my british empire

Chapter 327 The Troubled Bard

Chapter 327 The Troubled Bard
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For blacks, Edward actually minded a lot.

Though the negroes were strong and hardworking (in the case of the whip), we have since experience taught that such a thing in too many numbers must have done great damage to English society.

For example, under the rule of the white people, South Africa has leapt into the ranks of developed countries and even made a few atomic bombs in silence. If the situation continues, South Africa's future will be limitless.

However, no matter how well you develop, you are not as good as others.

As a result, the blacks who came to work in South Africa relied on their numbers, seized power in an instant, and turned South Africa into a developing country. It is really an eye-opener!

In order to maintain the purity of the Anglo-Saxon race and maintain his own rule, the great King Edward VI learned the fine traditions of the Arabs and ordered the House of Lords and the House of Commons to enact laws:
Any person or organization that transports such black races into lands ruled by the royal families such as England, Scotland, and Wales must ensure that they must be castrated.

Moreover, the owner of the purchase must register with the government and pay the due slave tax.

—Time, 1553, June [-]st.

Yes, my Majesty the King has not missed a chance of making money by establishing such a tax.

Moreover, Edward also stipulated that black females are not allowed to be imported, and offenders will be punished with a ransom that is [-] times their value, and they need to be returned to their original place of ownership.

In this way, Edward did not believe that the blacks in England would continue to multiply.

However, in this way, due to unqualified castration techniques, many innocent black people died painfully, which led to the appreciation of the price of black slaves.

However, the slave attributes and strong physique of black people still make various factory owners and even ranchers flock to them.

After all, blacks are still very familiar with the work of shepherding.

Cheap and durable black slaves flooded into England like water, filling large and small factories and even pastures in England.

And the large-scale plush products flowed to Spain, Portugal, and the Mediterranean coast along with merchant ships.

It brought huge wealth to England and a lot of taxes to His Majesty the King.

Tariffs, for example, are rising at an annual rate of [-] percent.

Back to the topic.

The conversation was lively in the tavern, and people were also discussing it lively, but they couldn't help sighing in their hearts while they were talking.

"Bristol Port, what a magical place!"

Although the Southampton port has grown in size due to the prosperity of trade, black slaves are rare.

One is that since this year, His Majesty the King has released other ports' right to import black slaves, and Bristol has not been allowed to monopolize it all the time.

The second is because of the monopoly position of Bristol port, even if other ports are released, businessmen still prefer to take a long way and go to Bristol port habitually.

Thinking of this, everyone's interest in the long-known black slave suddenly decreased a lot.

Everyone lives in the Port of Southampton, and they are naturally in a bad mood when their Port of Southampton is surpassed by the Port of Bristol.

Port of Bristol.

A city in southwestern England, and also a young city, was established in 1542. The entire urban area is run through the city by the Avon River, and the northeast borders on the north, Somerset and South Gloucestershire.

Because of its proximity to Ireland, it happened that the Tudor monarchs were keen to develop Ireland, so the city prospered.

Of course, the more important reason is that to the left of it is the endless Atlantic Ocean, and it is the best port to go to the Atlantic Ocean.

During the 15th and 16th centuries, Europe launched a wave of developing the New World of America, and Bristol, facing the Atlantic Ocean, was the center of the slave trade, and a large number of slaves were traded to the Americas.

According to historical records, from 1700 to 1807, more than 50 slave ships docked in Bristol and sold more than [-] black Africans to America as slaves.

"Excuse me, may I ask, are you discussing the Port of Bristol?"

Just as the voices of everyone's discussion gradually became smaller, a burst of greetings suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.

The tall and thin man sitting in the middle spoke with a voice and looked up. There was a young man looking gentle in front of a small fire pond nearby. He had a sorry expression on his face and looked at him sincerely. If you don’t know, I thought he was interested in men!

"Sir, I'm really sorry to bother you. I just overheard you talking about the Port of Bristol. Excuse me, is the Port of Bristol famous?"

The young man's voice was pleasant, and it sounded more comfortable than a woman's, which made people subconsciously immerse themselves in it.

Although his face is heavily weathered, it can still be seen that he is a handsome young man, and even has an extremely handsome appearance, which makes the tall and thin man feel a little dazed.

As he said that, the handsome man got up and gradually walked over. Only then did the tall and thin man notice the harp in his hand, and then he suddenly realized that he was a troubadour.

It was rare to see a troubadour in England recently, and the tall and thin man also got up and greeted him friendly.

"How do you do, sir, the port of Bristol is famous indeed!"

The tall and thin man said in his mouth, but his eyes were full of doubts.

"Oh! I just arrived in Southampton a few days ago, from Calais, a troubadour!"

The troubadour, Besven, naturally sensed the doubts on the other side, and smiled softly.

"I see, then, if you don't mind, you can come here and I'll explain it to you!"

The tall and thin man glanced at the troubadour, thinking that he might be of noble origin and belonged to the "Trobado" among the troubadours.

Trobardo and Trobal are two major factions of troubadours, both of which originate in Italy, while the former are mostly noble knights, with profound culture and solid musical skills. Works such as Charlie the Lionheart are all is their writing.

Therefore, when the tall and thin man saw this young poet of the same status, he immediately invited him.

Being with these ordinary people, he seemed extraordinarily rustic, and you must know that his family was originally a baron. Although he was masturbated by Henry VIII, the long history and culture are still not comparable to these assholes.

The others looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't understand that Altaïr Stockton, who had always been arrogant and stubborn and difficult to communicate with, turned into a pleasant face and even received a stranger.

(End of this chapter)

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