just passing by you

Chapter 33 Stealing the Love of Farmer Brothers

Chapter 33 Stealing the Love of Farmer Brothers (1)

Yang Sen was my drinking buddy in college. Every time he came to ask me to drink at the night market in front of the school, it was nothing more than two things.Or he used his private power to look through the files in the department, and saw that a certain girl was not only matched with him, but also had an excellent temperament, and she was still a celebrity.Either the girl who failed to fall in love, and watched her hard work, called him brother, turned around and happily held hands with others.

So every time I just look at his eyes, I know whether I should cheer for him this time, so that he can win the goal in one fell swoop, or persuade him to relax, there is no grass in the end of the world, why bother to fall in love with a single flower.But no matter what, drinking with Yang Sen is a pleasant thing.Whether he is excited or sad, he can always share a big bowl of wine with me boldly, and in my similar persuasion, he raises the banner of hope again, and casts his sparkling eyes on the enthusiastic crowd.There, there are enough swaying single beauties that can quickly demobilize and cheer up Yang Sen's wounded heart.

In fact, Yang Sen is still an excellent boy, with the charm and capital to attract girls.No one can be like him, who has served as the chairman of the student union for four consecutive years. Weaknesses and flaws.Moreover, he is warm and friendly, especially for single girls, he works hard for them, and never speaks half a word.The brothers are all used to this hobby of his, and they often drag him on blind dates with great interest.Of course he came every time as promised, and without the brothers asking, he automatically showed his goodness without revealing it.Of course, even the simple and honest character of a farmer himself is included.Unfortunately, the more frank he is, the less ambiguous and shy the girl looks.Such a girl, without exception, will become another younger sister of his, asking him for help countless times with infinite affection, and then giving him a handful of wedding candy as a reward—of course, a wedding candy with another boy.

Sometimes when I meet those girls who sweetly called him brother, leaning on the shoulder of a strange boy like a bird, I feel angry and can't help but fight for Yang Sen.I said Yang Sen, you are not as good as these brats, why are they all blind when they are in love, unable to tell right from wrong, good from bad, which is better?After hearing this, Yang Sen raised his head and laughed: One day their eyes will open and they will all regret it!I took a look at Yang Sen who was already feeling sad, patted him on the shoulder lightly, and echoed: Yes, let these beautiful girls all regret it!

When I was graduating, I took my girlfriend who had just talked with me to the dinner planned by Yang Sen.As soon as I entered the door, before I introduced my girlfriend to Yang Sen with infinite humility and pride, he punched me hard and yelled at me with a little jealousy: Brother, you can do it quietly. The pretty cutie has caught up with her, and there is no chance for me to kill you.I looked at Yang Sen who was still alone, and suddenly felt a little sad. I said: Brother, let’s fight hard today without getting drunk. .

That drink, Yang Sen really fought hard with me. My girlfriend tried to persuade us to drink less, but I was frightened by Yang Sen's abrupt scolding; and every time my girlfriend persuaded me, he fought me harder fierce.After drinking until the end, everyone came to persuade him, but he smashed countless wine bottles, stumbled forward to hug me, and cried loudly.When the show was over, I sent my girlfriend back.On the way, she suddenly said, this Yang Sen is good at everything, but he is too honest, he can't even tell a lie.I was a little surprised and said, did you know him before?With the help of the faint street light, I saw my girlfriend's face flushed brightly.She paused for a moment, then whispered: Yes, she also helped several girls in our dormitory, but unfortunately, he is a farmer's boy, otherwise, he would have been chased by many girls not long ago.

My heart finally ached faintly.I think of Yang Sen’s uniform message in many people’s graduation guest books: I am a farmer, so, brother, I will always remember your goodness with my honest, kind and broad heart.It turned out that Yang Sen already knew the only reason for his lovelorn; he knew that when the girls he liked were snatched away by his brothers in the city one after another, he could neither mourn nor complain.He will still remember our kindness, remember that after falling out of love for the Nth time, cheer up like the brothers encouraged, and use the persistence and faith of farmers to find new love.

Jealousy was once so beautiful.

In the winter of the last semester of freshman year, we started a one-month military training.At that time, we had just sorted out the life of the university from a mass of novelty and chaos, so the arrival of those heroic instructors just made us full of romance and passion, gushing out enthusiastically.

There are sixteen girls in our company.Except for the 8 people in our dormitory, there are girls from other classes in the dormitory opposite.Between training sessions, we often automatically form two proud teams, doing their own thing and ignoring each other.The instructor who led us, with a thick face and a shy expression, would get nervous and shout the wrong slogan when he saw us all looking over us.The boys just smiled kindly, but we girls are getting more and more presumptuous; but everyone can see that this infinite indulgence is actually full of shyness and admiration.Is there anything else that can project a more charming luster in our tender hearts than a mature and dreamy soldier?
We like to surround the instructor who is quietly standing aside when the boys are slacking off, pester him to sing, and ask him to joke.He was only 23 years old at the time, and when he saw so many girls with bright eyes and pure smiles expressing their love and love for him unabashedly, he was always a little flustered and flipped over us with his hands. The catalog of the songs handed over, the line of sight, but in the sound of chirping, I couldn't find a place to settle down safely.Except for the songs of a few military camps, he has always refused to show his voice in front of us, but what does it matter, we will sing to him the beautiful songs we have learned newly.We will also choreograph dynamic dances and show them to him.The 8 girls in the dormitory seem to have become multi-talented overnight.And the girls in the opposite dormitory, whom we call the enemy party, were not far behind, and lost no time in wooing the instructor, and even bought colored paper and flowers for a routine dormitory inspection by the instructor, and repacked the dormitory.

The instructor didn't know about such a competition.He takes great care of each of us.Although boys often say that he prefers us girls who scream pain at every turn, how can they understand that we give far more than what they see.Behind those singing and dancing, what is concealed is a kind of silent contest and mental torture.The sweetness and sadness in youth are actually in this form, after the curtain of the university is opened, it is slowly displayed in front of us.We remember that the instructor said that he likes to drink hot Dahongpao, and the girls who live in the local area will do everything possible to beg their parents to buy the best tea and send it to his residence.We knew that he liked to listen to Faye Wong's songs, so we ran all over the town to buy Faye Wong's latest album, signed the names of the eight of us, and gave it to him to listen to.And the enemy party that we have always despised is not idle. They wrote poems to the radio station to praise the instructor. They dressed up in the moment of leisure when they did not need to wear military uniforms, just to give him the brightest glimpse.They even used the trick of being sick, because in this way, the instructor would step into the dormitory, nurse and greet, and accompany them to chat endlessly.

The two dormitories have become enemies who never get in touch with each other.No one thought about whether this war was meaningful.We are just stubbornly guarding a love that we do not want to share with outsiders, and the inherent jealousy in youth.Yes, it is jealousy that makes us intolerable. There will be another group of beautiful and ostentatious girls competing for the instructor's unbiased care.It was also jealousy, which suddenly made us very angry, seeing how stupid and ridiculous we were in the eyes of the enemy.The little friction kept coming and going, like that weak spark, flickering on and off, thinking it was insignificant, but finally detonated the angry firecracker in my heart with a bang.

I remember that the training was temporarily interrupted because of the heavy snow that day.We happily bought a lot of snacks and planned to invite the instructors to the dormitory for a small party.The instructor hesitated for a while on the phone, but still agreed.As if we have won a battle, we are eager to show our success to everyone, especially the enemy parties at the opposite door.So the dormitory was opened wide, and Faye Wong's song on the tape recorder was adjusted to the loudest.We thought the enemy party would be sad and angry, but we didn't expect that they also opened the door with a bang.What we saw was almost exactly the same warm scene.

The instructor's footsteps sounded quickly at the stairs, and a few seconds later, he stood in the corridor between the two dormitories, suddenly not knowing which door to enter.It was our head of the dormitory who said softly: Instructor, today is the first birthday of our dormitory girl in college, you must accompany us from the beginning to the end.The instructor smiled and said, "Then you two dormitories together to celebrate, wouldn't it be better, and it wouldn't be in vain for you to have a military training together."The head of the house said again softly: How can we do that, at this birthday party, we promised that the little girl will only let the closest people congratulate her.Finally, the instructor apologized to the enemy party in this gentle pleading, turned around and walked into our dormitory.The moment I closed the door ecstatically, I heard the sound of something being thrown from the opposite side.

It was just a lie from the head of the dormitory, and the two of us in the dormitory formed a deep resentment ever since.Moreover, even when the instructor said goodbye later and asked us to promise him to be friendly to each other, the estrangement and resentment in it still lingered for a long time; No contradiction, a little bit of expansion.

When it was time for graduation, the whole department was taking a group photo, and inadvertently got close to a girl who hadn't seen him for a long time.The moment our fingers accidentally touched each other, we looked at each other, and then suddenly bent over with a smile in the other's unreasonable apology.No one knows why we laugh, only we understand that the battle that made our hearts hurt three years ago, looking back at the past now, is full of warm footprints of time.

Who once said that if military training starts at the time of graduation, then the sadness, jealousy, madness, and joy we have had may all be weakened one by one.Because, at this time, we have already learned how to abandon the frivolity and vanity of youth, and know how to show off and show off in youth, but in fact, it is just a gorgeous coat.

However, even if youth is over, who can deny that you have never gone through such crazy jealousy, and you are so attached to it?

What is wrong is people, not love.

(End of this chapter)

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