just passing by you

Chapter 2 Who disturbed the most beautiful time

Chapter 2 Who disturbed the most beautiful time
I think of a moldy love in time.

It was many years ago, when I was just in college, there was a roommate named Liang, she had a boyfriend who loved each other deeply, in the small town of my hometown, because she didn’t get into college, she could only be despised at home. unemployed youth.However, this childhood sweetheart love has not been separated by education and distance. On the contrary, it is like that mellow wine, which becomes more and more rich in the cellar of time.

I remember being cool at that time, almost every weekend, I would take the bus for more than three hours to go back to visit my boyfriend.Sometimes her boyfriend would also come over. The two of them are like those happy student couples on campus, with their fingers intertwined and their ears rubbing each other. They will arrive in almost any place where romantic footprints can be left.Those of us girls who have just begun to love were slightly jealous of their sweetness.The content of the sleep meeting at night was almost all about them, but Liang was only obsessed with the melancholy and tenderness of love at that time, and he just smiled calmly at our chattering and immature discussions and inquiries, and then turned around and turned his back to The light blue curtain tenderly recalls the shyness of the day.

Half a year later, on a weekend morning, when I was drowsy, I suddenly heard someone knocking on the door hurriedly, crying loudly, and hurriedly got out of bed and opened the door, and cold stools fell into my arms.I coaxed her carefully and said, Liang, don't cry, don't cry, is it because your boyfriend made you angry?Next time he comes again, the eight of us sisters will blackmail him together to relieve our anger.Liang cried on my shoulder for a long time before biting his lower lip and uttering a few words with difficulty: He is getting engaged!

This news was like a bomb. It not only blasted a huge gap in Liang's heart, allowing those tears of despair to pour out, but even us unrelated passers-by almost swept in.

Almost every day, Liang frantically called her boyfriend's parents, begging them to let go of this love.At first, Liang's parents politely persuaded her that they were no longer on the same flight of stairs, and she should continue to climb up without worrying about their son who might never leave the town for the rest of her life; Be patient, when you hear it is her, immediately hang up impatiently.

Just when Liang could hardly bear it, her boyfriend, the day before his engagement, sneaked out of the town and came to the school to look for her.It was like a person who fell into the abyss and suddenly grabbed a life-saving vine, even if his hand was pierced by Wan Jian, he would not let go for a second.

Ryo's final decision scared us all.In order to be able to be on the first flight of stairs with her boyfriend, Ryo decided to drop out of school and stop studying.Her boyfriend also hesitated for a moment, whether to let Liang make such a big sacrifice, and Liang only said a word softly: You can give up the face of the whole family for me, and I can do it for you. You, give up the glory that is nothing compared to love.

In this way, Liang resolutely went through the formalities of dropping out of school, and before she could even say goodbye to us, she went to Xi'an for a "honeymoon trip" with her boyfriend.Although shocked by Ryo's decision, we still have a slight longing and jealousy, just like watching the old Hollywood movie "Bonnie and Clyde", knowing that every step they take is taboo for us, but in the dark Looking up at the screen blankly, they were still so thrilled by a pair of lovers, full of deep fascination and affection.

After that, we rarely heard from Liang.This legendary love story should end here at its best.Occasionally, I think of Liang, of her pure and fiery eyes, of autumn nights, when the singing of insects gradually cools down, we sit on the high roof, chatting about the love that is willing to run for a lifetime, such years, I I believe that Ryo will always remember, just like, the other 7 girls who have shared the love secret with her have always regarded this love of hers as a model of pure love, hiding it deep in their hearts, and using this to comfort The soul that I occasionally get lost in material desires.

Then one day, I accidentally met Liang on the Internet.Asked about her current situation, she said that the two families have agreed, and they finally got their wish and got married.I followed up with a question: So, after getting married, do you have any plans?Liang over there was silent for a long time before saying, for the time being, let's do some small business. Without a paper certificate from the university, we still find it difficult to go.It's like, without the marriage certificate, we wandered around outside, and our hearts were not at ease.

I don't know how to continue chatting with Ryo, should I give her comfort or sympathy?Life is theirs, we outsiders, no matter how we participate, in the end, we are still like a drop of oil floating on it, never able to dip into the unfathomable bottom.

But I still had a curiosity to discover the core of the secret, so I clicked on Liang’s Q space, and then I saw the diary with only one sentence: Who on earth disturbed the most beautiful time of my university?

And I finally understand from this sentence that love, the more intense it gallops in life, when it stops, the more inertia will pull our memory back for a long time, that is no longer Good times ever possible.

However, we often understand so late.

If I can't hear your voice.

Once I went to a friend's house I just met, and I ran into her boyfriend.Unfortunately, they were arguing about a work matter.Just about to leave wisely, but was held back by a friend.I had no choice but to sit aside and talk to me after they finished arguing.

It turned out that it was just a trivial matter. My friend made a mistake in the account and was criticized by the leader; and my boyfriend, who is the head of the department, was also ignored by the leader for two days because of this.But because of such a mistake that he thought could be avoided, the boyfriend quarreled with his friends on the weekend when they were supposed to enjoy their love.My friend is actually very ashamed of his mistakes, but after all, she is a girl, and in front of her boyfriend who is passionately pursuing her, naturally she doesn't want to put down her face and admit her mistakes.The boyfriend therefore criticized his friends as if he were reprimanding his subordinates.Even with me by my side, he refused to soften a little.And no matter how tough and arrogant his tone is, and no matter how cold and ruthless his expression is, listening to his words makes me feel uncomfortable.He kept using the following vocabulary: I will not allow you to make such mistakes again in the future!I ask you to get rid of this problem immediately!You must remember these words I told you!I will never forgive you if you do this again!
Why? !I am the same person as you, why should you speak to me with such commanding words.And, I am your lover!Are the words of love so unequal? !In my dissatisfaction, I went to see my friend who had been silent.To my surprise, she actually forgot her girlfriend's identity, and became a submissive subordinate in front of her arrogant boyfriend.Moreover, she seemed to be used to such orders and warnings.

I thought of a couple I knew. The boy was healthy and handsome, but the girl was born deaf and dumb. She couldn't hear the boy's sweet words, nor could she say a gentle word to him; even to express her sadness, she could only use gesture.And these did not hinder the love between the two.Like all lovers, they enjoy sweet romance and warmth, and also share sorrow, pain and depression.Of course, there will also be small frictions and contradictions.Once, seeing them quarreling, the girl naturally couldn't understand her boyfriend's explanation and words, and she didn't want to hear it when she was angry.Her gestures were complicated and chaotic, and he gradually couldn't keep up.Unable to understand each other, the girls turned around and were about to leave.Her boyfriend held her firmly, and then, stubbornly, put her hand on his chest.At that moment, the girl who was confused in thinking suddenly calmed down.She seemed to be suddenly engulfed by some strange force. Her heart, all her love and sorrow, were all concentrated on the chest of her boyfriend at this moment; resolve.There is nothing between her and him, except a persistent beating heart.She understood that he was telling her in a unique way: I love you, I can't let you hear, but my heart can testify for me.

That friend of mine finally broke up with her "boss boyfriend", because she was so tolerant and silent that she couldn't make him understand that no amount of orders can be worth a tolerant smile or a speechless gesture ;There are no words that can make love flow so unimpeded, so clear and unmistakable, between hearts.And all disputes, without words, can also be understood by you and me who are in love.

(End of this chapter)

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