Chapter 104

Afterwards, he rummaged through the fence and left the school.

Things went well, and the two drove to the city, both relaxed.

Chu Yu hadn't eaten all day and was so hungry that he disregarded his obstruction. When he was filling up at the gas station, he got out of the car and bought a pack of instant noodles.

It was this package of instant noodles that exposed their entire plan.

After the incident, Wang Yiyang and Chu Yu hid separately for a few days, and found that the police did not come to the door, so they relaxed.

The money that the other party promised to give was also given.The two thought they were running away, so they immediately played separately.Unexpectedly, after such a relaxing moment, Chu Yu was arrested by Lou Yisen in the bar on Shili Street. As soon as he got the news, Lou Yisen rushed to his house and tied him back.

That's how it all went.

Tang Zhizhou couldn't believe it!
Is Yang Yu's death just a cover-up plan for the murderer?

Just to cover up his murder of Xu Linshan, he killed another person to distract the police and make everyone think it was a random school attack?
As a murderer, he didn't feel guilty at all, only worried about his future and future, which really made Tang Zhizhou puzzled.

When human nature is so ugly, it makes people feel scared!
Turui's subsequent interrogation will focus on the man who came to Wang Yiyang.

According to Wang Yiyang, he didn't know the details of the other party, but asking about the client's life experience was the most basic principle in this industry.However, he recalled that the man was very special, and he was quite different from the customers who would pay for murder that they had come into contact with in the past.

At that time, he briefly asked the reason, and the other party said: "That little girl, I heard something that the neighbors should not listen to. It is safer to be dead, and not to talk nonsense."

Wang Yiyang didn't dare to ask more questions, that's all he could know.

He was taken down, and Tu Rui walked out of the interrogation room, seemingly relieved.

Dai Yu asked him: "How likely is it to track down the customer Wang Yiyang mentioned?"

"Then can you take out the criminal portrait in time?" Lou Yisen patted Dai Yu on the shoulder: "Go and have a chat with him, draw the appearance of the murderer as low as possible, and leave it to Lu Jin to do it match."

Dai Yu agreed to come down, took his own tools, and went to look for someone in the custody room where Wang Yiyang was temporarily staying.

Xu Linshan's case was finally solved. Wang Yiyang said "Xu Linshan eavesdropped on the neighbor's little secret". Everyone knew that it must be about the case of Lieutenant General Quan Jinquan. No one can know about it.

Everyone was unhappy, but there was nothing they could do.

Coming out of the National Security Bureau, Lu Jin walked up to Tang Zhizhou and touched her arm: "Is it better?"

Tang Zhizhou nodded. She is in good health and is trying to recover.

"Before, I said that after this case is solved, I will treat you to dinner, do you remember?" Lu Jin said.

Tang Zhizhou nodded, Lu Jin said that when the case is solved, the two of them can have a good chat, and she is willing to tell her everything about herself and Lou Yisen.

The two hailed a taxi and went to the meal that Lu Jin had ordered.

In order to cooperate with the patient Tang Zhizhou, she chose a relatively quiet place.The two went straight into the box, and after ordering, the waiter wisely stopped bothering them.

The environment of the restaurant is very good, especially quiet. Lu Jin opened a bottle of red wine and poured himself a glass.

"What do you think of Lou Yisen?" Lu Jin said.

Tang Zhizhou smiled and said: "It's admirable at work, but in private, let's be a big boy."

"When I knew him, he wasn't cheerful at all." Lu Jin took a sip of red wine and said with a smile, "Can you imagine? When I knew Lou Yisen, he was the kind who said a word to girls, blushing boy."

Tang Zhizhou was silent, she couldn't imagine that Lou Yisen was that kind of silent child.

Lu Jin and Lou Yisen have known each other for a long time, seriously, it dates back to junior high school.Both of them are middle school students, Lu Jin likes to play computer games, and his grades are not very good.But Lou Yisen is a standard obedient boy, and he has always been in the top three in exams.The intersection between the two began when an upside-down hero rescued the beauty.

Lou Yisen was bullied on the way home, Lu Jinlu drew his sword to help when he saw the injustice, and rescued Lou Yisen from under the feet of several high school students.

But Lu Jin didn't have much memory of this matter, and Lou Yisen only remembered it later when he brought it up.

In high school, Lu Jin's grades were getting worse and worse, and his computer skills were getting better and better.She taught herself programming and explored many ways.

Soon, the school purchased a batch of bio-encephalographic devices for science students. No, the operating procedures are all in English, and so are the instructions. For high school students, it is very difficult to use.

The school discussed, how about finding a reliable company to crack it?
Lu Jin thought it was a business opportunity. Her father was an interpreter, so Lu Jin immediately encouraged his father to accept the order.Father and daughter went into battle together, father was in charge of translation, Lu Jin was in charge of writing programs, they did this job very well.The school wanted a Chinese cracked version. After getting it, they found that the current operating system is simpler and faster than before. The teachers were very surprised. They asked his father and found out that this program was written by Lu Jin.

Lu Jin became a celebrity in school overnight.

One day, Lu Jin was sitting alone on the football field, and saw Lou Yisen again.

In his school uniform, he was running laps around the football field, sweating profusely.Lu Jin sat on the playground for two hours, and he also ran for almost two hours.

When Lu Jin was about to leave, he finally stopped, and not far away, he looked at Lu Jin.

What Lu Jin was most afraid of was running. Seeing that he had been running for so long, he thought it was amazing, so he smiled at him.

Lou Yisen walked over immediately, walked up to Lu Jin and said, "You don't know me anymore? I'm Lou Yisen."

Lu Jin felt strange and asked him back: "Should I know you?"

Lou Yisen lowered his head and said after a long time: "Forget it, you forget things too much, let me remind you. The year before last, I was bullied by some seniors, and you helped me. Don't you remember? ? It’s not far outside our school.”

"Ah, you are that student!" Lu Jin suddenly realized.

He was beaten badly at that time, his face was covered in mud, no wonder he couldn't recognize him.而且现在的楼以森长高了,爱笑,特别帅气,谁能把他跟当初那个被揍得需要人来救的男孩子联系在一起?
The two walked out of the campus side by side, Lou Yisen suddenly asked her: "You are about to graduate, what are your plans?"

(End of this chapter)

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