The beauty bible used by beauties all over the world

Chapter 10 The secret art of beautification passed down in the ancient court

Chapter 10 The secret art of beautification passed down in the ancient court (1)
Why Wu Zetian was over 80 years old and full of muscles

Wu Zetian is the only female emperor in Chinese history. At the age of 80, she still has unfailing teeth, hair, plump muscles, and maintains a youthful appearance without aging. "New Tang Book" says that Wu Zetian "although he is tall in spring and autumn, he is good at painting himself, although he does not realize his decline from left to right."So, what is Wu Zetian's secret to keep her youthful forever?

1.Motherwort face compress
The pharmacopoeia "Xinxiu Materia Medica" compiled by the government of the Tang Dynasty included Wu Zetian's beauty recipes.The method is to harvest the whole motherwort on the fifth day of May, without soil.After drying, pound it into a fine powder and sieve it, then add flour and water, after mixing, knead it into a large drug group like an egg, and then dry it in the sun.Make a stove with yellow mud, open the sides, put charcoal up and down, and put the medicine ball in the middle.After cooking on a high fire for one meal, switch to a slow fire and cook for another day and night, take it out, cool it thoroughly, grind it carefully, sieve it, and put it in a dry porcelain dish.Add one tenth of talcum powder and one percent of rouge when using it, grind it finely, mix thoroughly, and scrub with powdered medicine when bathing or washing face or washing hands.This side is also known as "fairy jade girl powder".

Motherwort is known as the "sacred medicine of the blood family" and has the effect of beauty and skin care. "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Motherwort promotes blood and nourishes blood, promotes blood without hurting new blood, nourishes blood without stagnation of blood, and is a holy medicine for blood families." Therefore, women can take one plant of Motherwort, wash and boil Use warm water to wash your face. Long-term adherence can prevent acne and make the facial skin more shiny.

2.Pay attention to mentality adjustment

Wu Zetian has been active in the political arena of the Tang Dynasty for more than 50 years, and she is still full of vitality, radiant and beautiful. The reason is found that this has a lot to do with Wu Zetian's ability to adjust her mentality.According to legend, after Wu Zetian became the emperor, some people insulted her as the worst woman in the world, saying that she was "the envoy of life, squinting the holy emperor".In order to safeguard the dignity of the queen, Zuo Suzhengtai Yushi arrested the insulter and imprisoned him, asking her to order severe punishment.Wu Zetian said with a smile: "As long as civil and military officials abide by the law and are upright and perform their duties, they will not be punished for making irresponsible remarks; let him go." Because Wu Zetian maintained a good attitude, she delayed aging from the inside out and lived a long life. beauty.As a modern woman, she should learn from Wu Zetian. She should not suppress her young romantic feelings due to the pressure of life and work. She should constantly remind herself to maintain a good attitude at all times.

3.Healthy way

Beauty should be maintained first, and Wu Zetian will always look radiant, which is inseparable from her way of keeping in good health.Wu Zetian paid great attention to diet. She often ate foods rich in protein and trace elements, such as meat skin, tendons, and aquatic products.These foods help prevent and eliminate facial wrinkles, and the calcium in the food cleanses blemishes and revitalizes dull, tired skin quickly.Eggs, vegetables, carrots, pumpkins, fresh fruits, etc. are also Wu Zetian's regular food.Eggs and vegetables contain more iron, which is the main component of red blood cells and can make the skin healthy and ruddy.Carrots, pumpkins, fresh fruits, etc. are rich in vitamin A and vitamin C, which can make the skin soft and prevent dryness, and can help to remove old dead cells of the epidermis, make the skin fair, and reduce the occurrence of freckles and dark spots.Wu Zetian also likes to eat rose sauce, sweet-scented osmanthus sauce and other delicacies.She once asked the court ladies to collect flowers and mix them with rice flour to make "Hundred Flower Cake", which was used as a royal cake in the palace.

While paying attention to diet and beauty, Wu Zetian also paid attention to absorbing "nutrition" from the environment.The imperial garden is full of flowers and plants, which bloom continuously all year round.In addition to dealing with government affairs, Wu Zetian often went there to enjoy the flowers and scenery, which made her feel happy and her metabolism more coordinated.In her palace, there is an aromatherapy furnace, in which natural Chinese herbal medicines are lit, and the aroma can relieve mental stress, thereby improving health and beauty.

"Beauty King" Princess Yonghe's secret skin care recipe revealed
Princess Yonghe is the daughter of Tang Suzong. She has a lot of research on beauty and skin care, and she is known as the "King of Beauty" in ancient times.Two of her skin care secret recipes were included in the Song Dynasty's "Taiping Shenghui Fang".

The first one is the secret recipe for facial cleansing: use 90 grams of chicken bone incense, 150 grams each of Angelica dahurica, Chuanxiong, and melon wilt kernels, 300 grams of saponins, 250 grams each of soybeans and red beans, grind and sieve, remove tendons and skins, and make a medicinal powder .Use it as cleansing powder when washing your face, once in the morning and at night.

Acacia, bean powder, and melon wilt kernels can clean the skin and remove cuticles; Chuanxiong and Baizhi not only have the function of promoting blood circulation, but also have whitening effects; Dehumidification, eliminate edema on the face, and it is also the spice added in the facial cleanser.

Another secret recipe is for bathing: first pour the hot rice into cold water and soak it for five or six days, then take the upper layer of clear water and boil it, put in the melted antlers and a proper amount of glutinous rice, boil it into porridge with a slow fire, and then spread the porridge to dry , then pound the dried porridge with peach kernels, almonds, black beans, angelica dahurica, white scorpion, bletilla striata, atractylodes macrocephala, white tuckahoe, agarwood, saponin and a little musk into fine powder, and seal it for preservation.Take a small amount in the bath to scrub the skin, which can moisturize the skin and prevent skin diseases.

Telling the beautiful legend of Yang Yuhuan's alluring country and city

Yang Yuhuan is an alluring beauty. Bai Juyi once described her in "Song of Everlasting Regret": "When you look back and smile, you are full of beauty, and the six palaces are colorless."Yang Yuhuan's appearance is related to her natural beauty, but a more important reason is that she knows how to maintain her skin and is skilled in beauty.

Beauty secret one: peach kernel face wash.

Peach kernels are commonly used cosmetic medicines in ancient times. Meng Shen, a medical scientist in the Tang Dynasty, once said: "Chew one at night with honey, and it will be good for hands and face." A wonderful recipe for beauty, an old monk recommended the peach kernel beauty method.The recipe recommended by the old monk to Yang Yuhuan is to soak an appropriate amount of peach kernels, peel them, grind them together with fragrant rice, add water to make a juice, and use it to cleanse the face. Long-term persistence can make the face smooth and delicate.Maybe Yang Yuhuan's pretty face has a lot to do with this!
Beauty Secret [-]: The power of hot spring bathing and patting.

"Red jade ointment" can make Concubine Yang's face look young, and "fragrant soup" (that is, hot spring) is the beauty secret of Concubine Yang's icy muscles and bones.Concubine Yang Guifei likes to add milk when bathing in hot springs to keep her skin soft and tender.In addition, mulberry leaves and nettles are often immersed in water, which can calm the nerves, promote skin regeneration, and make it smooth and smooth.When taking a bath, Concubine Yang performs slapping, patting her whole body, especially the facial skin, to stimulate the acupuncture points all over her body, promote blood circulation, and achieve the cosmetic effect of strengthening skin function.

Beauty secret three: abandon the cosmetics containing chemical ingredients, and advocate the natural way of beauty.

The beauty products of the Tang Dynasty used lead and mercury as the main raw materials. If used for a long time, they will be chronically poisoned, leaving brown spots on the face and aging skin.Yang Yuhuan is not harmed by lead and mercury, and advocates natural beauty methods.Among them, the most famous is "Yang Taizhen Hongyu Paste", and the main ingredient of Hongyu Paste is almonds.

Beauty secret four: eat lychee, edible flowers.

Concubine Yang Gui loves to eat lychees, everyone knows.Du Mu has a poem that says: "Looking back at Chang'an, there are piles of embroidery, and thousands of gates on the top of the mountain are opened for the first time. When a concubine rides on the red dust and smiles, no one knows that it is litchi." "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Eating litchi regularly can nourish the brain and keep fit, cure scrofula, Swelling, appetizing and benefiting the spleen.” Litchi is one of the tropical fruits in the south. It is rich in nutrients, sweet and flat in nature, and non-toxic. Eating litchi for a long time can benefit the heart and spleen, nourish the liver and blood, and benefit people’s complexion.

Edible flowers can make the skin moist and nourished, delicate and smooth, and maintain elasticity. "Compendium of Materia Medica" records a large number of methods of flower beauty and health care, such as white chrysanthemum "keeps the hair from turning white, dyes mustaches and hair black, and benefits the color"; Fragrant skin." Yang Guifei often eats various flowers such as roses, peonies, roselles, and chrysanthemums.

Beauty porridge for queens and concubines

"Yuyaoyuanfang" contains a beauty secret recipe specially used by the queens of the Yuan Dynasty - cauliflower porridge.Put one liang of japonica rice, some brown sugar, into a pot, add water and simmer, when the porridge is thick, add about one liang of fresh cauliflower, boil until the oil is visible on the surface, take it in the morning and evening.Cauliflower contains a variety of vitamins, carotene and iron, calcium, magnesium and other minerals, which are very effective for delicate skin and beautiful appearance.

Xiangfei was a concubine selected by Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty in Xinjiang. Because of her strange fragrance, she was deeply loved by Qianlong.After entering the palace, many concubines explored the secret of her body fragrance, and some people found that Xiangfei often took morning jasmine flowers in the early summer every year, dried them into powder and removed slag, and prepared them into porridge and tea every day. "Compendium of Materia Medica" records that jasmine has the effect of "long hair, moistening dryness and fragrant skin", and is a rare beauty product.Modern pharmacological studies have also proved that jasmine has the effect of inhibiting the formation of skin pigment and activating surface cells. Regular consumption can make the skin fragrant and improve eyesight.

(End of this chapter)

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