king of defenders

Chapter 725 Meng Yun has become stronger again!

Chapter 725 Meng Yun has become stronger again!

The next day, Meng Yun officially returned to the team.

Meng Yun changed his jersey and came to the arena early. His teammates arrived one after another. Soon Craig and others, as well as coach Spoelstra, also arrived.

"Assemble," Craig yelled.

The crowd gathered and stood in a row.

Spoelstra stood in front of the players, with a serious and serious tone: "Now all our players have returned to the team and the new season is coming. I hope we can do better and go better in the new season." Far. We reached the Eastern Conference finals last season, and this season, our goal is to win the Eastern Conference championship."

Hearing that, Meng Yun frowned. The coach didn't say "pointing to the championship", but judging from the current situation of the NBA's east and west, the biggest opponent to win the Eastern Conference championship is the Cavaliers, and the strength of the Cavaliers is obvious to all. After defeating the Cavaliers and winning the Eastern Conference Championship, the championship is not unattainable.

Spoelstra also thinks so, so he didn't directly say "won the championship". As an Eastern team, if it can't beat the Cavaliers, it becomes meaningless to talk about the championship.

"Tell me," Spoelstra said emphatically, "are you confident?"

"Yes." Everyone roared in unison.

Spoelstra nodded and showed a smile: "Very good, I believe we will be able to do it. Well, everyone disbands, free training, and full-court confrontation training in an hour and a half."

Everyone dispersed with a whoosh and trained separately.

Free training includes not only technical training, but also physical training. There are physical trainers in the arena. You can go to the physical training room for training, and the trainer will guide you.

Meng Yun didn't rush for technical training, but came to the physical training room.

"In the past two or three months, I feel that my physical fitness has improved a little bit. As for how much I have improved, I really don't know." Meng Yun thought: "Well, I will know after a test."

The reason why I first came to the physical training room is because the physical training room can not only train, but also do some physical tests, such as height, weight, bounce, explosive power, speed, strength and so on.
Seeing Meng Yun coming in, the trainer Hall grinned and said with a smile: "Meng, do you want to test it? Seriously, you are stronger than a few months ago, and you seem to have grown taller, I don't know Is it my illusion."

Meng Yundao: "Yes, I want to test it first, to have a more intuitive understanding of my body, so that I can carry out more targeted physical training."

Hall nodded: "Okay, let's prepare first."

It is actually an unwritten rule to conduct a physical fitness test first after returning to the team. After an offseason, there will definitely be some changes in the physical fitness of the players.Some people are lazy during the offseason and their physical fitness declines. After the test, they get intuitive data, which aspects have declined, and can carry out targeted training to restore their previous state as soon as possible; Take a test, check for leaks and make up for gaps, and further improve.

So Hall has long been used to it, quickly adjusted the equipment, Meng Yun also did a warm-up, and the test began.

The items are the regular ones, height, weight, speed, strength, bounce.

Hall was taken aback when he tested the first one, and said in amazement: "Meng, you have really grown taller. I remember that you were 203 centimeters in the last test, right? Now it is 205 centimeters, and you have grown taller." Two centimeters. Haha, congratulations, with your current height, you have a big advantage in position 1."

Meng Yun was delighted that he had really grown taller.

Needless to say, it must be related to the solar storm.

When he was first hit by the solar storm, his height skyrocketed, which shocked Meng Yun. Although he didn't skyrocket, he still grew slowly, from 197 centimeters to 203 centimeters.Later, as the solar storm's ability faded, the growth rate of height also slowed down. After a few months, he grew two centimeters, which is already very slow.

"I'm 205 centimeters tall now, and I can't find anyone taller than me in the No. 1 position. Most of my height are playing small forwards, and some even play power forwards. With my current height, I can't match my height. It's not easy for the opponent to guard against my shots." Meng Yun thought to himself, with his current height, he stands out from the crowd at the No. 1 position.

Hall recorded the data and called out, "Next item, speed."

Hall has no doubts about Meng Yun's growth in height. After all, Meng Yun is only 20 years old. It is not uncommon for many people to grow taller at 22 or [-] years old.

But when the speed test results came out, the way Hall looked at Meng Yun began to change.

Hall shook his head and said with surprise: "It's unbelievable, how did you practice? It's amazing that you can still have such a speed with a height of 205 centimeters."

Meng Yun glanced at the data and nodded secretly, not surprised. Speed ​​has always been his strong point, and he didn't lose to Westbrook and the others last season.

Now that a few months have passed, some progress is normal.

"With my current speed, I can almost surpass Wall, right? It's hard to say, you have to compare to know." Meng Yun didn't care about Hall, and went directly to the next item, the strength test.

As a result, the strength test surprised Hall again. Meng Yun's strength increased even more than his speed. He was able to perform as many as 84 reps of the 18 kg bench press.

You know, when Meng Yun participated in the NBA draft and came to the Heat for a trial training, his bench press data at that time was 84 kg and 10 times.

Of course, it was that time, and now it has been more than a year, and players generally become stronger after entering the NBA, but Meng Yun has grown so much in more than a year, which still surprises Hall.

When Meng Yun entered the door just now, Hall could see that Meng Yun had become stronger, but he still didn't expect Meng Yun's 84 kg bench press to reach 18 times.Based on Hall's experience, Meng Yun's current muscle dimension should not be able to reach this point, but the reality is that Meng Yun has reached it, and it seems that it is not difficult.

"Monster." Hall complained.

Of course he didn't understand the word, but that was roughly what it meant.

After that is the weight, which is very simple. One stop on the test machine is as much as it is.

However, Hall was still taken aback. Meng Yun's weight reached 116 kilograms, but it was completely invisible from the outside. From the outside, it looked like 110 kilograms at most.

Hall didn't know what to say anymore, he waved his hand: "Next item."

After that, there are bounce, body fat and other tests.

Unsurprisingly, Meng Yun's bounce has also improved, and his body fat percentage has dropped to 5.2%, surpassing most NBA players.

Hall stared at the test data for a long while before swallowing hard, and exclaimed: "Meng, I don't know how you practiced, but I can say for sure that you have become stronger again."

(End of this chapter)

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