my british empire

Chapter 318 Closing

Chapter 318 Closing
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On this day, the wind was sunny and everything was revived. The birds flapped their wings in terror, chirped, and flew around, with sharp beaks, as if they couldn't stop talking.

For this decisive battle, the location was chosen on a flat ground near the church army, which was large enough to accommodate the battle of tens of thousands of troops.

Originally, Edward took the stance of taking the lead, and the army hurried to the vicinity of the church army barracks, half-surrounded it, in an attempt to coerce them to surrender.

Naturally, the church army would not give in. After a few days of confrontation, the two armies agreed on a place to start a decisive battle.

To be honest, Edward was originally planning to launch a surprise attack, or a strong attack.

An aboveboard decisive battle is completely inconsistent with the status of a traverser, and it also contradicts his thinking of winning victory by any means.

However, the old-fashioned Scottish nobles still demanded the implementation of ancient traditions, and expressed incomprehension of his proposal, and even said that it would be disgraceful to violate the noble traditions directly, and only a villain would do such a despicable act?

Seeing this, Edward was so angry that his forehead hurt, and he had the urge to throw the table at that time.

This group of old-fashioned aristocrats accounted for half of the troops, and Edward reluctantly chose to submit.

And the church army who had been defending seemed to be a little unwilling, and directly launched a battle.

Of course, only Edward knew that this was because there was not much food in the church army, and he had cut off the logistics supply, so he could only choose to fight with tears in his eyes.

So, today, Edward set up a large army to compete with the church army.

There are more than 3 people on Edward's side, and more than 1 people on the church side, almost double the gap.

On the side of the coalition army, the soldiers strode forward with their heads held high. The strong wind was blowing the banners of the royal family and other nobles. Lost voice.

Before the battle, there was no dialogue with each other, and Edward didn't want to talk nonsense, so he pulled out the army and started directly.

On the side of the church, Russell is still in command.

At this moment, his face was full of seriousness, without a trace of a smile, and he stared straight ahead, that is, the fluttering red and white rose flag.

"Let's attack!" Closing his eyes, Russell said helplessly, the bitterness in the corner of his mouth couldn't be restrained no matter what.

The sudden arrival of the King of England and the rapid rebellion of the nobles put him and the church in an extremely unfavorable situation. It can be said that there is little hope.

In this regard, Russell can only choose to put all his eggs in one basket. He has no choice, and the same is true for other bishops.

They knew that His Majesty Edward, who believed in Protestantism, joined forces with those hungry wolf-like nobles, and there was absolutely no good ending waiting for them. This was also their helpless choice!

On the side of the United Army, the uniforms of England are red and white, and the uniforms of the nobles are blue and gray.

The Church Army, on the other hand, was wearing black linen clothes with white crosses embroidered on them, which was very conspicuous.

At this time, the blue-gray troops of the nobles were the first to be dispatched, marching towards the church in a hurry, attacking with arrogance and arrogance.

Relying on the command power in their hands, the nobles could only obey Edward's orders and act as vanguards.

Tens of thousands of pikemen attacked, but the church side did not take the initiative and defended on the spot.

I saw a large number of strong soldiers suddenly appearing in the front row of the church, dragging a thick wooden shield about seven feet long in their hands, and put it down on the spot, giving a great deterrent to the advancing soldiers on the noble side.

"This, I didn't expect the Scots to do this trick, and the Spaniard's method has been noticed!"

Looking at the rows of wooden shields, Edward shook his head, thinking inwardly.

According to the Spanish phalanx model, large-scale shields are implemented in front, and spears are exposed in the gaps to prevent cavalry from charging.

The horse will naturally turn to the sharp wooden sign formation in front, exposing the infantry behind.

Afterwards, the archers, gunners, and musketeers in the back row attacked all at once.

This is the essence of the Spanish phalanx, which defeated the medieval armies.

The Spanish phalanx without artillery and muskets is at most just more resistance, and it can't stop the general trend much.

Besides, having more obstacles is not a bad thing for him.

"Let those nobles taste the pain!"

Sure enough, the spearmen approached step by step, but were stopped by shields that were as tall as a person, and the archers behind took advantage of the situation and released sharp arrows.

In an instant, the grey-blue army that couldn't advance or retreat was blocked there, being massacred by the church army.

As a result, the nobles immediately dispatched cavalry.

However, the number of cavalry is not enough, and it is still unable to break through the strictly guarded church army.

Seeing that their army was dying, the nobles immediately panicked, and hurriedly begged to see the young king, asking him to send troops to attack.

Edward dawdled for a while, and after he couldn't delay the time, he sent out a large army to attack.

The church army, which had been pumping up all the time, was able to persist with the same size of the noble army, but with an army twice the size, this was not a straw, but a mountain, which directly crushed.

As a result, Noble Lun, who had been beaten for a long time, cheered up and attacked wantonly.

Cooperating with the English army, a gap suddenly appeared in the shield soldiers, and then a big defeat came.

"Victory! Victory, the war is still so simple!"

Edward was riding on the horse, facing the front, with a gratified smile on his face, and his voice went with the wind.

More than 1 people were like fleeing lambs in a panic, being chased wantonly by a group of hungry wolves.

In this era, don't expect the army to regroup and retreat slowly and orderly.

As long as it is washed away, an army with low quality is like quicksand, and it is easy to go.

Come in a hurry, go in a hurry.

It is impossible in reality to fight back and forth in a stalemate like in movies and TV!
Therefore, after seeing the precarious scene ahead, Russell and the bishops hurriedly walked towards the camp under the escort of loyal and strong mercenaries around them.

The United Army brandished the long spears in their hands recklessly, striding forward, gaining military merits within reach.

Watching the fan-shaped army drifting away, Edward raised his binoculars and watched the fleeing bishops in rich clothes approaching their own camp.

He knew that next, those bishops would definitely surrender, and he just had to think about what treaty they would sign with blood.

"Earl Lannox, Marquess of Edinburgh, let the soldiers come back! There is nothing to gain now!"

Edward put down the binoculars in his hand, and whispered to the two Marquis beside him!
Next, the most important thing is the group of nobles, the church has ended in Scotland!
(End of this chapter)

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