ace female detective

Chapter 105 Lu Jin and Lou Yisen

Chapter 105 Lu Jin and Lou Yisen
"I've been specially recruited." Lu Jin said, "Their school needs excellent programmers."

Lou Yisen quickly asked, "What school?"

"National Defense University. What about you, what are you planning to take?" Lu Jin also asked.

Lou Yisen said, "I'm going to go abroad, to England."

The bus came, Lu Jin got on the bus, unexpectedly Lou Yisen also got on the bus, and the two got off the bus together in the same neighborhood.It was only now that Lu Jin noticed that Lou Yisen and himself belonged to the same building.

After living in this house for several years, Lu Jin never noticed him.

At this point, Lu Jin stopped: "Is the fate right? We lived in the same building for seven or eight years, but we never knew each other."

Tang Zhizhou nodded, indeed, for the two of them, it was really fate.

Because they found out that they belonged to the same community, after that, they naturally went to school together and went home together.But the two are not in the same class, so they can't stay together all the time.Lu Jin is very popular, and there are always some friends who gather together and whisper about the boys of the opposite sex around them.

One day, Lu Jin was sitting in the small garden of the school with two friends, and suddenly one of them asked her: "Are you dating Lou Yisen from Class One?"

"No." Lu Jin wondered why she had such an idea.

The girl said mysteriously: "Don't hide it from us. The two of you go to and from get out of class together every day, and you see Lou Yisen waiting for you there pushing a bicycle every day after school. Why isn't he your boyfriend? Hey, class one. , You don’t tell us if you catch it!”

"We're really not." Lu Jin explained helplessly, "I don't like Lou Yisen's type of boy, okay?"

"Then what type do you like?" They all asked her.

Lu Jin smiled and said: "Well, mature and steady, ambitious, life cannot be without sentimentality, you must know that life is something to enjoy."

"Tch, French gentleman?" The two friends retorted disdainfully.

However, when the three of them turned their heads, they found that Lou Yisen was standing behind the three of them holding a few ice cream torches.

"For us?" After receiving Lou Yisen's ice cream, the two friends were flattered, took one each, and ran away: "You guys have a good chat, we're going to the classroom first."

Lou Yisen's complexion was very bad, he silently gave one to Lu Jin and ate one for himself.

When Lu Jin finished eating the ice cream, he suddenly said: "Mature boys are generally boring, are you sure you want to like that kind of man?"

Only then did Lu Jin know that he had heard everything.

But with Lou Yisen, she always has something to say, and this time is no exception.

She hummed: "What's the matter? A man who can take care of others is a considerate man."

"As long as you know how to take care of others, it's fine." Lou Yisen sneered, "I'm also good at taking care of you, why can't I? Hey, think about it carefully, mature and stable men won't like your type of woman." .They like the kind of shit all day long, are you sure you can do it?"

Lu Jin was amused by him, but he didn't take his words to heart.

In a blink of an eye, after graduating from high school, she got the admission letter from the National Defense University as she wished, and Lou Yisen also got the admission letter from the University of London.

The night before Lou Yisen was going to leave, he came to look for Lu Jin, and the two of them wandered around the community downstairs in silence.

Lu Jin felt a little bit reluctant to part with him, and kept telling him various things along the way.

"If you are not used to the food in the UK, you can buy a rice cooker and an induction cooker, which are easy to use. Even cooking instant noodles is better than starving."

"The consumption in the UK is quite high. If you have no money, don't be embarrassed to say that you can ask your parents or ask me to help you. But let's talk about it first. If you chase after girls Money is gone, I don't care about you."

Suddenly, Lou Yisen replied, "I won't chase other girls."

"Other girls will chase you!" Lu Jin joked with him with a smile: "Lou Yisen, you have to be more confident. Look, you are a man! You are good-looking, knowledgeable, and like your girl." The child must have a match, don't worry!"

Lou Yisen looked at her solemnly and said, "Lu Jin, I'm leaving tomorrow, so you're just telling me this?"

"Huh?" Lu Jin tilted his head.

Lou Yisen said, "I hope to hear other things."

Lu Jin asked, "What else?"

Lou Yisen stared at her steadfastly, feeling a little dazed, suddenly, he hugged Lu Jin, and Lu Jin heard his voice whispering in his ear: "Lu Jin, come with me to England. "

Lu Jin didn't answer him.

She had absolutely no interest in going to England, but she couldn't refuse and didn't want to refuse Lou Yisen. Silence was the best answer.

The next day, Lou Yisen left.

It's four years to go.

For four years, he has not been heard from.She wrote him emails and he never replied.Lu Jin thought that Lou Yisen was angry with her, and gradually, he finally stopped writing to him.

This spring, she inadvertently logged into a mailbox that she had not logged in for a long time, but was shocked by the 1102 emails in it.All from Lou Yisen.She checked the sending date of the email, the first unread email was not long after she wrote the last letter to Lou Yisen.

After that, she didn't write any more letters to Lou Yisen, nor did she log into her mailbox to check her personal emails.

For four years, she missed Lou Yisen's 1102 letters.

She spent the whole evening reading the letters.Some of Lou Yisen's letters are very long, while others are only a few lines with a few pictures.

At dawn, she felt extremely heavy, and the last email was open on the computer, dated more than 20 days ago.

An email is a picture and a sentence.

In the picture, Lou Yisen was sitting on the beach, with a few words written on the beach in front of him: "Where are you? I'm waiting for you." In the picture, he had a smile on his face, and he looked much more mature and stable.

Lu Jin stared at the line in front of him in a daze for a long time, finalized a lot of replies, and finally deleted them, only replied him with a few words: "When will you return to China?"

The email was sent, and at noon, Lou Yisen replied: "I miss you, Lu Jin."

Facing those five words, Lu Jin had mixed feelings in his heart.

She replied Lou Yisen: "Come back."

Lou Yisen did not reply to her email again.

Lu Jin felt lost. In the two days after sending out the email, she was so depressed that she stayed in the room and didn't want to go out.

On the third morning, someone knocked on the door.Parents are not at home, Lu Jin got up from the bed in his pajamas to open the door.As soon as the door opened, she was dumbfounded.Lou Yisen was dragging a huge suitcase, standing at the door of her house, looking at her with a smile.Seeing him come out, he opened his arms and waited for her to come over.

(End of this chapter)

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