just passing by you

Chapter 22 The scenery is so unreliable

Chapter 22 The scenery is so unreliable (2)

A month later, a teacher in the department gave a farewell party to his proud student.Both he and Han were invited.Among the group, except for Han who stayed in school, all of them had a good home, and only he finally chose a remote city in the west.When he walked over to toast the teacher, the teacher suddenly asked him regretfully: I am very surprised, why is your design for this competition so clumsy?He was stunned for a moment, but then, under Han's flustered gaze on the other side, he smiled and said: "There's nothing strange about it. There are times when people perform abnormally. I just missed it at a critical moment."At the end of that party, Han didn't come over to say goodbye to him, nor did he send Han off for the last time as he had imagined countless times.He just went through the mess all over the floor, walked to Han's side, and said in a low voice amidst the noise in the room: If you want to be well, I will too.

He walked alone in the dark for a long time before he saw the text message, which was sent by a classmate he didn't know very well, and said: Do you want to know why you missed the chance for the re-examination, and why Han was able to stay in the end?If you don't want to end your relationship with regrets, then send a text message.

He hesitated for a moment, and finally replied: If you respect a person's attachment and reluctance for this love, if you have ever loved so deeply, then please don't tell me the truth; because there are some secrets, I'd rather not know.

He knew that this was not deceiving himself.All he wanted was a memory of his first love without any impurities many years later.And that secret, let it decay in the years, far away.

Love has dignity.

The year she was admitted to university, her father died of illness; the family was suddenly difficult to continue.The second younger sister, who likes to study the most on weekdays, resolutely dropped out of school and went to work for her and younger sister's studies.The frail and sickly mother also lied to her three daughters to help others with laundry to earn money to support the family.

She finally gritted her teeth, stood still in the fierce attack of a boy in the same department, turned around and gave him a faint smile.This kind of compromise, in exchange, is not only the scenery in front of people, but also the reduction of the family's burden.The boy's family was famously rich, and it was easy for his second sister and mother to find a leisurely and comfortable job.

She originally planned to let the second sister continue to study, but she didn't expect the little girl to be stubborn, and she wanted to share her mother's worries no matter what.She felt ashamed, and she could only add some weight to this reluctant love in order to make it firmer and firmer.

Because she and the boy are not in the same city, during vacations, she no longer returns to her small town, but returns to the boy's city to reunite with her mother and second sister.Living in a rented house in a foreign country always made her feel lonely and lonely.But seeing that her mother and second sister don't have to work so hard to earn money, and the younger sister can study with peace of mind, she still feels that her efforts are worthwhile.

No one knows her secret. She doesn't love this boy, but for him, she will act obediently and obediently in front of others.Moreover, he criticized the emotions of another boy whom he actually loved deeply, until the boy never came to "harass" again.But she was still cautious, because the rich boy's parents treated her family with almost indifferent kindness and disdain.Although, in order to please their son, they will spare nothing.But the hypocritical enthusiasm is still obvious.For the sake of this family, she lowered her head as if she didn't see it.Their hearts trembled slightly under their proud eyes.

She is so careful to maintain it with all her strength, but there are still contradictions that stand out from time to time.Of course, the words were all deliberately told to her.Said that her second sister was lazy, and relying on her elder sister's face, she was arrogant to her colleagues.She also said that her mother used her daughter as a bargaining chip and made all kinds of excessive demands on the boss.She also said that she is really a powerful girl, who can hold her boyfriend's seven inches and serve herself and her family freely.

Every time she heard words like this that hurt people's self-esteem, she would smile slightly and forcefully forget it.She never went to her mother or second sister to verify the truth of the matter.She just pretended to be inadvertent, and after "reporting" to them the progress of her happiness with the boy, she reminded them: in a foreign land where they are not familiar, it is better to endure some things.Mother and Second Sister, on the other end of the phone, were always silent for a while, and then diverted to other topics.

Later, in front of her mother and second sister, the boy waved impatiently at her who spoke softly as usual.She was used to such a small movement.The second younger sister stood up and said, "Don't think that the love of the poor is humble. Everyone in our family has the same inviolable and noble dignity as the people in your family." !
The pampered and pampered boy was almost horrified and slammed the door angrily away.She wanted to go out to chase after her, but her mother, who had always lived a cautious life, firmly held her back.

Only then did I learn from the almost weeping mother that for her love, the mother and the second sister actually paid and endured far more than she did.Even for her happiness, they even silently swallowed the sarcasm and sarcasm from the boy's parents.It was a gesture of impatience from the boys, letting them understand that the happiness they bought with dignity was not long-term and firm.Her 17-year-old second sister bravely stood up and lifted the illusory veil to protect her indifferent dignity.

She returned to the predicament after her father died of illness, but her heart was not as frightened and helpless as before, hoping to find a shelter from the wind and rain in an instant.Because, it was her mother and second sister who made her understand that love and life can only walk steadily, freely, and proudly without losing their dignity...

Divorced men and women.

Once in the Civil Affairs Bureau, I met a divorced couple.

The man must have filed for divorce first, and the woman must have cried and made a fuss, but the man has already made up his mind, so his concentration is extremely strong, like a pine tree standing on the mountain opposite her, no matter what she does, she cannot He changed.So the man waited outside the door almost before the Civil Affairs Bureau went to work.When the hour hand reached [-], the staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau hadn't sat down yet, so the man couldn't wait to ask all the necessary procedures in detail.

The man's voice is firm, calm, and reveals a touch of joy that he is sure of winning.On the opposite wall are written verses to comfort the sad: Gathering and parting are always about love.But for men, it is superfluous.He doesn't need anyone's comfort at all.From the conversation between the man and the clerk, I learned that he is a small businessman who resigned from a public institution and runs a shop by himself, which is not good or bad.Women are unemployed housewives.Their son has not yet graduated from college.This was supposed to be a stable family, on a small ship, walking the route of life, and there was no accident of hitting the rocks and sinking the ship, but something happened during the sunny voyage.And even the last hope of mending is gone.

The man quickly filled out each form and just waited for the woman to arrive and sign his name.Such discretionary agency may have been implemented for a long time in their marriage model.He takes care of all the big and small things in life.When he was laid off, no one comforted him.He tried his best to earn a living, just like grabbing a seat on the bus during rush hour, but no one could see his hard work.The woman who set off together at the registration office was gradually left behind by him, becoming an inconspicuous and faded embellishment on the curtain.

The woman arrived half an hour later.Sure enough, my imagination was confirmed. Compared with men's clean clothes, women can almost be described as sloppy.On the disheveled hair, there are dots of dandruff hidden, some of which are still scattered on the dull shoulders.They should be a couple of the same age, but it seems that the woman is at least 5 years older than the man.The man came for a divorce, and he even neatly wore a red tie. I don't know, looking at his suit and leather shoes, I thought he was going to another compartment across the corridor to get married.

At that time, I saw the photo session next door. There was a young and glamorous couple taking a couple photo on their marriage certificate.The happiness of two people filled the small photo studio to the full.Even those who stand at the door and accidentally glimpse it feel jealous.And the woman, just stood by, waiting to take a single color photo on the divorce certificate.Men have prepared it long ago, but women still forgot to bring it.Or, it's not forgotten that she has always had the ability to make a mess of life.At the moment when the photo was taken, the woman was still listless, her eyes were dull, as if she had surrendered to everything around her a long time ago.The photographer was right about such a person, and he was also scribbled by the infection. He only took a quick look in the lens and pressed the shutter.

The woman spoke very little from beginning to end.But with a special voice, it attracted the attention of many people.Her nose was always twitching annoyingly. It seemed that there was snot, and it flowed out. It was almost to the lips, and she felt something wrong again. She sucked her nose and went back again.This back and forth twitching sound made even the inefficient clerk tired, so he refused to speak any more, and only quickly moved his finger to the place where the woman's signature was required. The gesture meant to drive away the visitors.

Women's laziness has a long history.It's been so long that even she herself has forgotten the shyness and cleanliness she once had when she was newly married.At that time they were walking together, one punting the boat and the other paddling. The boat was on the river, moving forward leisurely, which was a beautiful scenery in the eyes of others.Later, some big and small storms gradually separated the two people.The man has a bigger boat to command, but the woman sticks to the gray old wooden boat, gliding lazily.She didn't even paddle, and let the wind and waves blow, until one day she looked up and saw a man driving a big boat towards her.It's just that he didn't come to pick her up, but to bid her a permanent farewell.

In the corridor of the Civil Affairs Bureau, there are arrows pasted with plastic paper.The red ones point to marriages, and the blue ones point to divorces.The two lines run long and parallel, from the first floor to the second floor.It was like the red belt given by relatives and friends when setting sail, tying two people together, but they were still on the blue vast sea, and finally separated and walked on their own boats.

The abandoned woman only knew to cry secretly, but she didn't know that she was mercilessly left behind by another one. It turned out that she was too slow and lost him.Even at the divorce office, when all the procedures were completed, he didn't even have the last ounce of friendship to help her hold the heavy glass door, so he slammed the door and let go, and hurried downstairs.

Closing this door will permanently and completely separate them in this noisy world.

(End of this chapter)

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