Saiyan Age

Chapter 197 The Lost Bardock

Chapter 197 The Lost Bardock
Bardock didn't die in the explosion, he was bruised all over his body, but he gritted his teeth and frowned, as if he was still fighting Frieza in his consciousness.

"Frieza!" With a loud cry, consciousness broke through the confinement and burst out.

With this sound, Bardock woke up with a start and froze.He suddenly realized that he was not dead, the blazing fireball obviously hit him, and the continuous energy disintegrated every inch of his skin, but he survived.

I can't even believe it myself!

He appeared in a strange land, the natural environment here is very similar to Planet Vegeta, but more desolate and primitive.Surrounded by two grotesque aliens, they have capsule-shaped faces, two round eyes standing on top of their heads, and are also very strangely dressed.

They put a strange healing potion on him, and covered him with a local ethnic costume to cover his body.

Bardock was surprised: "Who are you?"

"Dad, he's awake!"

"Oh, don't move, rest first. I found you lying on the ground outside the forest, so I rescued you. Don't worry, I'm a doctor, and I will definitely cure you."

Bardock's face changed slightly: "Where is this?"

"Plant Star, this is my father Ibana." The child took the initiative, "My name is Bailey."

Bardock looked cold, glanced at them, opened his clothes, and stood up.Just when he was about to leave, he realized that he was already naked, so after struggling for a while, he still tore off his clothes, wrapped them around his body, and walked away quickly.

"Hey, your body can't move around now."

"Cut." Bardock snorted coldly with disdain, "I don't need your attention." His inner self-esteem as a fighting race Saiyan drove him away from this kind of favor.

Although the injury was indeed serious, Bardock still went out, found a cave by himself, and recovered his body quietly.

He is here alone, recalling the scene of being destroyed by Frieza at that time, like a lingering nightmare.Did he come here because of that planet-destroying bomb?Where's Kakarot and Frieza?What is the future?

There are more and more questions in his heart, and he is eager to know the truth.

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound at the entrance of the cave, and Bardock looked vigilantly: "Who?"

"'s me. I brought you food. Dad said that you need to eat more to recover."

"Hmph." Bardock glanced at the fruit and dry food in the basket, pursed his lips, and did not respond.But the stomach was rumbling honestly, the sound was loud, echoing in the cave.

Bardock blushed slightly, turned his head away, let alone looking at the kid.

After a while, Bailey said shyly: "Then I put it here, there is still medicine in it, just rub it." After that, Bailey saw that Bardock still didn't respond, felt anxious, and hurried away.

At this time, Bardock's eyes moved over a little, and when he saw that there was no movement at the entrance of the cave, he approached the basket full of food.

"This annoying boy, who wants... Gululu... Humph, let's try to make it a bit unpalatable." Bardock finally convinced himself, grabbed the dry food with one hand, chewed it, and ate it up in two or three bites.

A basket of food is definitely not enough for the Isaiahs, but it is better to fill their stomachs with less food than nothing.

After eating, Bardock gained some strength, so he began to exercise his muscles and bones simply.Most of his injuries were traumatic, with a large area of ​​severe injuries to his skin and flesh, but his muscles and bones were not seriously damaged. He had enough medicine, rest, and enough food and drink, so he recovered very quickly.

Bailey came to deliver the food on time, and was very happy to see Bardock eat the food.Although Bardock still ignored him, the two of them had a silent communication relying on the food basket.

A few days later, a group of aliens landed on Planet Planet, intending to plunder and occupy the planet.Bardock wiped out these mobs with ease, and everyone on Planet Planet immediately regarded him as a hero.

But Bardock didn't take it seriously, and returned to his cave in a cold and arrogant manner, not caring about people's admiration.

Eliminating a few guys with low combat effectiveness is not an honor at all, and he has no sense of accomplishment at all.Bailey saw it in his eyes, seeing such a powerful character for the first time at a young age, his eyes were twinkling with stars.

He admired Bardock very much, and he was more active in delivering meals every day. He even stood there for a while, and sometimes sat down with a stone, thinking that he could spend more time with Bardock.

"Baddock, my name." Suddenly, the indifferent man spoke in an extremely calm tone.

This was the first time he took the initiative to talk to him. Bailey was so excited that he kept chanting the name: "Baddock, Uncle Bardock, Uncle Bardock..."

As he read it, Bailey couldn't help laughing. His innocent face showed an innocent smile, which made people feel warm without any modification.Only the joy from the heart can show this kind of smile, Bardock looked at him and was also taken aback.

It was as if he saw his own son, Kakarot.

In his prophecy, there is the image of Kakarot being sent to the earth, and then the image of Kakarot becoming stronger and defeating the big devil, but after that, it seems that the film was cut off by some force.

So much for the prophecy.

The future he can see is so long, what will happen to Kakarot after that?Bardock was thinking.

Similarly, whether his wife, Gine, and his teammates on Miru escaped from danger, these speculations once again entangled Bardock's brain, making him feel worried and troubled.

"I can't go back again? I really want to kill Frieza with my own hands to take revenge!" Bardock bit the food, muttering indistinctly, his eyes sparkling.

Being defeated by Frieza and not being able to save Planet Vegeta is the regret of his life. He actually bears more unimaginable hardships and pains while alive.

Sitting on the stone, Bardock sighed deeply.

"I'll come back tomorrow." Seeing that the food had been eaten, Bailey cleaned up the leftovers and left with a smile.

At this time, there was an earth-shattering roar in the distance, which was the sound of artillery fire.

Badak stood up abruptly. As a soldier, he could not hear this voice wrongly. He had encountered it countless times before.Here we go again, invaders.

It must be the failure of the last invasion, and there are successors making a comeback.

But Bardock didn't pay attention at all.At this moment, he has recovered healthier than last time, and his strength has reached its peak, even stronger than that of Star Vegeta in the first battle.He is confident that he can defeat any enemy.

Bailey was frightened, and shrank back: "It's not good, Uncle Bardock, something seems to be wrong, go and have a look!"

"Hmph, what are you talking about, this is a matter of your planet."


"Stay here for me!" Bardock snorted coldly, frowning, soaring into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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