The beauty bible used by beauties all over the world

Chapter 9 Correspondence between man and nature, beauty wisdom of timely maintenance

Chapter 9 Correspondence between man and nature, beauty wisdom of timely maintenance (2)
5. Jasmine porridge
"Compendium of Materia Medica" records that jasmine "can clear fire from deficiency, remove cold accumulation, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory".Therefore, it is most suitable for women with sensitive skin to eat this porridge.Take 30 grams of dried jasmine flowers (60 grams of fresh products), 50 grams of japonica rice, add appropriate amount of water to cook porridge, remove from the heat when the porridge is almost cooked and have oil slicks, and drink it while it is hot.Drinking jasmine porridge often can not only beautify the skin, but also relieve dysmenorrhea, so it can be eaten during menstruation.

When sun protection is in progress in summer, you will be closer to the sun
In order to achieve a clear state with zero blemishes, many people spend a lot of time and energy looking for ways to keep their skin from getting tanned, and they are tireless in this regard.We use sunscreen every year, but we get tanned every year. Is it because the sunscreen products are not good enough, or is it that we don’t know enough about sunscreen?
1.Do you have any of these sunscreen mistakes?
Misunderstanding [-]: Thick clouds on cloudy days can block ultraviolet rays, so you don’t need sunscreen when you go out on cloudy days.

Discrimination: Ultraviolet rays can also be subdivided into long-wavelength UVA, medium-wavelength UVB and short-wavelength UVC, of ​​which UVC can be isolated by the ozone layer, while UVB and UVA can break through the ozone layer and reach the surface of the earth.Therefore, our sun protection is mainly aimed at these two types of rays. 90% of ultraviolet rays can penetrate the clouds, and the clouds are helpless in front of them.

Misunderstanding [-]: You are about to go out, so put on some sunscreen now.

Discrimination: Since the active ingredients in sunscreen must penetrate into the cuticle surface to exert a long-term protective effect, it must be wiped half an hour before going out, and it is best to replenish it before going out.

Misunderstanding [-]: I forgot to apply sunscreen at work today, it’s okay, just a few times.

Discrimination: Sun exposure can be accumulated. Therefore, even if you only accept the sun indirectly, the damage to the skin will accumulate for a long time. You may not be able to see the consequences immediately, but after a long time, it will cause skin tanning and facial damage. Spots, skin loss of elasticity, wrinkles, aging and other phenomena.

Myth [-]: I put on sunscreen before going out, so I can sleep easy today.

Discrimination: After the sunscreen product is applied to the sun-exposed area for several hours, its sunscreen effect will gradually weaken due to sweat dilution and other reasons, so it should be washed off in time and reapplied to ensure the continuation of the sunscreen effect.

2.You must pay attention to the small details of sun protection
1) Avoid going out from 10 am to 2 pm in summer, because the sun is the strongest and the ultraviolet rays are the most powerful during this time.

2) When going out in summer, sunscreen should be reapplied every 2 to 3 hours.When swimming, you should use sunscreen products that are waterproof and have a high SPF.

3) If you have been engaged in outdoor activities, regardless of the degree of sun exposure, you should take a bath first after returning home, and gently wipe your whole body with a massage, wash with warm water first, then rinse with cold water, and apply some skin care lotion all over your body.

4) After exposure to the sun, wrap ice cubes in a towel to cool the red and burned skin to relieve local dryness, and try to use your hands as little as possible, otherwise it will aggravate the occurrence of sun spots.

5) When going out, you should also apply sunscreen on your hands, and you should also apply sunscreen when your arms, feet, and knees are exposed. This will not only prevent sun protection but also effectively reduce spots, especially "age spots" that will be formed prematurely after middle age.

3.Sun protection, you should "choose" your diet

If your skin is sensitive, it is best to eat less "photosensitive vegetables" in midsummer, such as coriander, celery, white radish, etc., because they will make the skin that loves spots more prone to freckles.On the contrary, the following vegetables can inhibit pigmentation and make the skin white, for example, kiwi, strawberries, tomatoes, oranges, cabbage, etc.Li Shizhen has clearly recorded the medicinal properties of strawberry in "Compendium of Materia Medica", saying that it has the functions of clearing heat, relieving heat, promoting body fluid and quenching thirst, reducing inflammation, relieving pain, moistening lungs, and helping digestion.It is most appropriate to eat more strawberries in hot summer.

4.Replenish water and be a "water beauty" in a dry air-conditioned room

Some women, especially professional women, stay in an air-conditioned environment all year round, and their skin can easily lose moisture unconsciously.At this time, if you pay attention to moisturizing and supplementing the moisture of the skin, it can calm the skin and prevent inflammation.Here is a self-made moisturizing mask for female friends who love beauty.

Ingredients: 1 tsp of green tea powder, 1 egg yolk, 1.5 tbsp of flour.

Method: Add egg yolk to flour and stir, then add green tea powder and mix.

Usage: Apply the made green tea mask to the whole face, and then spread a layer of slightly damp facial tissue, stay on the face for about 5-10 minutes, then wash off with cold or warm water.

Start this detox defense battle in autumn
After entering autumn, the metabolism of the skin begins to slow down. The scorching sun and humidity in midsummer make some problems hide, and slowly accumulate on the surface of the skin and cannot be discharged, or the discharge speed is slow.After entering autumn, these problems will appear. For example, the skin tone is dull, dry and dehydrated, and even spots appear. The feel is much rougher than that in summer, which means that your skin needs to detoxify.After removing most of the toxins in the body, we can rest assured to nourish and maintain our skin, and our skin can safely survive the coldest winter of the year.

1.Test: How deep are you "poisoned"
Look at the following skin phenomenon you have several:
1) The skin tone is not very dark, but dull and yellowish.

2) As the weather turns cooler, the skin on the face becomes more oily.

3) I insist on using eye cream, but dark circles and bags under the eyes are still obvious.

4) The skin becomes dry and rough to the touch.

5) Reduced skin resistance, prone to allergies.

If you have more than 3 of the above phenomena, it means that the symptoms of "poisoning" are prominent in your body, and you should start detoxification as soon as possible.

2.Washing your face and bathing are detoxification
Wash your face with warm water first, then rinse with cold water for 30 seconds, then wash with warm water, then rinse with cold water, and wash repeatedly several times.Alternating hot and cold face washing can promote blood circulation and is also a trick to promote detoxification.When taking a bath, take some bath salts, which can not only make the skin smooth and tender, but also relieve fatigue, relax nerves, and calm emotions.

3.Do more exercise, detox effect is also good

In autumn, you should often do some high-volume activities or go out for travel, which will speed up the body's metabolism. While drinking water and sweating constantly, the toxins in the body will be discharged with sweat.

4.Natural food, purify skin toxins

Eating some fruits or vegetables that are good for detoxification is also the key to beauty detoxification.You can eat more pomegranates, oatmeal, apples, sweet potatoes, carrots, fungus, etc. These foods have a good detoxification effect, and female friends can usually eat more.

5.Sleep is essential to a person's body and beauty
Modern women seem to lack sleep. In fact, sleep is very important to a person's body and beauty, and staying up late is the most "disfiguring".Because lack of sleep can affect the speed of cell regeneration, leading to skin aging, the dire consequences will be directly reflected in women's faces.Therefore, if women want to keep their facial skin healthy, they must develop the habit of falling asleep before 23:[-].

Enjoy classic winter delicacies, cold winter will warm spring
In the view of Chinese medicine, winter is the season of nourishment, especially for female friends. If you want to make your skin better, you must pay special attention to winter diet. The following classic delicacies are the most suitable for female friends.

1.Blood and beauty porridge

Ingredients: 3 grams of Chuanxiong, 6 grams of angelica, 2 grams of safflower, 4 grams of astragalus, 100 grams of japonica rice, appropriate amount of chicken broth, appropriate amount of chopped green onion, refined salt, and ginger.

Method: Wash the rice and soak it in water; wash the angelica, chuanxiong, astragalus, and safflower, put them into a clean small cloth bag, put them in a clay pot, add chicken broth, and make porridge.When the porridge is thick, add chopped green onion, refined salt, and ginger to taste and take it.

Efficacy: This porridge has the effect of invigorating blood and promoting qi, and nourishing qi and blood; regular consumption of women can regulate menstruation, nourish blood, and beautify the face. Once a day, 15 days is a course of treatment.

2.double silver soup
Ingredients: two or three white fungus, half a white radish, and half a pot of duck soup.

Method: shred the radish, put it into the light duck soup with white fungus and simmer over low heat, and be careful not to take too long.

Efficacy: white radish can clear away heat and eliminate phlegm, tremella can nourish lung qi, and duck soup is warm in nature, suitable for women who have dry mouth and tongue all day in winter and love fire.

3.Meat Porridge

Method: Take 120 grams of lean meat from mutton and chop it for later use.Then add 3000 ml of water to the remaining mutton and cook for 2 hours, remove the meat and get the juice for later use.Angelica, rehmannia glutinosa, astragalus, ginger, add 1500 ml of water and boil for 30 minutes, remove the residue and get the juice.Combine the two juices and add the washed rice.After boiling, add finely chopped mutton, and cook until the rice is rotten.Season appropriately and serve.Take morning and night on an empty stomach.

Efficacy: This porridge is mainly made of mutton, adding blood, nourishing qi and nourishing raw materials, which can adjust the physiological function of the skin, delay skin aging, provide various nutrients necessary for skin metabolism, and have the effect of nourishing and beautifying the skin.

4.walnut porridge
Ingredients: 100 grams of soybeans, 10 grams of bletilla striata, 10 walnuts, 500 grams of rice, appropriate amount of sugar and water.

Method: Stir-fry soybeans and bletilla striata, and grind them into powder for later use; crack walnut shells to take kernels, steam them in boiling water for 5 minutes, remove, remove the inner skin, and mash them; add water to rice porridge, add soybeans and bletilla striata powder , walnut puree, and sugar, stir well, cook for 5 to 10 minutes, and serve.

Efficacy: Walnut porridge is rich in skin nutrients and tastes delicious. Taking it regularly can make the facial skin rosy, soft and smooth.

5.Stewed Cabbage with Chestnuts
Ingredients: 200 grams of chestnuts (shelled and cut in half), 200 grams of cabbage, appropriate amount of duck soup.

Method: Simmer the chestnuts until they are fully cooked, add cabbage and appropriate amount of seasoning, and simmer until cooked.

Efficacy: Chestnut strengthens spleen and kidney, cabbage nourishes yin and moisturizes dryness. Regular consumption can improve complexion caused by yin deficiency, and can eliminate skin dark spots and dark circles.

6.Tremella wolfberry soup
Material: Tremella 15 grams, wolfberry 25 grams.

Method: put tremella and medlar together in a pot, add appropriate amount of water, fry over low heat to make a thick juice, add honey and boil for 5 minutes before taking.Once every other day, take it with warm water.

Efficacy: This side has the effect of nourishing yin and kidney, nourishing qi and blood, moisturizing skin, and good color.

7.Rabbit Meat and Red Date Soup
Ingredients: 500 grams of rabbit meat, 20 to 30 red dates.

Method: Cook rabbit meat and red dates together, add appropriate amount of oil and salt to taste, take it in divided doses, and take several doses in a row.

Efficacy: Rabbit meat has the function of invigorating the middle and nourishing qi. Rabbit meat is rich in protein, vitamins, and lecithin, which is beneficial to the health and metabolism of the skin and mucous membranes of the human body, so it is called "beauty meat". Regular consumption can moisturize the skin , Make the skin rosy.

8.Bird's Nest and Honey Date Soup
Ingredients: 25 grams of bird's nest, 15 grams of candied dates, and an appropriate amount of brown sugar.

Method: Soak the bird's nest in clear water to remove impurities, remove the pits from the candied dates, put them together in a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, cook until the candied dates are overripe, add brown sugar to taste and then eat.

Efficacy: This prescription has the effects of moisturizing the skin, nourishing the skin, harmonizing the stomach, and removing wrinkles, making the complexion shiny and moist.

(End of this chapter)

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