The little princess tames the prince

Chapter 917 The Emperor’s Apology

Chapter 917 The Emperor’s Apology (4)
Raising the sleeves embroidered with flying dragons to wipe away tears, the ministers of course wanted to persuade: "Your Majesty has a benevolent heart. King Qingyuan knows that he must be ashamed of himself."

There were also people who flattered the horse and said suspiciously: "The emperor amnesty the world. I think His Highness has gone far after offending the late emperor, so I don't know yet."

"Well, I sent someone to spread the edict everywhere, and I only hope that he can come when the first emperor entered the imperial mausoleum on Qiqiu, so that he can satisfy the late emperor's heart and fulfill his filial piety." The young emperor was full of sadness, and kept saying : "He and I are brothers."

The lady-in-waiting went back to answer, and the matter was discussed again here.

"The first thing is that the officials in the six ministries must be purged," said the emperor's new three firemen, starting to tidy up from the inside out.He looked at the six books, and there were three of them were cousins.

The Ministry of Officials has always been controlled by the Wu family, and Wu Yunqing is the secretary; in the Ministry of Households, Empress Dowager Huiwen suggested that the secretary is Wu Yuntian.General Wu Yunfeng always wanted to go to the Ministry of War, but ended up going to the Ministry of Industry to manage rivers and build houses.Although he was dissatisfied, he was still a minister, so he was An Sheng.

The rest of the Ministry of Punishment, the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of War are the original ministers.It seems that the Empress Dowager Huiwen recommended that they changed three people.Shang Shaoyang could see clearly that before the new emperor came to the throne, he took good care of all the people who could be used.

However, Shang Shaoyang couldn't understand that the Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of Households, and the Ministry of Industry were all replaced by people from the Wu family.He could only think that Empress Dowager Huiwen still had power.

Of course, with this power in hand, there must be a struggle.

Next came the border, and the emperor was very polite to the princes with military power: "Look, what will happen in the future, can there be regulations?" King Huoqiu still said in the same old way: "Although the Turks were defeated, they must commit. Miss them After suffering such a big loss, there must be a crazy attack. Your Majesty, you should increase your troops to secure the border."

The emperor smiled slightly, and then asked King Lingqiu: "What do you think?" King Lingqiu was the only person His Highness Song could not win over back then. In fact, King Lingqiu was not attracted by King Qingyuan either.

So after the new emperor ascended the throne, he has always been polite to him.As for King Lingqiu, he has kept a low profile since the late Emperor left.He said cautiously: "Going back to the emperor, the war is over, so we should rest and recuperate. It may not be a good thing to increase the number of troops and increase taxes."

Ask King Anping again, King Anping Zhao She knelt down and said: "I ask the emperor to allow the disarmament."

When this word came out, everyone was amazed!The princes all hoped that the more soldiers the better, but King Anping proposed disarmament.

The emperor still smiled: "In your opinion, how much should be cut?" King Anping said with confidence: "We can subtract one-third of the soldiers and horses everywhere, and the veterans will let them go home to farm and enjoy the family happiness."

King Huo Shan stared straight at Zhao She, and then he remembered that there is still a lot of wasteland in the northwest of Zhao She.And under his own rule, of course there are wastelands, but far less than Zhao Xie.

Even if King Lingqiu said he would not increase his troops, he actually did.He replaced the veterans with a new army, and replaced them with a group of young and strong people.Those who are replaced can farm or fish.

But there is one thing, these soldiers are not easy to manage.They are not ordinary people, have never seen the world, and are afraid of officials when they see officials.

Replace these people, licked blood on the battlefield, and ate and slept with the generals in the wild after the war.It would be a headache if they got into trouble.

"Your Majesty, veterans who fought for the country should continue to stay in the army to receive a share of money and rations, and return to the fields for fear of causing trouble." Half of King Huo Shan really cared for these soldiers and was unwilling to let them go.It sounds good and useful to keep them to increase their army.The other half is that the more soldiers, the more income.

All kinds of empty salaries and all kinds of purchases in the army are not only the income of Huo Shanwang alone, everyone does this.

King Huo Shan looked at Zhao She with his eyes, and so did you.Your concubine changed her tiara, and used pearls and precious stones to string nine diaries and four phoenixes.The gems and pearls on it are not small, and you should understand where they come from.

After Zhao She made this remonstrance, he turned a blind eye to others.Seeing King Huo Shan's rebuttal, he once again sincerely said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, the people have been barren due to fighting for many years, and the national treasury has been spent a lot. Leave the soldiers guarding the border, and others will allow them to return to their hometowns to enjoy the peaceful years."

Shang Shaoyang didn't agree either, although he wasn't a celebrity in front of the emperor's eyes, he was already here and he could speak.He didn't have many soldiers in the first place, if it went down, Shang Shaoyang would also lose money.

In the imperial study room, the princes couldn't stop arguing.King Lingqiu was neutral and kept his mouth shut.After King Anping only raised it, he stopped talking.King Huoshan, King Shang and other princes with military power are fighting for nothing.

The emperor separated them very cunningly. Although he was young, his cunning seemed to be no worse than that of the late emperor.He smiled all over his face and said: "King Anping is right, and Zhu Qing is also right. So, let's subtract one-fifth first, and see if we can defend the border?"

King Huo Shan closed his eyes slightly, and after that, another joke was about to come out.If King Anping can defend it with 5 people, other people must also defend it with 5 people.

The eunuchs came in to change the incense in the burner, and reminded in a low voice: "It's time to burn incense before the spirit." The emperor stood up with a smile, and seemingly casually confessed to Zhao She: "King Anping, the matter of welcoming King Qingyuan to the capital will be handed over to you." Here it is, you send more people to invite him back quickly."

This errand fell on the head of King Anping again, which made people who didn't understand very envious.

As the emperor went to offer incense together, King Lingqiu took a step behind and said to Zhao She: "Be careful." If you can't find King Qingyuan, it will be unlucky for those who handle this errand.

Zhao She bowed his body in response, and let King Lingqiu take half a step forward, while he followed behind.

Nearly in front of the Palace of the First Emperor's Resting Spirit, someone reported inside, crying loudly.The emperor had to go to court and watch the coffin these days, his eyes were already red from the boil, and when he heard the crying, tears came to his eyes again.

Seeing the Empress Dowager Huiwen standing in the corner of the spirit with tears streaming down her face, the emperor knelt down five or six steps away and cried: "The Empress Dowager,"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the emperor came on his knees.He dragged his knees, the dark robe on his body dragged on his heels, and sobbed to the knees of Empress Dowager Huiwen.

The Empress Dowager Hui Wen was frightened, she opened her eyes wide, and didn't bend down until the emperor was near her knees, then bent down and touched his shoulder and cried loudly to dissuade him: "Emperor, don't do this."

(End of this chapter)

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