Chapter 3
A friend who treats every love as first love. After drinking, he confides to everyone, saying, is the world changing too fast? Why is every girl touched by me? Why, throw me mercilessly away?
Then he talked about one of his "first loves". He almost fell in love with this gentle and lovely girl in his heart the first time he saw her.Afterwards, a fierce attack was launched, and the love secrets were downloaded from the Internet, and they were implemented one by one according to the items on it.He bought 999 roses for her, carried them grandly, made a heart shape downstairs where she worked, and waited for her to poke her head out amidst the exclamation of the crowd.During her most painful time of the month, he brought water to feed her, comforted her mood, massaged her body, and contracted the dirty work of cleaning her underwear.He ordered songs for her on the radio, and recorded the love songs he sang into CDs for her to listen to.He never let her do a little housework, wash the dishes, cook and mop the floor, all by herself.He said that he wanted to make her the happiest woman in the world, stretching out her hands for clothes and opening her mouth for food, like a spoiled princess.

In his initial courtship, the girl really had the bright smile he wanted to see.Just when he thought everything would be easy and he wanted to bring the girl home to show his parents, the girl suddenly flinched.He thought she wasn't ready to get married yet, but she didn't want to. She told him that she found out that she didn't really love him.

The friend was puzzled, but he was not discouraged, but as always, he used the tenderness like water to influence her.He believes that water drips through stone, and one day, all his efforts will bring him the fruit of love.Besides, which girl doesn't like romance, caring, and the kind of warmth that is moved.

But the girl began to avoid his perseverance, like avoiding the pursuit of a male cat in heat.He jumped onto the wall, and she jumped off the haystack; he chased to the nest, but she fled to the tree.Running around like this made my friend so tired that he was out of breath and overwhelmed.

My friend said that during that time he really seemed to go crazy, with romantic and sweet tunes brewing in his mind all the time to impress girls, but his heart was full of bitter juice that had nowhere to pour out.She no longer came to eat the meals he cooked, so he hurried back to the hut after get off work, calculated the time to prepare the meals, brought them to her dormitory, and hung them at the door.The temperature of the food, when she saw it was taken off, must still be warm.He could almost calculate that it took her 15 minutes and 30 seconds from the unit to the dormitory.And after he hung the lunch box on the door, she must have just turned the second corner, and she will be there in 3 minutes.

The friend would hide behind the tree, peep at her expression when she took off the lunch box, and judge based on this, how much possibility is there for this relationship to turn around.The friend knew that she was a soft-hearted girl, so he always believed that if she was sincere, she would be able to return to him.

But as a result of working so hard as a meal delivery worker, dishwasher worker, and flower delivery worker, the girl threw a box of fragrant egg fried rice in front of him.The girl cried and begged him to let go. She said she was very moved by what he had done for herself, and she also believed that every girl would be moved by his unremitting love just like her, but she always wanted to The one thing I told him was that moving is not emotion.

The friend immediately seemed to be stunned by someone, but he didn't know how to refute this specious conclusion of love.A friend wants to show his majestic appearance as the best debater when he was studying, and argue with the girl. If he is not moved, where is the emotion?If there is no meticulous care for each other in the relationship, and therefore the heart is soft, how can two hearts fall in love with each other?However, moving and feeling are closely related, because there is a "feeling", and then "moving" and "love". move?
But in the end, my friend lost this "first love" again, and because of this incisive summary of love, he was afraid, and for a long time after that, he did not dare to take a step closer to the thunder pool of love.

Later stories became more dramatic.A friend who had always been a clumsy hunter was actually pursued by a girl like a stalker.Girls' romantic tricks are even more diverse than the entries in his "Sunflower Collection".In such an impenetrable pursuit, he could hardly hold back.The buddies around are all envious of him, saying, your boy has healed his scars and forgot the pain. With such a good fortune, why don't you hurry up and marry the girl home?

But the friend looked bitter and said, unfortunately, being moved is not emotion.After finishing speaking, I was terrified in my heart, thinking hard, and finally remembered the "first love" N long ago, I was once thrown the same sentence.But I never thought that when Feng Shui took turns, it was my turn, and I wanted to escape in such a panic.It's like the female cat who is being chased by the male cat in heat and is trying to escape.

At that moment, my friend finally understood that the difference between moving and feeling is a word, but it turns out that it is such a love-hate relationship.

Please give me some room for my vanity.

When she met him, she was ambitiously planning to read the book abroad, and it was his words "stay and love me" that made her heart suddenly gentle and quiet; His rhetoric was instantly wiped out.She watched her friend read her own book alone, looking for the high-quality life they had dreamed of countless times, and she felt slightly jealous in her heart; but thinking about having him by her side, she felt so humble. But with a warm heart to accompany her on the road ahead, she still put aside the vanity in her heart and lived with him peacefully.

A few years later, his career still didn't improve much; she also lost many opportunities for promotion for the sake of the family and their children.It's not that I haven't thought about changing jobs and environments, but this family can't be put down just by letting go.Even during the two years when she stopped working without pay and took care of her child, she lived alone in loneliness, hoping that her child would grow up quickly, and hope that he could devote himself to work and fulfill her unfulfilled dreams. Ignite one by one; at least, let her see a little bit of hope, so that she doesn't have to be cut by the hidden vanity knife when her friend calls and talks about her colorful life.However, what he can give her seems to never be more, he can't give her everything she wants; even the various promises made during the deep love have become empty checks, and the memories are difficult and empty.

In fact, she still loves him, otherwise she wouldn't have lived with him in this small town with such peace of mind, and rarely even returned to her hometown in Beijing.Sometimes they quarreled and said things that made each other very sad; he said that I told you before getting married that I would not be as successful as you hoped, so why did you marry me? High, the heart will be lonely? !She said that I really regretted meeting you back then, otherwise I wouldn't be like this, where I can't even afford higher-grade cosmetics, and I spend my whole day calculating in daily necessities, not daring to answer calls from my friends!After such a quarrel, she will regret it. She knows that she just has a little vanity, and she just hopes to have a little proud capital in front of her friends.However, he often remembered her hatred, and brought up her words inadvertently, which made her feel ashamed and didn't know how to deal with it.

Later, her friend said she would come over, and she was busy tidying up the room a week ago, hanging her best clothes in the closet, and arranging the corners of the house in an extremely elegant and unique way.That day she deliberately sent the child to her mother-in-law's house, and reminded him very tactfully, remember to book the best single room in the best restaurant in the small town.The moment she saw her friend, she still felt a little sad. She didn't expect to separate them so far in a few years.In her friend's words and demeanor, the intellectual and noble beauty often distracts her. From her friend's body, she seems to see herself a few years ago; , wealth and conversation.Many topics can't be talked about. It turns out that the external differences are only a very small part; their hearts have long been separated by an insurmountable river.

Apples were distributed in his work that day, and when he got his share, it was already past the time for meeting at the hotel; he didn't have time to go home, so he went to the hotel with a big bag of apples.Afraid of losing it at the door, he carried it with great difficulty to find them.She and her friend stood at the stairs, watching him from a distance carrying a big bag of apples as he came over in a very funny way.The friend asked with a faint smile: Their unit is too stingy, and they send out such things after a festival.Her face turned red, how could she tell her friend that this is the best benefit of their unit, even if they queue up until dark, he will still receive his share.That meal, because I didn't book a room, was very dull in the noisy crowd.On his shoulder, because of carrying the apple, there was a large stain, so vivid, it burned her eyes.And of course, heart.

After going back, she hid in the room alone and cried. When he was about to go to bed, he said coldly to her: If I knew you hated me so much, it would be better not to be together.She stopped suddenly at this sentence.She stared at his face and said slowly: After all these years, you still don't understand that I am just an ordinary woman with the vanity that everyone else has.I have given everything for you, but I did not get the return I wanted, and I have never regretted it; my original ideals have been obliterated little by little, and I have never regretted it; when I was ridiculed by my friends, I have never regretted it; But why are you so stingy with what you can give me?In fact, what I want is to have your tolerant heart in front of my little vanity...

Yes, many women can't escape a vanity; but why the man who can't satisfy her often doesn't understand that his love and tolerance are enough to embrace that vanity heart firmly.Just like when we first fell in love, no matter how much money and aura, it is often not worth the most ordinary care and love.

(End of this chapter)

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