Chapter 1367 0074, Summer Resort
It seems that there have been no historical celebrities here, but there is a very popular actor who was born in Rehe City.

Before he appeared in everyone's field of vision, many people didn't know what kind of person he was.He formed a group with another person, and the name of the group is the same as the two people, called Chopsticks.

Anyone who has used chopsticks knows that a chopstick cannot be used to hold things.So the combination of the two of them triggered a series of chemical reactions.

A short video, divided into two series: Father and Son and Father and Daughter.

When the short started appearing online, many people were curious because they had never seen this type of short before.

In this era when everyone likes to sing about mother's love, they use their own way to sing about father's love.

In the father and daughter article, such a story is told.

The father is a policeman, he is the patron saint of the people and the idol in the girl's heart.Every time after school, my father would ride a motorcycle with a sidecar to pick up the girl from school.

As time went by, the girl grew up gradually.Girls who grow up have their own opinions and have entered the rebellious period that every girl experiences.

She fell in love with a boy, and her father was furious when he found out, and then forced the girl to stay away from that boy.Later, the girl moved out, nominally because she was too busy with work, but in fact she just didn't want to listen to the nagging of her retired father.

My father is old, but the bad guys he caught before are still there.They came back for revenge and knocked out the girl's father.Although out of danger, the girl's father has not known anyone since that day.

He forgot everyone, of course including the daughter he cared about the most.On the bus, he was treated as a pervert and was taken to the police station.

In the police station, he saw the old-fashioned sidecar motorcycle, and suddenly remembered that today was his daughter's big day.

The girl can't find her father, but the wedding will be held as scheduled.The groom came to the stage, all relatives and friends were present, and the music sounded.Just a second before the wedding, a man in a police uniform appeared at the wedding.

The girl cried and ran to the man, the man who had worked so hard to raise her as both a father and a mother.This was the first time he had returned to normal since he was plotted against.

The girl wept and took her father's arm and walked towards the groom.There was a burst of applause at the scene, and the father took the girl to the groom.It stands to reason that he should give the girl to the groom, and then give some instructions.

But he led the girl past the groom, and when the girl saw her father start drooling again, she cried.

She regretted her waywardness and blamed herself for her father never forgetting her.Even though her father didn't remember anyone, he still remembered to pick her up from school.

The content of the father and son chapter is similar to that of the father and daughter chapter, except that one is because of love and the other is because of ideals.

Every father, when it comes to treating his daughter, the most important thing is what kind of person his daughter will marry in the future.When a mother-in-law chooses a son-in-law, she mostly wants to see how much her daughter is worth in the eyes of others.The father-in-law chooses a son-in-law, mostly to see if this person is responsible.

Therefore, if there is a quarrel between father and daughter, it is mostly because the father does not agree with the woman his daughter likes.If there is a quarrel between father and son, it is mostly because the father does not agree with the ideals pursued by the son.

But there is one phenomenon that everyone has to take seriously, and that is the status of fathers in the hearts of their children.

For every son, the first idol in his life is probably his father.They will use their father as a standard to make themselves a person like their father, or a person better than their father.

However, no matter how hard a son tries, he can never surpass his father in some respects.The reason is very simple, because some things can be achieved with hard work the day after tomorrow, and some things can only appear after the passage of time.In short, a 30-year-old son can never reach the realm of 50 years old.

And every daughter will regard her father as the criterion for choosing a spouse.Because she has personally experienced the love between her parents, although most of them didn't call it love at that time.

However, their divorce rate was much lower then than it is now.Although they were not called love at the time, living together for most of their lives together was not love better than love.

Walking on the streets of Rehe City, Li Xiuyuan glanced at the video on his phone.Recently, a video began to spread wildly on the Internet, saying that an old man gave birth to three sons and ended up living alone next to the toilet in the community.

This is not the point, the point is that one of his sons lives in the same community as him.In other words, it was his son who drove him out.

Once conceived in October and given birth, it takes a lot of hard work to raise an adult. Parents have to raise their children for at least 20 years.If you don't go to school, you can go out to earn money at the age of seventeen or eighteen. If you go to school, you have to be 23 or [-] at least.

Calculated according to this time, parents have raised their children for more than 20 years, and children have to support their parents for at least 20 years.The average life expectancy of the elderly today is more than 80 years old. If there is no disease or disaster, the elderly at the age of 80 or [-] can still take care of themselves.

At the bottom of the video, many netizens commented, cursing the three unfilial sons one-sidedly.This reminded Li Xiuyuan that when he was in Lingshan Temple, he met an old lady.

The old lady has five sons in total, and each of the five sons is more promising than the other.Although neither of them went to college, the family lives better than the family.

The eldest son was in business with the second son, and bought a car early on. The third son and the fourth son were in transportation. Each family had two or three large trucks.The fifth child is a village cadre who built two two-story buildings in the village.

But in the end, no one would let the old lady live in their house, and finally the old lady set up a tent on the street.No one cares about her five sons, and in the end she can only sleep on the street.

Later, her affairs were put on the Internet.Many people went to the village to see her and gave her food and clothes.This was a disaster, and the five sons drove those people away directly.He threatened that if anyone dared to come to the village again, their legs would be broken.

When she first slept on the street, the old lady washed her face with tears every day, but the tears were all dried up later.Anyway, it's already like this, and she has nothing to be afraid of.

Then, she started to sue and took all five sons to court.Even if the five sons were subdued, she would still sue them.

Now that she has been forced to this point, she has nothing to feel ashamed of.She asked the court to order her five sons to pay her maintenance, each with 1000 yuan per month.After investigation, the court made a judgment that each person should pay the old lady 2000 yuan a month in alimony.

(End of this chapter)

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