just passing by you

Chapter 29 Please give me a simple wedding

Chapter 29 Please give me a simple wedding (1)

He and she were classmates in middle school. When they first fell in love with each other, they didn't know each other's family background. They just met each other on the bus going to school. One look and the tenderness in their hearts were overwhelming.It was such an innocent and carefree youth, when two people can stay together, it feels like the whole world; as for the obstruction and discussion of outsiders, in their own eyes, it is just like the wind and rain outside. The temperature of the palm remains.

Later, they were admitted to universities in different cities, but their love did not cool down because of this, but it became more mellow and fragrant.After graduating from university in four years, what they have gained, in addition to their excellent studies, are hundreds of love letters, hundreds of phone cards, and train tickets between Shanghai and Beijing.They witnessed the love between him and her, so warm and full, like a seed moistened by abundant rain, it finally bloomed into a gorgeous flower.When they were in love, one of the issues they discussed countless times was the future wedding. He promised to give her a unique romantic and pure ceremony, making her the enviable bride of everyone; It can draw a perfect end to this mature love in the most beautiful way, and also open another door and window of more eternal happiness.

They had a lot of ideas for this. She hoped that they could go to Xishuangbanna or the mysterious Tibet, and let the beautiful mountains and rivers along the way pray for their love; The most peaceful and pure honeymoon in the world; she also hopes that they can rent a bus around the city, so that everyone in the city can share her joy and his tenderness at that moment.And he had imagined many novel and unique ceremonies, such as finding a dozen or so good buddies, riding a flower-patterned bicycle, driving to her door in the dark, and then standing downstairs, They shouted her name in unison, and after driving her home, they hugged each other and slept all night, and when they woke up, they became the most loving couple in the world.Or like when he was studying, he carried her on his back, from her home, panting all the way to his home.

Like many beautiful ideas, without exception, there is no secular wedding banquet full of flowers and flowers and noisy.Love is a matter between two people. Then, the beginning of marriage, he and she also hope that it can come happily in the same gentle and tender way.And the full house of guests, the banquet specifications that symbolize wealth and prominent status, and the diamond rings and gold and silver jewelry that represent the happiness index in the world, obviously do not match their elegant and blooming love.

But this idea that had warmed them countless times was instantly extinguished by their parents before they could open their mouths.Her father said that the wedding must be luxurious and grand enough not to lose face as the director of the highest hospital in the small town.Her mother added that a diamond ring worth less than 3 yuan was absolutely not acceptable. How could such a good baby girl be married into the family by that brat so easily?What's more, if a woman doesn't accumulate any private property before marriage, it will be even more difficult for a man to buy valuable things for you in the future.His father said that the only son's wedding must of course be held in a grand and high-end manner, not to let the girl's family underestimate us, and it can also be used to communicate with the relevant leaders.His mother also said that it was time to recycle the so much wedding money given away. If he didn't hold a wedding banquet, even if others would make fun of him, he would have lost a lot.

He and she both understood Xiaocheng's way of comparing luxurious wedding banquets, but they didn't expect that the wedding was only related to two people, but neither of them had the power to decide.She just wanted a private ceremony, and he just wanted to give her an unforgettable romantic memory, but such a small wish had no chance of even being realized.

They finally succumbed to the pressure of their parents and accepted the way of secular wedding banquets.In order to give her face-saving parents a perfect answer, he ran to Beijing, bought a 4 yuan diamond ring, and replaced the ten-dollar jade ring that she had worn for 7 years.They flew all the way to Shanghai to take wedding photos worth 1 yuan.According to the custom, when going to her home to meet the bride on the eve of the wedding, it cost 1 yuan to hire an extended Lincoln car.The make-up artist was also specially hired from the provincial capital to follow around all the time to touch up the bride's makeup.As for the specifications of tobacco, alcohol, sugar, tea and wedding banquets, they all use the best standards in the small town.Almost everyone who came to the wedding banquet envied his family's wealth and her family's glory.His colleagues all said that this wedding banquet gave a man a lot of face.Her boudoir's close friends also said that they are really jealous of her. It is worthwhile to have such a grand ceremony in a lifetime, even if the marriage does not last long.

But no one knew that this wedding banquet had brought him and her troubles and burdens.They didn't close their eyes for two nights because of this, and the opinions of the parents of both sides, like those tiny ripples, seemed insignificant, but they still disturbed their hearts from time to time.In order to take good care of those so-called "visited guests", she forced a smile on her face and toasted one by one. She even thought about how to greet each person in advance, so as not to offend someone inadvertently. , Bringing troubles in work or interpersonal communication in the future.They are all people who like to live a peaceful life. They are not good at and don't like such occasions, but for the sake of their parents, they have to pretend to be sincere and sincere.

But even so, his parents still thought she was not generous enough, and she was not perfect when toasting; her parents complained that his family was a bit stingy, and the cigarettes and alcohol of ordinary guests could be upgraded to a higher level.And he and she, amidst these trivial and complicated etiquettes, imagined countless wedding nights in the bridal chamber, lay down on the bed exhausted, and fell into a deep sleep.

It was when he woke up the next day, seeing her peeling off makeup, and she smelling the strong smell of alcohol on his body, that he remembered with some embarrassment that they had become the happy couple they had always wanted to dream of.But, why, the sweetness and joy in the imagination did not come, and what was deeply surging was the loss and melancholy that cannot be added?The long-awaited romantic and classic wedding was finally replaced by all the noisy and secular things.

clear heart.

My mother just passed 50 years old, and her eyes gradually became blurred.Occasionally, the two of us quarreled, and when I got angry and walked out, she was still sitting by the bed alone, fumbling for a handkerchief to wipe her tears, and babbling about my various "evil deeds".

I couldn't bear to look at it, so I went back and handed her the handkerchief.Of course she couldn't see it, and continued to search on the bedside until I called her tremblingly, then turned around following the sound, "looked" at me, was stunned for a while, and continued to "slam" me loudly.

When you find a second boyfriend, of course you have to obey her orders and bring him home for her to "see".She talked loudly to her boyfriend, and looked at him seriously, her eyes were wide open, full of joy and happiness.It seemed that she was the one who was pampered by love.I can see that she is quite satisfied with this boyfriend, otherwise she wouldn't be chattering like this, instead of not even looking at her boyfriend last time.Naturally, they are going to get married.When she told the news to my mother, she was speechless, turned around and went into her bedroom, took out a pair of silver bracelets, put them on my left wrist, and then said in a low voice, as if pleadingly: You will stay here for a week. , Can't we discuss the matter of marriage again?He didn't want to make her angry, so he had to obey.My boyfriend was not very happy, and told me a lot of reasons why it was inconvenient to live in.I knew that he was used to being free, and he didn't want someone to watch him dangling from his eyes, so I said, "What are you afraid of? Anyway, my mother can't see what you do."He was very surprised, and whispered: But I clearly feel that her eyes can see deeply into people's hearts.

I only thought it was a psychological effect on him, so I jingled away to prepare lunch, and let my mother come over again, "wrap" him, and talk endlessly.Within two days, her boyfriend became visibly annoyed. Although his voice was still gentle, his face was clearly ugly.Sometimes when his mother was doing household chores with him, he wanted to get up and walk away, but I blocked him sadly with my hand full of washing powder foam, and then sank into the sofa again in agitation, continuing to listen to his mother's chatter. nagging.

(End of this chapter)

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