The brothers who traveled westward in those years

Chapter 1315 0022, Qiao Family Courtyard

Chapter 1315 0022, Qiao Family Courtyard
Duke Wen of Jin did not meet him several times, so he ordered to set fire to the mountain in order to force Jiezi to push out of the mountain.Jie Zitui was determined not to leave the mountain, and was burned to death in the end.Duke Wen of Jin was grateful for Jie Zitui's ambition of a loyal minister, so he hid Jie Zitui in Mianshan, and built a temple here.He also ordered that on the day of Jie Zitui's death, fire and cold food should be banned to show his grief.

Since the appearance of the Cold Food Festival, it has a history of more than 600 years, which is 358 years earlier than the Dragon Boat Festival.The Cold Food Festival has been abolished several times, ranging from ten years to several years, and the Cold Food Festival will become an important death day.

The time of the Cold Food Festival is different in each dynasty, ranging from three days to a month.During the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Cao ordered that the folks be strictly prohibited from celebrating the Cold Food Festival.After the Three Kingdoms returned to Jin, because Jin and Jin had the same pronunciation, they were favored by the people of Jin.

When you come to Yuci City, you must not only know what the Cold Food Festival is, but also take a look at the legendary Qiao Family Courtyard.

Qiao Family Courtyard, also known as Zhongtang, a 5A tourist attraction and a second-level museum, was first built in 1756.

The entire courtyard is in the shape of double happiness, divided into six large courtyards and 313 small courtyards inside. There are 4175 houses with a construction area of ​​5000 square meters.It faces the street on three sides and is surrounded by courtyard walls as high as more than ten meters. There are more than [-] precious cultural relics inside.

There are indeed a lot of things in the Qiao family compound, and many of them are rare items that cannot be seen elsewhere.But for Li Xiuyuan, who was in a low mood, he was not interested in anything at the moment.

After only staying in Qiao's compound for half an hour, Li Xiuyuan left.After getting on the car to Wujinshan International Forest Park, what he needs most right now is to breathe fresh air.

Wujinshan National Forest Park is 25 kilometers long from east to west and nine kilometers wide from north to south.

Hearing the tour guide say that the forest park consists of 25 mountains, Li Xiuyuan had an idea in his heart.He must finish climbing these 25 mountains, otherwise he will not leave this Wujin Mountain National Forest Park.

Starting from Yaoluo Mountain at 1342 meters above sea level, to Zijin Mountain at 1335 meters above sea level, to Egg Nao at 1331 meters above sea level, to Dahong Mountain at 1277 meters above sea level, to Wujin Mountain at 1489.2 meters above sea level, and then to 1350 meters above sea level The Mantou Mountain, and then to the Goutou Mountain with an altitude of 1388 meters.

From Pioneer Mountain at 1347 meters above sea level, to Mengliang Mountain at 1333 meters above sea level, to Hailuo Mountain at 1327 meters above sea level, to Crouching Tiger Mountain at 1264 meters above sea level, to Rabbit Mountain at 1255.6 meters above sea level, and then to 1271 meters above sea level. Zhonglin Mountain.

There are only these thirteen larger peaks, and the rest are all small peaks, so Li Xiuyuan did not climb those small peaks, but only climbed these thirteen large peaks. Among the 25 peaks, Wujin Mountain with an altitude of 1489.2 meters is the highest.With the temple at the foot of Zhonglin Mountain as the lowest point, the difference between the two is more than 500 meters.

In fact, Li Xiuyuan did choose a good way to forget his troubles. He was sore from climbing the mountain, and even if he stopped, he would not be thinking about it.

Not to mention making him afraid of the mountain again, even if letting him go down the mountain slowly, I don't know how many times he will have to rest in the middle.I was already in a better mood, but was wiped out by a text message.

The text message was sent by Liu Xin. She just wanted to tell Li Xiuyuan that she had arrived home safely.And she promised Li Xiuyuan in the text message that she will live well in the future.

When he left Lingshan Temple, Li Xiuyuan had a long talk with the great monk all night long.The great monk once reminded him that to enter the mortal world, one must have the consciousness of experiencing pain.

Why do people choose to stay away from the mundane world and suddenly realize the door of emptiness? To put it nicely, it is to see through everything, and to put it bluntly, it is called to avoid the mundane world.Everyone is a mortal, a mortal will have the seven emotions and six desires, and a mortal will know the ups and downs.

You will cry when you are sad, you will laugh when you are happy, you will find water when you are thirsty, and you will find food when you are hungry.When you see something you like, you want to buy it. When you see someone you like, you want to chase after it. When you see a big injustice, you want to take care of it.

So when Li Xiuyuan was about to go down the mountain, the great monk reminded him as someone who had been there.If he sincerely hopes to experience the world of mortals, then he must not refuse to regret.Because not everything can be owned, and not everyone will stay.

Just like when Li Xiuyuan met that inexplicable marriage when he was in Chenjiagou.The daughter of the Chen family is very good. If Li Xiuyuan can spend more time with her, maybe they will have feelings for each other.

However, when Li Xiuyuan came down the mountain, he swore that the first thing he would do after going down the mountain was to help the great monk fulfill his wish of traveling around China.At the same time, it also gave him a chance to go out for a walk. He had been bored in Lingshan Temple for more than ten years, and the farthest place was just going down the mountain to buy some daily necessities.

Although only a few months have passed, Li Xiuyuan feels that several years have passed.Many times he would feel that the scene in front of him was unreal, and sometimes he would feel that some of the things he encountered were too cruel.

As the great monk said, there are only two kinds of people in this world, one makes rules and the other follows them.There's not much difference between the two, it's just a matter of having more options and less options.

Just like Li Xiuyuan now, the money given to him by the great monk has almost been spent. Now every time he goes to a city, he will first find a short-term job.At most, I can only do it for half a month, and the wages for this kind of work are generally settled on a daily basis.That is to say, I will give money after work, and with the money, I can buy food and find a place to live.

This is also the experience Li Xiuyuan has accumulated, because he has suffered because of this before.Either the wages were deducted, or no one could be found when it was time to get the money.

Since there are yin and yang in this world, of course there will be good people and bad people.Li Xiuyuan encountered bad people more than once, and of course he also met many kind people at one time.

Dragging his exhausted body, Li Xiuyuan slowly descended the mountain, and then returned a text message to Liu Xin during the break.His text message only has two words, I understand.

There have been rumors among the people that those who are stunned are afraid of being violent, and those who are violent are afraid of death.

In Li Xiuyuan's view, the more ruthless a person is, the more terrifying he is.For example, those celebrities who often appear on TV have wealth and status that ordinary people can't dream of, but they have to live a regular life of self-discipline to almost self-abuse every day.In the eyes of others, they are high above them, and they seem to be all lucky ones.

In fact, they just understand the importance of self-discipline and the importance of persistence to the end better than others.

Those people were too far away from Li Xiuyuan, Liu Xin was the first girl he met who was self-disciplined to the point of self-abuse.So he was sure that Liu Xin's life would not be bad in the future.

She will never be short of money in the future, and she will never be short of boys who pursue her.However, Li Xiuyuan is not sure, if Liu Xin lives a self-disciplined life like this, how many men can bear this kind of self-discipline that is almost self-abuse.

Seeing Li Xiuyuan's walking posture, the staff guarding the entrance of the scenic spot smiled.Li Xiuyuan glared at them with a dark face, but they did not stare back at Li Xiuyuan, but gave him a thumbs up.

(End of this chapter)

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