my british empire

Chapter 317 Joint Operations

Chapter 317 Joint Operations
ps: The second update, ask for tickets and subscription
After hearing Earl Lannox's words, the nobles nodded their heads in agreement from the bottom of their hearts.

The monarch of England's ambition for Scotland is simply the sun in the sky, shining brightly, and has never concealed it.

For this reason, the Scots allied with the French in order to resist the ambitions of the English.

However, it still cannot stop England's ambitions. In the past few years, Scotland finally honored Edward VI and Queen Mary as co-monarchs in name, and Scotland and England became the United Kingdom.

But all of this still did not satisfy Edward.

After all, he is only a monarch in name, and Scotland's executive power, judicial power, military power, and half of the legislative power are not in his hands.

Every year, he can only enjoy some tax revenue, which is tens of thousands of pounds at most, as a poor Scot, so being a king is meaningless.

Therefore, leading an army of [-] this time, he is preparing to take Scotland into his arms once and for all.

"Then we can only unite with the church, otherwise it will be difficult to resist the English!"

Earl Allen, who was sitting on the main seat, frowned slightly when he heard the words, and said.

"No, absolutely not!" David Beaton, who had been a silent listener, that is, His Excellency David Beaton, Archbishop of the Diocese of Scotland, was excited like a fox whose tail had been stepped on when he heard that peace was to be negotiated. shouted.

"The group of hypocrites must never be forgiven, even if Scotland is annexed by the English, it is impossible to negotiate peace with the group of hypocrites!"

As a staunch Protestant among the nobles, David Beaton would never give up this good opportunity to suppress Catholics, even at the expense of Scotland's interests.

There is a reason for this. Apart from his dissatisfaction with the Church of Rome and the devouring interests of the Church of Scotland, what dissatisfies David Beaton the most is that he has not been able to marry a wife and has no heirs.

Of course, it doesn't mean that he has no children. He already has several illegitimate daughters and illegitimate children, but the legitimate descendants born without a wife are not considered to have heirs.

Finally, the eldest brother died, and he became the patriarch, but he has no heirs.

In this way, the earl's title will be passed on to the collateral, which is unacceptable.

Therefore, sweeping away Catholicism and accepting Protestantism is the most important thing for David Beaton.

"Yes, absolutely not, I agree with Archbishop Beaton's proposal!"

Earl Lannox on the side also echoed loudly, very resolutely.

Then, most of the nobles also objected in unison, expressing their opposition to such a proposal.

Earl Argyle looked at it strangely when he heard the words, and then he realized it in his heart.

"After the peace talks, we can't continue to embezzle the church property. How can we stop if we haven't made up the shortfall!"

Thinking about it this way, Earl Argyle immediately abandoned the idea of ​​peace talks, and his shortfall has not yet been fully made up.

At this time, a guard came in, knelt down on one knee, and said loudly:
"My lord, the English have sent envoys to ask for an audience!"

At this time, the arguing voices stopped immediately, and they all looked outside the door.

"Let him in! Listen to what the young His Majesty wants to say?"

Earl Argyle glanced at Bishop Beaton and Earl Lannox, and after receiving approval, he ordered:

"Let him in!"

After a while, a well-dressed middle-aged man walked in.

"Good day, my lords!"

"Your Excellency, I don't know what orders His Majesty the King has!"

Earl Argyle stood up, bowed slightly to him, and returned the gift in a very aristocratic style.

"Hehe! My lords, His Majesty the King is a hundred miles away at this time. He entrusted me with a message to you all!"

The messenger looked around, glanced at the densely packed nobles in the tent, and said with a smile.

"Oh? It's my honor to wait, please sit down and talk!"

Earl Argyle welcomed him in quickly, and said kindly.

The envoy also smiled when he heard the words, sat down obediently, and then continued:

"Everyone, His Majesty the King let me here to tell everyone that it's time to choose again!"

After the messenger's words fell, the entire tent was suddenly quiet, only the sound of the wind blowing could be heard.

Another choice.

The nobles still remember that the last choice was Edinburgh. At that time, for their own lives and property, the nobles collectively sold the Stuart royal family, and even established it in the form of legislation.

And this time, another choice came.

Whether to unite with the church or unite with the monarch in name, this is the question.

But is this really the problem?Nobles say it's easy.

In this way, in front of the envoy, the nobles discussed each other sentence by sentence.

After half an hour, the nobles finally made a choice.

"Your Excellency the Messenger, we are willing to follow His Majesty's suggestion and work together to destroy those hypocrites!"

Earl Argyle stood up and said with a smile on behalf of the nobles.

"Very well, Your Excellency the Earl, and all your lords, this is the wisest choice!"

The messenger smiled heartily and shook hands with him.

The two did not discuss the specific conditions. They knew that this would need to be discussed slowly after His Majesty the King met with them.

As for why Edward would choose to unite the nobles to deal with the church forces, this is almost obvious.

First of all, he only has [-] troops. If he wants to annihilate the nobles and the church in one fell swoop, it is wishful thinking and impossible!

In addition, if you dry up the parliament, you will get more benefits, which is much better than drying up the current shriveled nobles.

Therefore, Edward chose to unite with the nobles immediately, and the nobles chose to agree without hesitation.

This is a smart choice.

Two days later, more than 1 troops of the nobles and Edward's [-] troops began to join forces. The Marquis of Wellington, who was stationed in Edinburgh, also led [-] soldiers to join the peace.

Viscount Dio and Viscount Smith each led hundreds of private troops to join forces.

All of a sudden, Edward was no different from the army of the Scottish nobles.

Moreover, most of Edward's army is mercenaries and guards. It can be said that it can basically completely crush the noble army.

As an aristocrat, especially a king, and to a certain extent, it is a kind of civil war, so it is natural to need a high-sounding reason to fight.

After our Majesty the King united with the nobles, he immediately raised the banner of exterminating the hypocrites and traitors, and led the united army towards the church army.

Hearing that the English and Scottish nobles had united, the bishops of the church turned on the mode of scolding mothers one after another, and all kinds of curses were endless.

However, nature cannot prevent the decisive battle from coming.

(End of this chapter)

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