just passing by you

Chapter 11 This is how older women are made

Chapter 11 This is how older women are made (1)

When I was 21 years old, a friend said that he would introduce a boyfriend to me. When I heard that, I immediately widened my pure and bright eyes in surprise, and said, is there a mistake, let me go on a blind date? !I would rather be single for the rest of my life than find my prince in such a worldly way.At that time, I was as delicate and soft as a flower, obstinately in love with the romance of Qiong Yao and Xi Juan, and rejected Yi Shuliang's sobriety and indifference to the bone.Youth can be squandered and indulged wantonly. Nothing can match the love at first sight, which brings me greater pride and vanity.However, those pure and beautiful loves come and go, I thought I would never get tired, but I still feel a little bit disappointed in the love affair that only blossoms but does not bear fruit.

When I was 24, I went on my first blind date.She was forcibly dragged to the tea bar by her close friend, but she had deliberately dressed up before, and when she saw the woman with delicate and fair skin in the mirror, she felt a little complacent, thinking, it was just to buy fruit Picking a man in the same way, why be so nervous?Thinking about it this way, there was contempt and disdain in his behavior, words and deeds, and he listened casually to the man opposite, sending flattering words over gently as if to flatter him.It feels like a kind of comfort and leisure without load. It seems that this careful man is not for dating, but for me to pick and play with when I have nothing to do, and then lightly mock and ridicule me.

This kind of mentality makes my blind dates become as calm and idle as shopping.There is no purpose, and I don’t want a purpose. I just pick up one piece, look at it, comment a few words indifferently, and throw it away casually in the middle of the shopping guide’s boastful talk, looking for another one.I always walk and throw away all the way; I always think that there will be countless beautiful clothes in front of me, which are more suitable for me; I always feel that there is enough time for me to browse through all the exquisite clothes until I find the one I like the most. pieces.

Two years later, friends around me got married one after another, and even had a fat and cute baby soon.Every time I called, everyone yelled that they were busy, saying that they didn't have time to hang out with me anymore, and that it was important to go home to do laundry, cook, and take care of the children.I, holding the microphone at this end, suddenly felt a little lonely. When did the lively past of calling friends and friends go away, leaving me alone?When I went on a blind date, I started to take it seriously, carefully selected and knew how to go on a blind date, so I couldn't take it carelessly, otherwise, the best one might be missed from then on, and it became someone else's favorite. treasure.With my eyes wide open like this, I found more flaws in men, such as no future, lifeless, poor looks, or dull speech; frivolous.Dear, each place, person, is also disgusting; the man I love, still can't see the slightest trace.

A friend advised me, why bother to be perfect, if you wait any longer, I am afraid that when you are old, not only will you not be able to pick people, but you will not even be able to find opportunities to be picked by others.Such a sentence finally made me panic until I couldn't sleep at night.The proud woman in the mirror looked tired and haggard; she didn't dare to laugh, because the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes had grabbed her, and she would never give up easily.But he still refused to be so accommodating, thinking that he had already spent so much time on this, why couldn't he wait a little longer and find the one he was most satisfied with?So I began to do everything possible to comfort myself with all kinds of reasons, so that a heart that was rushing left and right could temporarily rest in the claustrophobic space to prepare for the more difficult breakout later.

Later, I met a man who had countless blind dates like me. We sat in a coffee shop and chatted casually about those embarrassing blind dates, about my arrogance and complacency, and about my love for the other half. yearning and disappointment.When we talked about understanding, we all laughed and bent over, and then we knew that we were the same people who refused to give in; although there was an intersection, it was just two parabolas that intersected at one point, and then stretched infinitely in their respective directions, and then never will meet.Besides, a man is as arrogant and unruly as a woman, and thinks highly of himself. Even if they get together, they are afraid that they will quarrel endlessly and become incompatible.Such a man is just my next choice.When they parted from each other, they did so at the same time, and they didn't even have the courtesy of leaving a phone call.A few days later, when I met the introducer, he mentioned this self-righteous man with a bitter face. The introducer laughed and said, this time, you have a draw with this man.I didn't understand, but he explained teasingly: It's just that none of you have a crush on anyone!At that moment, my heart was so cold that it was covered with thick ice. At the age of 29, I was completely and firmly knocked to the ground by a draw.

Until now, I have finally learned to accommodate, understand tolerance, and know that true love has little to do with education, status, money, appearance, and family background. As long as you cherish each other, even those who are disdainful in the eyes of outsiders will eventually cherish yourself.And what I really want to find is a heart that will last forever.However, at the age of 31, I looked around in a daze, and what I saw was the desolation of no one accompanying me.Those men I was too lazy to deal with, they came over, took a look at me, but turned their heads and walked away without even saying a bad word.I know that all my harshness and indifference have finally started to turn around and give back to me.

In this way, I have become an older woman who is difficult to marry in the eyes of the world.

Liu Xiahui's web.

I met a woman named Fan, who has natural beauty and outstanding talent. Along the way, such an outstanding woman like her cannot be without the compliments of men.It's a pity that she doesn't look down on them at all, and because of their flies-like buzzing and noise, she feels disgusted in her heart, and often doesn't wait for them to come close, she will wave her palm to drive them away.

Many close friends in the boudoir asked, what kind of man can impress her?She laughed, of course, men with good taste first, when they see a woman, they will not take the initiative to throw themselves into their arms, present flowers and kisses, even if they meet someone who comes to please, they must maintain the calmness of a man, and don't go up to pick her up. Live, lost the demeanor of a mature man.Close friends joked, saying that such a good man is either already married, or that Liu Xiahui pretends to use an invisible net to cover himself with a gentleman's coat, but in fact he is eager to try for a woman who takes the initiative to flatter her. Don't want to miss it.

But Fan didn't agree, as usual, he was rejecting dozens of men, and as always, he was looking for the high-quality man in his mind who was only emotional for her.After several years of searching like this, when Fan was about to enter the ranks of 30 years old and planned to marry herself hastily, she finally met a man who fell in love at first sight, and without hesitation, like a moth to a flame, At the age of 40, he already had a family and had no possibility at all. When he divorced and remarried, he still fell in love with him madly.

Fan's love burned without complaint or regret.She decided that he was a man worthy of love, even though he was just a man who had just come to Beijing from a small city, and had to stay up late every month to work for the mortgage.But she was still deeply moved by his humorous conversation, his calmness not to be moved by beautiful women, and his perseverance towards his insane wife.Fan's contribution surpassed every one of us women.She not only gave him spiritual support and career assistance, but also invested all the money she earned in an investment he didn't know where to go.

Fan doesn't expect him to give her any promises, she just wants him to love her exclusively, and will not give him cheap love for other women just because of the irresistible charm that time has bestowed on him. In this way, if her love is given to the wrong person, she will also despise him and herself because of this.

But he was still caught by her.It was on the Internet, she was so bored, she searched for his name, and then clicked to read them one by one.So I saw his message on a woman's blog, like all men who flattered a beautiful woman, there was a little frivolity and presumptuousness in his words, slightly angry at the woman on the blog, Why come to Beijing and not call him to meet.With a wave of anger, Fan went through all the woman's more than 200 pages of messages, and finally found all his ambiguous messages one by one.And almost every time he left a message, it started after he met Fan.

Behind her back, he had ambiguous conversations with other women, but it was because he couldn't escape the vices of men, and he wanted to pretend to be an elegant Liu Xiahui in front of his existing love.But I didn't want to, but I was covered by an overwhelming net.If you want to escape, in the great power of Baidu and Google, it is difficult to have wings.

In a fit of rage, Fan asked him why he was so sentimental?But he plausibly said, since I can have an intersection with you, why didn't you expect to be with someone else?You belong to the love outside marriage, so why bother to be serious, love if you love, and let go easily if you don't love, why bother if you are so stubborn to check people's privacy?

Fan stayed where he was for an instant, forgetting how to refute.She just blindly pursued his sentimentality and accused him of hypocrisy, but forgot that she was the one who weaved an extra-marital net for him first, and he was in the net, by the way, spying on a few more women, and Why not?Anyway, once this cheating foot is taken, you will see more scenery, and stop and go, it will no longer be like the past, in the house, guarding a person, living forever.

Therefore, at the beginning of weaving this net of Liu Xiahui, one should have thought that this kind of passionate man is destined not to stay for her, and the so-called taste is just a net used to attract women like her. If you go down, you can no longer escape.

Unless, one day, she followed the clues in Baidu, traced back to the source, and brought this flirtatious man's lair away in one fell swoop.

Ambiguous folding body.

(End of this chapter)

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