Chapter 35

When she broke up with him, she felt that she could forget him very quickly, because she had such a bright future in front of her, stayed in Beijing, had a stable job in the university, and hadn't completely separated from him, so There were several men who gave her secret glances.She is also an excellent woman. She was admitted to graduate school after graduating from university. She has always been a school flower-level figure in school. There is no shortage of lively flattery around her, so she is not alone, even if it is because she refuses to go back to her hometown in Xi'an with him. , and when they broke up with each other, she didn't feel too sad, but after a few days of depression, she went to live her noisy life again.

In the next year, she really seldom thought of him, the boy who pampered her in every possible way when he was studying, the boy who liked to take her to run in the fields, would forget when he went to the movie theater because he lowered his head to give her peace of mind. After seeing the boy who was watching a movie, it seemed like the wind was blowing by, and her heart regained its silence in just an instant.

She soon found a new love, a man from a wealthy family, who drove her to and from get off work every day, sometimes she wanted him to accompany her to a play, but the man was not willing, saying that he didn't know that she was What do you think, how nice it is to go to a high-end restaurant with him for dinner, if you insist on watching some boring drama, if she goes by herself, he will go home and watch the NBA game broadcast in the evening.

In the speeding car, she looked at the silent back of the man driving in front, and suddenly remembered the days when he accompanied her to watch dramas in the cold winter.He will carefully prepare a hand warmer for her, put it in her palm when it is hot, and hold it by himself when it is cold.He, who majored in science, also doesn't like drama very much, but he collected all the information about drama performances in Beijing for her, and changed trains several times to buy two tickets.Every time he came back from buying a ticket and stood waiting for her in front of her dormitory building, she would feel distressed when she saw his blue lips from the cold and his hair messed up by the strong wind, and asked him if he was cold, but he put her Hugged him over and said, fool, how could it be cold when I was thinking of you?
She didn't want to compare the love in the past with the current one, but one day he flooded into her memory again.It was her new boyfriend who took her to a party. He didn't care much about her at the meeting, he just drank and chatted with the group of friends, and asked her to order food and pour wine from time to time, treating her like a waiter. Shouting and shouting, a friend told her to sit down, you don't have to be polite, but her boyfriend waved his hand, bragging, let her go, how can a woman be as important as our brotherhood?
She knows that her current boyfriend is a person who saves face in front of others, and likes to let people know that her beautiful girlfriend is obedient to her, but in her heart, she still feels wronged, and then suddenly thinks of him, every time she is in front of others, she never hides it For his love and infatuation for her, he will stand up and give her delicious dishes, and he will use small tongs to pinch the legs of the spicy crab one by one, and put the crab meat inside into a small bowl for her .He always only ordered what she liked when he ordered food, and he would never take his arm off her shoulder when he met his buddies. He treated her like a jade and carefully cared for her, lest he hurt any piece.

In fact, she didn't realize many things, but he would burn into her life in such a deep way, like a grain of sand, hidden in the flesh of a shell.It takes a long time to see that grain of sand turn into the luster of pearls.She didn't realize that she had changed many bank cards, but she always set his birthday as the only password.She also forgot that when choosing jewelry, green must be the first thing she looks at, because he said that green is the most suitable color for her skin.She also developed the habit of putting a bouquet of flowers on the desk, because he lived off campus and could pass by a small forest full of unknown and beautiful wild flowers, and he always picked one for her. bundle and bring it to her.She didn't even remember that she liked to go for a walk without an umbrella when it was raining lightly, just because he often took her for a walk in the light rainy campus, saying that the rain would make her feel peaceful and sleep peacefully.

She thought that love would never reappear in her life, but she didn't know that after love passed away, its imprints would hang on the branches of memory forever like a shell shed by cicadas in time. When you think about it, look up and see the pain when the cicada struggled to fly away.

Rose flowers for Valentine's Day.

In the cold winter in Northeast China, it is not easy to feed a pot of roses.Therefore, in the coldest months of the year, when four or five pots of roses bloom proudly on the windowsill of my house, they always attract many passers-by to stop and watch.And I, in their envious eyes, will also assume a solitary attitude like that flower that is as red as fire and as white as snow.

Of course, there will be some people who love flowers so much, they can't resist the temptation to come and ask for a branch.Unless it is an old acquaintance, I will refuse no matter what the reason is, even if I buy it with money.It's not that I'm stingy, but I can't bear to look at the flowers I've worked so hard to grow. As soon as the scissors go down, I follow others to wander without roots, and it doesn't take long before they wither and wither. They can't even touch the soil, and they are swept away. Into the trash can.So when the boy in his 20s came to me several times and begged me to send him a rose flower, I refused to die.He was not discouraged, he knocked on my door every day, seeing that I didn't care about him, he just stood at the window and stared at it, until he saw his hands and feet were cold and he kept sneezing, and then he looked lonely. go away.I guessed that he was a student from a nearby university and wanted to please his girlfriend, but he had no money to buy roses, so he came to ask me for roses cheekily, pretending to be roses with thorns.I don't like this kind of vanity. If you have the ability to earn money to buy things, what's the use of asking for things without regard for self-esteem?

But after all, I still felt that I was a little stingy, so when I saw him, I felt like avoiding debts, and quickly closed the door.He was never annoyed, he looked at the roses as usual, and when he caught a glimpse of new buds, he would have a look of joy, and he was full of joy when he left.Finally one day I couldn't help being curious and asked him what he wanted the rose for?He blushed slightly, and whispered to send his girlfriend off.I laughed and said, how can rose represent love? Although they belong to the same family, they still have different meanings. Be careful to let your girlfriend see through the trick and make a quarrel with you instead.He didn't say anything more, but just before leaving, he said to me firmly: I just want to keep her.

Obviously this is a very stubborn and persistent boy. I can raise several pots of roses in the weather of more than 20 degrees below zero. He also firmly believes that he can find the love that seems hopeless.

I was a little moved and decided to give him one when he came again.It is a beautiful thing to help him save a love.But the boy stopped me hastily, and he begged embarrassingly: Can you save it for me until Valentine's Day?I was a little annoyed, and said, I'm afraid I've already lost on Valentine's Day, even if I'm undefeated, how can I guarantee that there will be one?The boy confidently answered: As long as you take care of it, it will definitely bloom, and it will bloom even more vigorously. After seeing it, my girlfriend will definitely believe that there are more beautiful flowers in the Northeast than Kunming. She changed her mind and followed me to find a job in the Northeast. of.

Only then did I know that the boy’s girlfriend has been unwilling to come back since she went to Kunming to study at university. The flowers there bloom all year round, and a rich boy sends her flowers every day. At last, she was unwilling to endure the poverty and "incompetence" of boys in the Northeast, and decided to stay in the warm spring city after graduation, marry the boy who promised to let her live a happy life, and also promised to take her sick parents over for treatment, and never return. Northeast where even a single flower cannot grow in winter.The boy begged hard, and assured her time and time again that he would earn a lot of money after graduation, so that she could live a life without worrying about food and clothing, and would also make her parents, just like her, happy and at ease.

I finally agreed to take good care of these potted flowers for him. I said that the men in the Northeast are all real bloody men. If they make a deal, they will never break their promises. They can let the woman they love stay without any grievances. It is also a responsibility that a man should bear.

The night before Valentine's Day, the boys came over.Seeing the flowers that still haven't decayed, he was so excited that he almost didn't know what to say.I generously gave him the pot of the best and oldest rose. I told your girlfriend that there will be flowers blooming in the coldest winter, as long as the roots are deep and there is a heart to care for them. So there is no flower that will not survive.

I still don't know if the boy will keep the girl's heart in the Northeast, but I believe that as long as he works hard, as long as he is a real man, he will be able to move the girl and give her the happiness she wants.This is not where a man's ability lies, but his due courage and responsibility.Just like, I have an obligation to grow my roses to produce the most enchanting flowers, and all men in the world are also obliged to make their significant other charming and down-to-earth.

Call all lonely years youth.

When I received Chun's call, I was texting the boyfriend who always said I was being vexatious.I've said all the good things, and I just hope he can reply and tell me, okay, we're getting married.But he still turned off the phone habitually, ignoring any of my begging.Chun didn't seem to recognize my trembling voice, so he told me directly: Ann, I ran away from marriage and wanted to study for the postgraduate entrance examination quietly with you, so you can rent a house for me first.I was stunned for a long time before I replied: Why? !Aren't you more eager to get married than me?Chun Xiao: That was before, I don’t think so now, I’ll talk to you later.

Such a news was very abrupt, I didn't have time to think about it, but I just knew that what I was thinking about was abandoned by Chun without hesitation.Once again, I was left behind by Chun.

(End of this chapter)

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