Saiyan Age

Chapter 198 Super Saiyan Legend

Chapter 198 Super Saiyan Legend

Bardock has always been a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. He said that he was influenced by Ji Nei and became kind. In fact, he himself has a kind character, but it is covered by a warlike instinct.

Seeing that Planet Plant was hit again, his inner impulse could not be restrained, and he flew over.

Qigong waves danced wildly in front of him, causing numerous casualties among the residents, many lying on the ground in disarray, surrounded by raging fire.However, the invaders obviously enjoyed this kind of fun, laughing wantonly, watching people die cruelly, in exchange for infinite satisfaction.

Bardock used to be the same kind of person. Although Frieza's task was to conquer the planet, he couldn't deny that he also had the pleasure of killing and defeating his opponent hidden in his heart.The feeling of power conquering everything is really good.

It's just that after experiencing the destruction of Planet Vegeta, Bardock suddenly became disgusted with this kind of thing, and quietly changed his mind.

Even he himself didn't notice that the way he looked at the invader was full of killing intent.

"Stop me!"

With a yell, Bardock rushed from the distant sky, with a blazing white energy cluster in his hand, he blasted out blatantly.The cosmic man looked in astonishment, and saw the energy cluster flying in front of him, unstoppable.

"Ahhhh..." In a series of screams, many cosmic beings were blasted into ashes.

"Damn, who is it?"

Someone exclaimed, but there was no sign of the other party.

Bardock's speed was too fast, beyond their judgment limit, and when these people panicked, flying fists slammed on them fiercely, almost one punch at a time.

The weak cosmic beings fell one after another, and some of them didn't even have time to scream.

The little soldiers were almost wiped out, except for the short man with the hood who stood there and never made a move. Bardock could tell that he was their boss.

With a cold snort, Bardock rushed towards the man, spinning his legs in mid-air.

Swinging his legs vigorously, the whirlwind swept across the world, and the man's hood was blown away. For a moment, Bardock saw the true face of the enemy, and his eyes suddenly widened.

His leg was caught, and the person who looked like Frieza sneered, and his momentum exploded: "You guys dare to resist my space pirate Zild, you are really stupid!"

After all, rocks fluttered around him, the ground sank layer by layer, violent energy rushed out of his body, and he punched Bardock.Bardock was caught off guard by the terrifying force, and immediately stormed out, spitting out a mouthful of blood.


Bardock's mouth was bright red, but his screams remained undiminished.

Childe was furious: "I am Master Space Pirate Childe!"


Bardock didn't listen to Childe's words at all. Seeing the similar appearance, he was only thinking about his enemy Frieza, his eyes glowed endlessly, and his blood boiled.

Maybe it was God's will, he thought.

Originally, there was no chance to avenge Frieza, but a guy like Frieza suddenly appeared, isn't this the best arrangement for him?
Bardock cheered up, the pain was no longer a big deal, his soles cut two deep grooves on the ground, and stopped his backward steps.

The blue smoke rose, and Bardock stepped up his strength to fight again.

Childe over there was even more furious. He obviously said his name several times, but this guy didn't remember it. It was an insult!
"Go to hell, bastard!" Zild roared, his small body burst into the air, shooting straight out like a flying arrow.

The two faced each other in mid-air, and Bardock flew upside down again, like a shell being blasted out, and fell to the ground with a rumbling sound and a huge deep hole.

The smoke and dust covered the sight.

Bardock gritted his teeth and got up, but the moment he got up, Childe had already appeared in front of him, punching Bardock hard on the chest, with such force that he flew hundreds of meters away, crashed into the rock, and fell into it .


After suffering two heavy blows, his body couldn't hold on anymore. The opponent was too strong, just like Frieza.

Bardock only felt severe pain all over his body, and he couldn't raise his strength at all.

At this time, Childe walked slowly, looking at Bardock with a victorious attitude, extremely proud.

"You bastard, do you know how powerful I am?"


Bardock was out of breath, and knelt down on the ground, his hands clenched into fists, his body tensed and trembling slightly.He had no way to win, and after a short fight, he understood the gap in strength.

Suddenly, Bailey's voice came, "Uncle Bardock!"

The child didn't listen to him and ran over.

In fact, Bailey didn't know the opponent's strength, thought that Bardock could easily win, and ran over with admiration and longing for a glimpse.

What are you doing here, go back quickly, the farther you go, the better!Go away!Bardock screamed inwardly, but Childe had already set his sights on Bailey.

"Is anyone looking for death again?" Childe said coldly, and with a big wave of his hand, the huge explosion caused the rocks to collapse, rumbling down.

Bailey screamed and covered his head, bent down instinctively, and was knocked down by the flying rocks.

Baddock quickly used qigong waves to block the subsequent huge stones, but lost his strength all of a sudden, and fell to the ground.

"So what if I saved this kid, you all have to die after all. You don't have the strength to resist, I repeat, my name is Childe!" The evil figure kept approaching, full of murderous aura.

Bardock was angry, and he began to hate himself extremely, all the results were because he was too weak.It would be great if there is power, Planet Vegeta will not be destroyed, people here will not die, and he will not fall in front of the same person twice!

If there is power, if there is power...


Bardock erupted, and the ground around him cracked like a spider web, and the gravel flew out of gravity and was crushed by the air pressure.Suddenly, golden light flickered around him, and powerful energy spread out, shaking the planet.

He...has changed.

The golden body contained endless power, and Bardock felt that he had reached a peak.

While surprised, Childe rushed forward angrily: "Ten thousand times, my name is Childe! Call me Master Childe!"

An afterimage passed by, and Childe punched him, bursting out with ferocious force.

There was no fluctuation in Bardock's green eyes, and he raised his hand to easily block the attack.The collision between the two caused a storm, and the air flow flew into the distance.

But Zild was stunned. He didn't expect his all-out attack to be blocked. Did the opponent's strength increase so much?impossible!
Bang - at the moment of hesitation, Bardock fought back, his fist hit Childe's face, and the figure flew out.

The huge force blasted out a frightening giant crater, and Child hit the ground and fell hard.

When he stood up again, Bardock's leg swept across his eyes, the same attack, but this time he couldn't catch it!boom--

Childe spun countless times in the air, flew thousands of meters and hit the mountain rock, embedded in the stone, and carved a mold.And Bardock jumped to the side, covered his head with his big hands, and squeezed hard, the rock collapsed, and Child howled and was pressed to the ground.

Bang bang bang bang!
The constant attacks thumped Childe's body violently, pressing him on the ground like a bombardment.

Humiliation and pain tormented Childe's heart.

"Bastard, don't be too complacent!" Zild moved his body, broke free from the suppression with all his strength, and rushed to the sky, "Die to me!"

Angry to the extreme, Child ignored the planet and held out a fiery energy bomb, exactly the same as Frieza's planet-destroying bomb.

"It's this trick again, I won't lose to you again!"

When Bardock saw the planet destroyer, he thought of Frieza. He was even more angry than Childe, gathering energy with one hand, and sprayed out with the golden flame in the same way as in the battle against Star Vegeta that day.

Both of them tried their best, like a replay of that day.

The only difference is that Bardock's power overwhelms Childe's, and the qigong wave hits the planet-destroying bomb, and the energy swallows everything!
"!" Childe looked at the propelling light, in disbelief.


Bardock yelled, the tendons in his arms exploded, his strength surged, and the bright qigong wave resisted and devoured the planet-destroying bomb, and also devoured Childe, sending it into the universe.

(End of this chapter)

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