard Notting together! "

(End of this chapter)

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