The brothers who traveled westward in those years

Chapter 1316 0023, Qiao Family Courtyard

Chapter 1316 0023, Qiao Family Courtyard
Although there are connections between peaks, each of the thirteen peaks is more than 1000 meters high.Even if it is subtracted by half, to climb to the top of each mountain, you need to climb more than 500 meters.Thirteen are more than 500 meters, which is already three-quarters of Mount Everest.

Of course, this analogy is not quite appropriate.After all, there is snow all year round on Mount Everest, and extreme weather may occur at any time, and there are many climbers who die on it every year.

Back in the center of Yuci, Li Xiuyuan sat on a bench by the street.Carefully observing everyone on the street, some people are walking with their pets, some are talking on the phone, some are cursing at the top of their voices, and some are looking down and feeling unhappy.

A pair of grandparents and grandchildren with different ages slowly crossed the two-way six-lane road.The child is only six years old at most, and the old man looks at least in his 80s.

If you count by age, I'm afraid that child should be the great-grandson of the old man.The father and son crossed the road and came to the opposite park.He happened to sit not far from Li Xiuyuan, where there was a stone table and six stone chairs.

The grandpa and grandson sat in front of the stone table, and then put on the chessboard, which was chess.The old man holds the black letter, and the little boy holds the red letter.


"Malay jump!"

"Get out of the car!"

"Flying elephant!"



The grandfather and grandson were enjoying themselves, Li Xiuyuan turned his head around, and his eyes fell on the pedestrian again.

A woman in a professional suit came out of the office building, talking on the phone as she walked.It seems that he is talking to his own child. It seems that he missed the time to pick up the child from school, so he is explaining to the child at the moment.

The city is expensive, and it is not easy to live at home. Many people are desperate to move to the big city.It is said that there are many opportunities in big cities, and it is said that big cities will have great development.

In the past, when Li Xiuyuan was in Lingshan Temple, he often saw this kind of plot on TV.At that time, he really thought it was the same as what they said. After these months of personal experience, he had a deeper understanding of those words.

The most ideal rest time for office workers is to have a holiday list from their school days.The winter vacation is more than one month, the summer vacation is two months, and there are two days off every week, and there must be a holiday in Fengjie.

The most ideal consumption standard for office workers is to live the life of a first-tier city with the salary of a first-tier city and the consumption level of a fourth-tier city.

Counting a person from preschool, three years in elementary school, middle school and university, and six years in elementary school, that is nine years of schooling.Then add junior high school and high school together, it will take at least ten years.If you come here to review or take a postgraduate exam or something, you will need to spend 21 to [-] years in school.

It took 20 years of my youth to go to school, and then I became a rookie once I entered the society.Because the school will not teach you how to manage your personal network, how to get a boyfriend or girlfriend, what to do when you are stressed, what to do when the road is blocked.

It was like playing a game. After finally encountering a big boss, he suddenly became a first-level novice.If it wasn't for Liu Xin, Li Xiuyuan wouldn't have thought of this.

At this moment, the soreness on his body has almost disappeared, so his mood is also recovering.Everyone will have negative emotions, it's just a matter of time.

It is one of the four most well-preserved ancient cities in China, and it is also one of the two places in China where the entire ancient city is a world cultural heritage. It was built from 827 to 782 BC. It is located in Yuci City, Jin Province. Pingyao Ancient City.

Its main scenic spots are: Pingyao County Government Office, Confucian Temple, Rishengchang Ticket Office, Qingxu Temple, Pingyao City Wall, Wengcheng, City Gate Top, Corner Tower, Dianjiang Terrace, Horse Face, Six Ancient City Gates, Zhenguo Temple, Shuangta Temple , four main streets, eight small streets and 72 alleys.

In addition to the ancient city of Pingyao, Yuci City also has a person who has to be mentioned in history.Li Xiuyuan has read a lot of information about him, but not many people in later generations know about him, and this person is Wang Yun.

Wang Yun, courtesy name Zishi, was born in Yuci, Jin Province. He was a minister at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. He was born in a family of officials.Then after the general He Jin came out of the mountain after he came to power, when He Jin was killed and Dong Zhuo came to power, Wang Yun served as a situ and minister, and then conspired with Lu Bu to kill Dong Zhuo.

Before the assassination of Dong Zhuo, Wang Yun was supported by everyone.After they successfully killed Dong Zhuo and took power in their hands, Wang Yun's temperament was quite different from before.

The most important point is that he has no way to deal with Liangzhou soldiers.According to the situation at the time, Liangzhou soldiers had the strongest combat power and were Dong Zhuo's direct descendants.Even though Dong Zhuo was dead, Liangzhou soldiers were still facing Dong Zhuo, and many wanted to kill Wang Yun to avenge Dong Zhuo.

Someone suggested to Wang Yun that Liangzhou soldiers be disbanded on the spot, otherwise these people will eventually become a disaster.Wang Yun didn't want to disband them, but if this kind of thing can't control the heat, it's easy to make this group of people anxious.

Someone also proposed to Wang Yun that Yuan Shao's Kwantung soldiers should be sent to disband the Liangzhou soldiers. This proposal seems to be no problem.But the Kwantung soldiers are the deadly enemies of the Liangzhou soldiers, if they are sent over at this time.Then, for the purpose of stabilizing Liangzhou soldiers, letting them stay there for a long time will inevitably make the Kwantung soldiers have two hearts.

Just when Wang Yun was hesitating what to do, news had spread back to Liangzhou, and Liangzhou soldiers already knew that Wang Yun was going to deal with them.

Some people even heard that Wang Yun would kill them all indiscriminately.Now these people panicked. After Dong Zhuo died, Li Jue and Guo Si were in charge of the Liangzhou soldiers.As soon as he heard that Wang Yun was going to kill them all, he called everyone together and set off to attack the capital on the same day.

At that time, the capital of the Han Dynasty was completely vulnerable. Li Jue and Guo Si led the troops to attack the city without any effort. Not only did they meet the Han Emperor, but Wang Yun was also killed.

To say that Wang Yun's death was really miserable, nothing happened when he had no power or power.After holding the power, he was decapitated, and finally ended up being killed by two small characters.

When he was in the ancient city of Pingyao, Li Xiuyuan received a text message from the great monk.The letter told him to go to a place, saying that someone was waiting for him there.

This is not the first time that the great monk asked him to do this. Li Xiuyuan had guessed it a long time ago, but what did the great monk want him to do again.

Sure enough, Li Xiuyuan met the woman who had been waiting for him for more than half an hour at a western restaurant in Yuci City.

The woman was in her early thirties, dressed in a neat business suit and light makeup. When meeting for the first time, she gave people a feeling of repelling others thousands of miles away.

The woman handed Li Xiuyuan a folder, which contained a person's detailed information, from birth to yesterday.The details are outrageously detailed, but that's not the point.

The point is that the person in the photo is the daughter of the woman in front of her. She came to Li Xiuyuan this time to ask him to help educate her daughter.A girl in the rebellious period, drinking, smoking, and going to Internet cafes, but she has learned all the things she didn't learn well at her age.

(End of this chapter)

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