Chapter 1366 0073, Summer Resort
Not long ago in this city, an old lady fell down while cycling through an alley.Three middle school students helped her up, and then she said that those three middle school students knocked her down.

In the end, the police who were still alarmed by this incident, and the family members of both parties also went.When encountering this kind of thing, most people will stand on the side of the weak and attribute the responsibility for this incident to the three middle school students.

No matter how the three middle school students explained, anyway, the old lady decided that it was the three of them who knocked her down.

The gossip is still the same, and finally the police found a piece of evidence.That was the video surveillance of a store at the entrance of the alley, and the surveillance was called up for both parties to watch together.

It was clearly captured on the surveillance camera. The old lady rode her bicycle into the alley and suddenly fell to the ground three or four meters away from the three middle school students.Then three middle school students ran over to help her up, and helped her put the things that fell out of the car basket back into the car basket.

Just as they were about to leave, the old lady grabbed the clothes of one of the middle school students, apparently saying that it was you who knocked me down.

After the truth came to light, the old lady and her family members did not thank the three middle school students, and even said that they would not need help from others if they fell again.

Li Xiuyuan said what he thought, the white-haired old man seemed to have not expected that Li Xiuyuan had already considered the bad situation of being blackmailed.Now he really wanted to thank Li Xiuyuan very much. Mrs. Li was taken home by them that afternoon.Going home with them was Li Xiuyuan, who did good deeds and didn't intend to leave his name.

The old man and the old lady are both university teachers. Although they have retired a long time ago, they were rehired by the school as visiting professors.Every week they will go to school to give two lectures.

Their way of teaching is different from others. In addition to the knowledge in textbooks, they want students to learn something that they will definitely be able to use in the future.

Such as kindness, such as honesty, such as trustworthiness, such as filial piety.These textbooks are not available, but everyone will be able to use them in the future.

The old man very much agrees with Li Xiuyuan's theory that he would rather believe what is there than believe what is not, and he thinks this theory is applicable to many places.Although this may seem absurd, the old man had this idea.

He wanted Li Xiuyuan to go to school with him to give a lecture the next day, and he didn't need to talk about anything else, just talk about the probability problem he believed.

When a matter will have both good and bad results, be prepared to meet the bad results, and do it in the expectation of good results. Well, every time I heard Li Xiuyuan talk about this theory, the old man would feel that the younger generation is scary.It would be great if Li Xiuyuan was his student, then his future achievements must be limitless.

The ivory tower and society are like two worlds. Although Li Xiuyuan is not deeply involved in the world, he grew up in a monastery.He has seen too many people's feelings go from bad to worse, so his perception of life is different from others.

Even the great monk who claims to be someone who has experienced it is not as calm as Li Xiuyuan in handling many things.Li Xiuyuan has been like this since he was a child, so he doesn't think he is special.

Sitting on the train bound for Rehe City, Li Xiuyuan was still recalling the scene of lecturing to those students.

He has never been to school, but he has always yearned for three lives in particular.The first is to go to school step by step, then graduate to work, and live a normal life.

The second is to join the army and dedicate one's youth to the motherland, guarding the frontier and guarding one side of the land.

The third is to get up early and be greedy for night, exchange your youth for primitive accumulation, and then grow bigger and stronger step by step.

Most people's lives are like this, but Li Xiuyuan is destined not to become these three kinds of people, or not to be able to live these three kinds of lives.The great monk once asked him to make a life plan for himself, to see what kind of person he wanted to be in the future.

His answer to the great monk at that time was very simple, he just didn't want to regret what he didn't do in the future.Therefore, no matter which path he chooses, he will go all the way to darkness.

Rehe City has jurisdiction over three districts and eight counties, with an area of ​​39519 square kilometers and a total population of 347.32 million.

When mentioning Rehe City, the first thing people think of is Rehe Mountain Resort.

Rehe Mountain Resort, after three generations of emperors in the Qing Dynasty, took 89 years to build.There are 72 scenic spots in the Summer Resort. Kangxi named 36 scenic spots with four characters, and Qianlong named 36 scenic spots with three characters.

The four-character 36 sceneries are: Yanbo Zhishuang, Zhijing Yundi, No heat and coolness, Yanxun Mountain Pavilion, Shuifangyanxiu, Ten Thousand Valleys and Pines, Songhe Qingyue, Yunshan Resort, Surrounded by Yunshan, North pillow Shuangfeng , the morning glow of Xiling, the sunset of Hammer Peak, the snow in Nanshan, the pear blossoms accompanied by the moon, the fragrance of lotus in Qushui, the clear wind and spring...

The 36 sceneries in three characters are: Lizhengmen, Qinzheng Palace, Songhezhai, Ruyi Lake, Changyuantai, Jinghaotang, Yiyiyun, Ten Thousand Trees Garden, Lecheng Pavilion, Qianchixue, Ningjingzhai, Yuqin Pavilion, Leng Xiangting...

The ticket price to the Mountain Resort is 145 in peak season and 90 in off-season.

Naturally, the environment here is nothing to say, the mountains and rivers are beautiful and ancient, and it is not an exaggeration to say that this place is a paradise.After all, it took 89 years to build here.

But this place is suitable for older people to visit. Young people like Li Xiuyuan don't feel so good about it.In other words, everything here is not suitable for young people.

In this day and age where the pace of life is surprisingly fast, slow pace can make people very uncomfortable.From the day of birth, people are racing against time.

I am afraid that the child will lose at the starting line, so let the child be born in a better place.Many parents spend a lot of money to give birth abroad in order to give their children a different identity.Because wherever they have such regulations, children born there will have the nationality of that place.

When I was in elementary school, I was afraid that my children would not be able to keep up, so I started frantically enrolling in various cram schools.Begins in elementary school and continues through middle school and high school.Until the child goes to college, it stands to reason that he can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

But this is not the time for the end, but just the beginning.When you go to university, you need to have a good relationship with your teachers. It is best to be able to be the chairman of the student union at school.Then entrust the relationship to arrange work for the children, and then arrange marriage and childbirth, promotion and salary increase.

The current society is like this, no one wants to depend on others for a lifetime, but forgets that this world is not only about human beings.There are tens of thousands of species in this world, and human beings are just a little more advanced than them all.

The Summer Resort made Li Xiuyuan very uncomfortable, so he left the Summer Resort in a hurry without going to a few places.

In addition to the Summer Resort, Rehe City also has Jinshanling Great Wall, Saihanba and Xinchui Peak and other scenic spots.After leaving the Summer Resort, Li Xiuyuan went to these places in turn.

(End of this chapter)

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