The little princess tames the prince

Chapter 916 The Emperor’s Apology

Chapter 916 The Emperor’s Apology (3)
The Empress Dowager Huiwen was going to move to Shou'an Palace, the eunuch in charge came to remind her every day in the past few days, and the confidant ladies around the Empress Dowager also had something to say.

The first emperor had only been away for a few days, and the cold feeling came out.

The chief eunuch raised his hand in his sleeve solemnly, only then did the court lady see a sacred decree in his hand.With a cowardly face and a sneer in his heart, he didn't take it out early.

"The emperor has a decree," the chief eunuch walked into the palace, smiling all over the face of the empress dowager Huiwen, holding the imperial decree with both hands, and announced it loudly.

The Empress Dowager Huiwen stood up unhurriedly, she never moved from the palace, she just waited for the imperial decree to urge her to move.There are special records of what the emperor does every day.The Empress Dowager Huiwen deliberately waited for the imperial decree, waiting for the official historian to record this in the record: "A few days after the death of the first emperor, the emperor's imperial decree frequently urged, and the Empress Dowager Huiwen moved to the palace."

Empress Dowager Wu intended to leave such a sum for the emperor.The first emperor was only in the first seven years, so he was urged to come up.

She walked over unhurriedly and stood up. The eunuch in charge announced loudly: "...the imperial censor has advice, which has been discussed and adopted by the officials. It is the foundation of a woman, and the empress dowager should use it. Change the title of empress dowager Huiwen Muduan to empress dowager Huiwen Mujing. Respect is a woman's observance. Empress Dowager Huiwen Mujing served the first emperor every day Gong, there is no disrespect for a single day, and you can set an example."

The Empress Dowager Hui Wen shook her body, she was holding her breath, the half bowl of porridge she used just now was like a stone, it was too hard to break.

In this decree, there is no mention of moving the palace.But empress dowager Huiwen understands the meaning of respecting and employing women.The emperor has been married long ago, and the empress has already been conferred, and she is only waiting for the lord in the palace.

The Empress Dowager Huiwen did not move to the palace, and the emperor could not make it clear that the historian would accuse him of being unfilial.At the beginning, when the palace named the Empress Dowager of the Three Palaces, the emperor didn't accidentally get the name wrong, but he bumped into each other on purpose.

"The Empress Dowager, please accept the decree," the chief eunuch announced the decree, handed the order to the empress dowager's female officer, and then took a step forward to salute, with a smile on his face: "The emperor said, I'll be free for a while, and he will come to accompany you personally." Sin. Alas, there is no way around it, the censors have been impeaching, saying that it is appropriate for the empress dowager to ask for the name of Duanzi, and it is appropriate for the empress dowager to be cautious all her life, and it is appropriate to ask for the name of respect.”

The Empress Dowager Huiwen sneered: "Please go back and tell the emperor, the manager, that I deserve the honorific word." The Empress Dowager wanted to scold in her heart, but there were a lot of eye-catching things from the palace.

The fourth prince who was conspired in the past is not allowed to leave the palace while guarding the spirit, and the eighth prince is not allowed to leave the palace while guarding the spirit...  These people have all guarded their spirits, and the only thing they can talk about is His Royal Highness King Qingyuan who is living and dying outside.

"Let's go, let's go to guard the spirit today," the Empress Dowager Huiwen who had changed her title could laugh freely, let people change her clothes, and boarded the palace carriage to the spirit.

The palace chariot was leaving, but she changed her mind again, and said with concern: "Go to see the Empress Dowager Shugong first." From the name alone, the Empress Dowager Huiwen was inferior.

Shugong Chunde, every word is resounding.

The Empress Dowager moved to Yanfu Palace that day to extend her blessing.Empress Dowager Huiwen came in, but she couldn't hold back anymore.Yanfu Palace is the warmest place in the palace. There are small hills in the back and Haizi in front. It is warm and sunny in winter, and there is wind blowing from Haizi in summer. It is not hot at all.

In contrast, although the name of Shou'an Palace is nice, it is actually a place for longevity and tranquility, which is much deserted.

The Empress Dowager Shugong slept on the bed and said that she was sick.Of course, she has always been sick, which is why the empress dowager Huiwen is suffering.But when she came in and saw her asleep, the Empress Dowager Huiwen inevitably felt uncomfortable.

The two palaces sat down, and the Empress Dowager Hui Wen asked about illness, but there was only one serious sentence. She sighed and said: "Yesterday I saw the princes guarding the coffin, and the emperor went to cry again. From my point of view, the late emperor is a worthy man. Blessing, but this kind of luck is still a little short, if His Royal Highness King Qingyuan is here, then it will be complete."

Empress Dowager Shugong made a movement, and immediately beckoned people: "Go and tell the emperor, and then tell the world, find King Qingyuan to come back."

The female officials responded courteously: "The emperor issued an amnesty early in the morning, and there is a special order. Those who find His Royal Highness Qingyuan will be rewarded with a thousand taels of gold; those who report the whereabouts of His Royal Highness Qingyuan will be rewarded with a hundred taels of gold. In the emperor's heart, I miss him too much.”

The Empress Dowager Huiwen was furious, and she couldn't bear it anymore and said sourly: "If His Royal Highness King Qingyuan is still here, you, the Empress Dowager, will be real."

All the court ladies of the Empress Dowager Shugong changed color, only the Empress Dowager herself remained silent.The Empress Dowager Huiwen stood up, smiling again: "Take care of me well, I'll come see you again."

After they left, a female officer said cautiously: "It's over, do you want to go back to the emperor?" The Empress Dowager Shugong sighed deeply: "No, I can't listen to her other words, but I can listen to this one."

He also ordered people: "Go and tell the emperor, if King Qingyuan doesn't come back for a day, I will feel uncomfortable all day." After saying that, he shut his mouth tightly.

The female officials who were close to him all lowered their heads. The Empress Dowager Shugong had already lost her temper with the emperor once in private, accusing her: "You have become the emperor, if you don't bring King Qingyuan back, I will always be suspicious."

His Royal Highness King Qingyuan was the favorite person of Empress Dowager Shugong back then.

The court lady didn't dare to delay, she trotted to the imperial study to deliver a message.The emperor was seeing someone, and heard that the Empress Dowager Shugong had something to say, so he let her in in front of the ministers, and asked with concern, "Is the Empress Dowager better?"

Here, there are King Anping, King Huoshan, King Lingqiu, King Chuan, King Yangping, and King Baojing who guessed right after returning to Beijing after the national funeral, all of them are important ministers.

On the other side, there are also Liubu Lishangshu, capable adults.Shang Shaoyang is in the row of princes.

The palace maid hesitated to speak, the emperor sank his face: "Say it quickly." The palace maid then said anxiously: "The Empress Dowager said that seeing His Royal Highness King Qingyuan, the disease will be cured."

The emperor was not angry, he had a pleasant face, but he was also sad, and said to the ministers: "Look, the empress dowager misses him the same way. I miss him too. I am brothers with him. He sinned against the late emperor, but we have nothing to do with me." And brotherhood."

(End of this chapter)

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